Archive for economic warfare

Economic Theory & Reality: Revolution Now

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 15, 2020 by jtoddring

Know this: we must understand and boldly address economics in fundamental ways, or there is no hope, in terms of justice, prosperity, the environment, democracy, freedom, or peace, but only a black hole future of darkly dystopian, genocidal, ecocidal, and ultimately suicidal Orwellian corporate rule.

Economic theory and policy – what a morass. What a rotting bog! What a dung heap of self-justifying mass, systemic delusion and self-deceit. But we need to make sense of it, and cut through the fog, and urgently so. Why? Here is why.

  1. The real political philosophy, and the real, derivative economic policy that rule the world is, and has been for a long time, “Let them eat cake.” It is “the vile maxim of the masters”, as Adam Smith called it, which, as he said, is “All for us. Nothing for anybody else.” The currently ruling economic theory, model, paradigm or orthodoxy, which is neoliberalism, and its equally evil twin, neoconservatism, is simply a rationalization and a smoke screen for crony capitalism on steroids, which has over the past 50 years deliberately morphed itself, in silence, in a slow motion global corporate coup, into corporatism, which, as Mussolini said, is the merger of business and the state, and is the proper term for fascism. So, under cover of the ideological bullshit of a rising tide lifting all boats, or the trickle down theory, what we have is rabid class warfare and economic warfare, with the banking elite and the Fortune 100 biggest corporations, the richest 0.1%, devouring the poor, the middle class, small and medium businesses en mass, the real economy and economic infrastructure, the social infrastructure, and even the affluent and the merely rich, along with the planet, while amassing control of all assets, wealth, resources and power into their hands. And big government and big money are now fused into an all-consuming, ravenous, insatiable eating machine, that is not only eating the people and the planet alive, but also, all that remains of freedom, democracy and constitutional rule, driving us at break-neck speed into a barren and toxic, global dystopia that would make Orwell shudder.
  2. Ok, that was several major problems listed together, for they are inseparably linked to the central problem, which is excessive concentration of power – and that CANNOT be resolved by limiting or even dissolving government and political power merely. It requires limiting and placing strict checks on both political and also economic power. And that, by now, requires fiercesome anti-trust action to break up the entire corporate oligarchy, and, with possibly a few exceptions, break up the Fortune 1000 corporations competely. I would urge we break them up immediately, which requires Gandhian revolution, and distribute their assets to the people broadly, and globally, since they have been stripping assets globally, and turn each corporate empire into a coordinated federation of local democratic co-ops, with ownership divided in shares among three main groups: the local workers, the local community, and the global community of citizens. But however we do it, we must break them up immediately, or they will devour us, and all life on Earth along with us. Make no mistake.

Does a free market economy work? No, all questions of justice aside, it simply implodes. Chile tried it under Pinoche. It was a disaster economically, as well as sociologically. (See Naomi Klein and Greg Palast) A mixed economy had to be reintroduced to stem the hemorrhaging, and restart the collapsed economy.

Does elite run central planning work? Not well, and it creates a gulag society, as China and the USSR have shown. Not remotely acceptable, though the West has now adopted it in 2020, ominously.

Do locally owned, economically democratic co-ops work? Yes, it is amply proven. Mondragon and myriad examples prove it beyond doubt. And it is a model with vast emancipatory power, which we have barely glimpsed so far.

What must be done?

First, remove the bankers and other corporate elites from power. Nothing changes until that happens. We are living in a dreamworld if we think otherwise. That means revolution. Get ready for it. It is coming, and fast. And the enormously heightened feeding frenzy and class warfare, the ramped up, feverish economic warfare of the plutocrats on the other 99.9% of humanity in 2020 will mean that: a) economic collapse is coming fast; and b) civil war and revolution will follow right behind; with c) ruthless fascist repression unleashed in response, and rationalized in order to restore “order”.

We need to restore the power of democratically elected governments at three levels, firstly – national, provincial/state, and local. This is necessary in order to reign in the business elites, as Chomsky has emphasized, though his long term vision accords with Bertrand Russell’s, Bookchin’s and mine, which is libertarian socialism: which means freedom with compassion and cooperation, or mutual aid. Libertarians and anarchists must understand this, or tyranny is all we can expect.

After restoring democratic power to the nations, states and provinces, and to local communities, and removing the business elite from their current position as the new technocratic, neofeudal, fascist overlords, both of which are urgently required and unavoidable; then, and only then, can we decentralize power further. First things first: we must remove the neoliberal and neoconservative fascists from power, and now.

In the short term, democratic nations with mixed economies, serious anti-trust policies, free and fair trade, and both serious anti-pollution laws and green New Deal economic stimulus programs, and above all, dethroning the bankers, by ditching fiat money, implementing a tax on financial speculation, instituting serious capital controls, and dethroning the Fortune 100 by de-chartering them and breaking them up via vigorous and fearless anti-trust action (Teddy Roosevelt would understand), and restoring full constitutional rights for all, would take us a long way, and very rapidly if we have the will, toward a peaceful, clean, green, just, and free world, and a better world for all.

It’s not rocket science. Economics is the dismal science. In truth it is medieval, scholastic, quasi-religious, pseudo-science run by high priests who are as indoctrinated as they are deluded. The whole “profession” is awash in delusion and systemic self-deceit, and functionally serves to rationalize and justify rabidly anti-democratic, world-razing, sociopathic elite rule and global looting and pillaging, the strip-mining of people and the planet, and the cancerous consumption of all life. Remove the crypto-fascist sociopaths from power, and we can swiftly make real, rapid progress from there. Dethrone the oligarchs and their high priests, and we will be half way there.

The moderate grassroots right understand that the core problem is authoritarian technocratic corporate oligarchy, just as the saner minds on the left understand it. In fact, my estimate is that 30% of the people, who are on the moderate right, and 30% of the people who are on the left, understand this fact, and what needs to be done, which is to remove the oligarchs from power. Only the timid 30% in the centre quiver in their boots at such bold statements and bold propositions. Well, to hell with the eternally vacant and spineless centre, I say. Unite the right and the left, and let’s get on with the revolution and the task at hand. Remove the fascist bipartisan corporate elite from power, restore freedom and constitutional democracy, or the republic if you prefer that term, and return the power to the people, where it rightfully belongs, and we will be well on our way to a better world for all.

Don’t let the Orwellian-Machiavellian swindlers fool you. The core problem really is that simple to fix: remove the crooks from power. Restore power to the people, and now.


September 15, 2020

The Maxims of Empire

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 11, 2020 by jtoddring

(And the Maxims of Liberation)

There are at least six known, central maxims which all emperors understand and employ, which have been used for millennia by the elite in order to control, rule over, and generally fleece and rob, oppress and exploit the people. They are:

1. Divide and conquer: keep the people separate.

2. Bread and circuses: keep the people distracted.

3. Necessary illusions: keep them fed on lies, half-truths and illusions which rationalize and support the elite agendas of the emperors.

4. Sow dependency on the great benefactors and saviours – which means, of course, US: keep the people believing that the ruling elite are not simply self-serving parasites, rentiers, and sociopathic plunderers and slavers of the people, but their great liberators and most desperately needed protectors, even messiahs – their only salvation from certain doom.

5. Psychological and economic warfare: keep the people weak, and preferably in debt bondage, afraid, isolated, and demoralized – never let the people unite; and even more importantly, never let them realize their power.

6. Elitist fantasies and other cultural supports for empire must rule the public mind: Promulgate and promote ideologies, philosophies, paradigms, cultural attitudes and worldviews that support elite rule, oligarchy over democracy and freedom, and elite agendas that allow for the continued pillaging and subjugation of the people and the planet. The rabidly anti-democratic Plato, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, along with authoritarianism, militarism, along post-modernist nihilism, neo-Malthusianism, social Darwinism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and – above all – classism, an alienating and isolating, atomizing ethos of narcisistic consumerism, materialism, egocentrism, selfish individualism, misanthropy, cynicisn, fatalism, conformist pseudo-individualism and digital escapism, instant gratification,  technocracy, neoliberalism, corporate globalization, globalism and corporatism, are a few that, among others, are core.

Any real resistance to tyranny, injustice and oppression must sooner or later come to understand these principles of empire, or else remain forever subjugated.

Our responses should be clear enough from this.


Maxims of Liberation

In case the conclusions from the former principles are not clear, we can say the following.

These are a few of the central maxims of liberation:

1. Unity in diversity: unite the people. And it must be a unity amidst diversity, or else it is not truly uniting the people; and moreover, any other form of unity will not last, but will collapse.

2. Bread and roses: uplift the people with a reminder of the central challenges of the time, and the courage to confront them directly.

3. Necessary awakenings: speak the truth and expose lies. It is true that the truth shall set you free. Cutting through lies and illusions, therefore, is the central revolutionary task of liberation.

4. Sow empowerment: both individually and also collectively, both materially and psychologically, uplift, inspire and empower the people. Above all, awaken people to their fundamental unity, and to their power.

5. Economic warfare: unleash the power of the many united. With that, liberation from any and all fetters, tyranny and chains, can and will be won. What does that mean? It means the 99.9% vs the 0.1%. And this is how we defeat them, in order to achieve a greater equality, justice, freedom and peace, and in order to secure real democracy; and most urgently, to secure a viable future for humanity on this Earth.

The latter can take on many forms, including: community economic development; sensible, green and just national economic development; building resiliency at all levels; debt cancellation; a fair tax system; rejection of neoliberalism and corporate glbalization; abrogation of unjust and anti-democratic “trade” or other agreements; a tax on currency speculation; nationalizing central banks; serious anti-trust action, and the breaking up of monopolies and cartels – especially the big banks, big media and big tech; and co-op movements, co-op banking, buy local movements, small scale farmers’ movements; along with boycotts, divestments, strikes, move your money campaigns, shareholder activism, and blockades.

6. Democracy and solidarity; not oligarchy and globalism: What we need is internationalism within democratic federations, not corporate globalism or globalization; or what has been called globalization from below. In short, we need citizen-based participatory democracy, not elite rule, or rule by corporations, technocrats, oligarchs and plutocrats, or billionaires and their minions.

7. Revolution. Serious change is urgently required for the continuation of human life on Earth. This requires a systems change, not mild reforms. Systemic change requires the removal of the corporate oligarchy from their current position as de facto rulers of the world. In sum, the change needed is from oligarchy to citizens’ democracy and self-government. And by now, that means, and requires, revolution.

This is, of course, an incomplete list, but it is a good foundation, and a very good start.

We should remember as well, that while Che may inspire some, and Adam Smith may inspire others, it is Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. who are our better guides.

Above all, we must realize this:

There is no time to spare. These principles will help us. But we must act now.



April 11, 2020

The Greatest Depression Begins

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on April 6, 2020 by jtoddring

Goldman Sachs predicts a 34% contraction of economy in Q2 alone, after revising their estimate up ftom 24% – and they are the optimistic ones! This is bigger than the Great Depression, by the look of it. Thanks to fascist lockdown. It’s economic warfare: the elite vs the 99%. As both Adam Smith and George Carlin said, “They want it all.”


April 5, 2020


Smart moves: slash spending; save every penny; plant a garden; buy (physical) gold and silver, Bitcoins, solar panels and heritage organic seeds; build resilience in all levels and ways; build community; nourish body, spirit and mind; help one another: and get ready for revolution. This last round of looting and “creative destruction” by the disaster capitalists, the kleptocratic oligarchs, the corporate elite, will not be tolerated long.


My essay, Global Geopolitics 2020

Trends Journal – always, and especially now

And the Kieser Report:

Waiting For The Crazed Clown Show To End – Or, Welcome To The Brave New World

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 5, 2020 by jtoddring

I don’t know when I will be able to go to the gym or library again, or a park, or my favourite local bookstore or record store – or whether they will still be in business when this is over, if it does indeed end; or when I will be able to leave the country (what is this, the Soviet Union?); or when I will be able to see my daughter, who has been kept separated from me for nearly a month now, in her own separate quarantine – under mass house arrest, like the other three billion of us.

Remember how people lost their minds, so to speak, in utter outrage at Trump separating families – as they rightfully were outraged? Well, this is pervasive now. We now have a world filled to the gills with governments that make Trump look like an arch anti-authoritarian.

When this crazed clown show that is being imposed by our neoliberal, eternally benevolent, corporatist, fascist governments will end, I do not know. But I pray it is soon, for the sake of us all. The Western elite, as is also happening in the East, are killing people en mass by economic warfare. The people cannot, and should not, and will not, take much more.

No, we do not accept the sweeping, draconian, authoritarian, quite literally fascist powers the elite have granted themselves, in what looks like a bid to out-do China in totalitarian control; nor do we accept the sweeping away of our cherished liberties, which our parents, our grandparents, and our great grandparents  fought and died for.

The draconian, authoritarian, literally fascist measures of mass quarantine and enforced “social distancing” are not helpful, do not protect life, have no valid scientific basis, and are utterly unjustified. Moreover, they are killing millions slowly through economic warfare – far more, many orders of magnitude more, than will die by this virus.

And do note: the people and governments who have been implementing, colluding with, or cheer-leading the present extreme, draconian, fascist measures, are going to take a severe hit to their credibility, and very soon.

(You’d better start back-peddling now – though it will be on record, and remembered, have no fear. You sorry lot will not be forgotten. Your credibility is now shot.)

Check the numbers for a critical, and urgently needed regaining of perspective. 58,000 deaths globally from coronavirus in the past four months, vs 110,000 from the common flu, 1.9 million from cancer, and 2.3 million from poverty and hunger – numbers which are soaring now, thanks to the fascist lockdown and economic warfare waged by the elite.

This global wave of authoritarianism has nothing to do with protecting public health – despite what the dim-witted bureaucrats and rank and file medical community may firmly believe. This is about power.

And no, it is not just far right governments like Modi, BoJo and Trump, but the equally far right corporatist neoliberals in Canada, Europe, and around the world, as well.

This is a bipartisan corporate fascist coup on a global scale.

And no, the people will not take much more.

The voices of sanity, which were just a handful only a few weeks ago, are growing in number. Even the BBC is tolerating (some slight) dissent! Lo and behold. Wonders never cease.

The unanimity of propaganda and group think is beginning to crack. However, there is a long way to go to cut through the fog, the manufactured panic, the hysteria, the fear-mongering “divide and conquer” strategy which is the core of what this is about, and the lies – and there is no time to spare.

The major media, the alternative media, and most governments and health authorities, have failed the people completely and utterly – including the WHO, of course, which has been effectively bought and paid for by Big Pharma for some time.

Remember the lesson from Saddam’s WMDs. Or the total corruption of the OPCW. Have we learned nothing? Remember that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Moreover, as Goethe said, “Those who cannot learn from 5,000 years of history are living hand to mouth.”


To repeat, this is a global neoliberal/neoconservative joint endeavour which is nothing less than a corporate fascist coup. It is the oligarchy, both East and West, consolidating their power, because the rapidly growing wave of popular protests were terrifying them, and they are afraid of losing power.

This is the elite’s response to a global crisis of legitimacy, which, by 2019 had reached the tipping point. Their reaction is clear: it is a fascist lockdown.

Note the war criminal Henry Kissinger’s statement on COVID-19: “The world will never be the same after the coronavirus.” This statement, remember, is from the man who is on record as having ordered genocide in South-East Asia – “Send everything that flies. Kill everything that moves.”

Time to wake up. This is a power grab.

April 4, 2020


See my recent articles for further information, references, critical facts and analysis:

Coronavirus (COVID-19): The Central Facts

Elite Power Games: Any Enemy Will Do – Even A Virus

Coronavirus: Hype Confirmed, Fascism Confirmed

Global Geopolitics Analysis 2020: Sinking All Ships (But Our Own): Elite Aim To Sink Global Economy, In Order To Consolidate Global Neo-Feudal Corporate Rule

The Most Dangerous Epidemic Of All

Tipping Point Is Near: It Is Now Revolution, Or Extinction & Slow Death

Hurray For the Daft! (That’s Us)

Flash-Drive Revolution – and – Who To Trust?


See also:

Trends Journal


The Corbett Report

The Centre for Research on Globalization

Peter Hitchens

John Pilger

Barbara Honegger

Piers Robinson

And especially the following article:

Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’, Barbara Honegger, American herald Tribune, March 23, 2020

And the following podcast interview:

Piers Robinson: Is Coronavirus the New 9/11?

Apr 2, 2020,  in Podcast

Piers Robinson: Is Coronavirus the New 9/11?


And this above all, confirms yet again what should have been obvious all along:

Official Figures: COVID-19 Yet to Impact Europe’s Overall Mortality

Year-to-date statistics show excess mortality lower than previous years


These few sources, along with myself, are the only ones at present, that I know of, who are getting it right on the coronavirus event.