Archive for collapse

The Decline Of The US Empire & The Rising Star Of Mexico

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 7, 2024 by jtoddring

I’ve written extensively and in depth, for decades, in two published books and over a thousand published articles, with tens of thousands of references, on the rapidly shifting state of the world, the causes and major factors and historical unfolding of these changes, what it all means and entails, and what we must do about it. The following brief set of thoughts is the most concise possible summary of just one facet of these great, global tectonic shifts, which are now underway and accelerating fast. That is: a few brief, pithy thoughts on Mexico, the rising star of Latin America, in comparison with the declining and collapsing US empire and broader Western world.

Of course, no one should take my words as unquestionable gospel truth – nor take anyone’s word on anything: examine things for yourself; question everything. Think for yourself. These words should spark fresh thought, and begin a quest for truth and understanding, or galvanize and reaffirm such a quest. Provocative statements should spark thought and further the quest for truth, not curtail it. Let us bear that in mind always.

Amidst the US and Western media making its usual suspect and dubious pronouncements of “facts”, almost all of which are sheer propaganda, the actual facts, the truth, will sound shocking to some people. That is to be expected. The Western media is owned and controlled by the same oligarchy that seeks a consistent agenda around the world: divide, demoralize, disempower, dispirit, distract, loot, pillage and subjugate the people, by means of both propaganda and force, in order to further consolidate, protect and expand the power and wealth of the richest 1%. Of course the major media presents a make-believe image of the world, in order to camouflage the criminal actions of the elite, while deceiving the people into supporting, or at least docilely acquiescing to, the same criminal actions of the ruling oligarchy. How could we expect anything else of them?

The rising star of Mexico – and the declining, now collapsing, US empire and broader Western world: in a nutshell – a thesis to be corroborated or disproved, not simply skoffed away because it does not fit comfortably with our comforting delusions:

The reality is that Mexico, with the leadership of its new president, AMLO, is far more democratic, far more free, and far less corrupt, than the US, Canada, Britain or Europe. The corporate-state media won’t tell you that, of course, because they are deeply corrupt, functioning as a propaganda system for the ruling corporate oligarchy. If this is surprising to anyone, it means you need to read more, question more, and turn off the mainstream media. Now.

Question more. Assume less.


February 7, 2024


Today I move to Mexico. At midnight I fly.

Worth watching:

Also worth watching, as more food for thought:

with my response to Ben Norton, on the video below:

My response:

Excellent as usual, Ben. Do have a look at my own work, as well. It’s all over the web.


J. Todd Ring:

Enlightened Democracy

The People vs The Elite

And much more…

On WordPress, Substack, Rumble, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon.

More food for thought:

And here is another excellent video short, with the excellent Mexican-based journalist, John Ackerman:

Also excellent:

And another important video short:

Another important video, with the excellent Mexican-based journalist, Kurt Hackbarth:

And here is Kurt Hackbarth, interviewed on one of my top sources, Geopolitics & Empire, with the venerable Hrvoje Moric:

(See you in Mexico, John, Kurt, and Hrvoje!)

A Sinking Ship On Fire: The Dismal State Of A Civilization (sic) In Slow Motion Collapse

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 1, 2024 by jtoddring

(Written this morning as an open letter to a fine independent journalist)

Patrick, I found you on 21st Century Wire and was very impressed. Before I listen to this TNT talk on Rumble, and get a glimpse of your focus now, or foci, I want to say what comes to mind:

The thought was:

Dear Lord, I hope this isn’t too focused on the US. US politics are so sickeningly dismal and boring – like the politics of the country of my birth, Canada: nothing much ever happens that is positive in any big way, other than the watermark event of the truckers’ protest. Other than grassroots local action, not much of positive note ever happens in US or Canadian politics. It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck, or watching the Titanic go down.

Fortess North America – as the ruling power elite call it themselves (see my essays on the SPP) – as well as being one gulag under Davos, is now a sinking ship on fire, with the captain, crew, and the great majority of the passengers, all completely insane. Focusing on that is like slowing down on the highway to gawk at a multi-car pile-up collission, with bodies and body parts and flaming debris scattered about the road. What’s the point? Lend aid, or man the lifeboats, but don’t expect a change of course!

As the world’s leading cultural historian, Moriss Berman has said, It’s too late. It’s collapsing. It’s going down. And it’s now unstoppable. Trying to change the course of the US or North America, or the broader Western world now, would be, as Berman said, like trying to turn around an aircraft carrier in a bathtub.

The ship is going down. Leave now. Or if not, batten the hatches, and brace for impact.

The new renaissance that is now emerging, and the hope for the world, is no longer centred in the US, Europe, or the West. It’s in the Global South. That’s where the action is. That’s where the hope is. The US, Canada, Britain and Europe, sadly to say, are now plunging fast into a neo-feudal Dark Age. Get the fuck out now.

And who cares what clown is “elected” as El Presidente in the new banana republic of the USSA? The chance of real, significant positive change coming from that office is extremely small – slim to nil, as Doug Casey says, and Slim’s out of town.

It’s the collapse of the Roman Empire all over again. Berman, Jane Jacobs and others were right: it’s a Dark Age ahead for the former “First World” nations of the sinking ship that is “The West”.

Leave now. The hope is elsewhere.


February 1, 2024

Villa Samadhi,


Money: It’s Value & Nature In A Time Of Collapse

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 8, 2024 by jtoddring

Larning more about the nature and history of money, we eventually realize that money is simply a promissary note, valuable only because we agree it is valuable, a useful social fiction, or token system, useful for exchange of real goods or services, or possibly for savings (minus inflation, hyper-inflation and currency collapse, which is now imminent), but having no intrinsic value in itself, at least in its current form. But it can be used, for now, for things that do have real value, such as land, seeds, tools, business start-up capital, food, shelter, health care, transportation or medicine, or the building of parallel systems and entire communities.

Given the financial collapse coming, it would be smart for people to invest their money into such useful things now, before their money becomes worthless.


Villa Samadhi Ecovillage,


January 8, 2024

Global Tectonic Shift: The Rise Of China & The Collapse Of The West

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 6, 2024 by jtoddring

To more deeply understand China’s rise, and the decline of the West, see my essay, The Failure Of Propaganda & The Resort To Fascism, which traces the history of the last 60 years. But I will summarize this global tectonic shift, or major parts of it, here. Hold onto your hats. The world is being turned upside down.

Essentially, the Western power elite, namely the business elite, always despised democracy (see Chomsky’s, Necessary Illusions), and despised competition, and sought oligarchy, monopolies and empire; thus, they despised FDR’s New Deal compromise between the 1% and the 99%, and ached to roll it back and obliterate it, prefering fascism, in fact (see my essay, Smedley Butler & The Business Plot). When an outbreak of democracy occurred in the 1960s, that was the red line crossed, in the minds of the ruling Western business elite. It was bad enough to share a bit of the wealth – but sharing the power was out of the question.

The Pentagon Papers, the Powell Memorandum, Tragedy & Hope, Between Two Ages, and The Crisis Of Democracy, spelled out the reaction and the plans of the Western power elite, in response to the threat of democracy. The plan was to gut the Western middle class and labour movement in order to crush Western democracy and popular power, by de-industrialization, offshoring manufacturing to China and other low wage countries, leaving the people of the West crippled and weak, unable to resist the globalist, neo-feudal, techno-fascist rule of the Western corporate elite. This is why Rockefeller sent his henchman, Kissinger, to open up China in the 1970s, and why trillions of dollars of capital was moved from the West into China over the past 50 years.

Qui bono? Who benefitted from that grand plan? The Western oligarchy became stratospherically rich and powerful, while the Western nations were driven into becoming the new Third World, under the bootheel of a globalist, neo-feudal, techno-fascism. And CCP China is their business partner, despite the very real rivalry between the two biggest organized crime syndicates in history: the WEF and the Western imperial corporate-fascist syndicate; and its business partner and totalitarian mirror image in CCP China.

Clearly, we must now find a better way. See my books and other writings, including, Enlightened Democracy, The People vs The Elite, Sinking All Ships, Importing From China, The Failure Of Propaganda, The Worst Of Both Worlds, Flash Drive Revolution, The Collapse Of The West, and Slavery & Rebirth (coming soon), for a clear vision of what that is.

Hint: It does not involved fascism or totalitarianism, but places sovereignty, multi-polarity and freedom at its core. That is the only road to a future that is something other than dystopian. That is the road to a better world for all.

J. Todd Ring,
Villa Samadhi,
January 6, 2023

Excellent video here, linked below, by a brilliant analyst – but it is still superficial in its analysis. My essay above was my response directly to him, on YouTube, and to the world.
Basically you now have sino-phobes and sino-philes, and no truly intelligent commentary that avoids the twin mirages. Until now. Read my essay above. It’s pithy and it’s brief – and it crystalizes everything.

The 21st Century Crisis Of Civilization

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 25, 2023 by jtoddring

This is a reading list, not an article. I cannot repeat myself endlessly! Quality over quantity.

Excellent discussion here in the video below, but the discussion has a glaring avoidance of the political dimension. Such one-sided approaches are frankly doomed to failure, at least now, at this time in history, when radical change can not be left to a multi-generational, slow and gradual transformation.

See also:

The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

World As Lover, World As Self

Choosing Reality

The Hero With A Thousand Faces

The Perennial Philosophy

Dreamtime and Inner Space

A Short History Of Progress

Peak Everything

When Technology Fails

Ancient Futures

The Wayfinders


Year 501

Necessary Illusions

The Shock Doctrine

A Game As Old As Empire

Mutual Aid

The Chalice & The Blade

The Ecology Of Freedom

The Discourse On Voluntary Servitude

Walden and On Civil Disobedience

Oneness vs The 1%

And my own books and writings:

Enlightened Democracy

The People vs The Elite

The Failure Of Propaganda

Importing From China

Sinking All Ships

When Liberals & The Left Lose Their Minds

The Worst Of Both Worlds

Why The Left Libertarians Are Right

Flash Drive Revolution

The Collapse Of The West


Slavery vs Rebirth,

– Which together, synthesize the core reading list above, and much, much more.

Note also:

The answer to our 21st century crisis of civilization cannot be found in the psychological-philosophical-spiritual-cultural spheres alone. The political-economic sphere must also be directly, and urgently, simultaneously addressed – as my work and Vandana Shiva’s work do, and to a frankly rare degree.

The outer affects the inner, as much as the inner affects the outer. Neglecting the political-economic dimensions can only lead to catastrophe. We need to bridge and unite the two realms, the inner and the outer, and now.


Villa Samadhi,


December 25, 2023

The Global Fascist Coup: Time To Face Reality

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 24, 2023 by jtoddring

We need to stop making the irrational and unfounded, anti-empirical assumption that the corporate and financial elite are stupid – they are demonstrably sociopathic, but they are not stupid, as a class – and it would be stupid of them to not cooperate and coordinate, orchestrate, plan and carry out broad agendas based on their shared, common class interests, despite the obvious fact that they do compete with each other, as well. Of course they have broadly shared class interests, and of course it woulf be stupid of them to refuse to cooperate and coordinate broad agendas based on those shared interests. Therefore it is stupid of us to assume they do not act, in powerful ways, with coordinated, planned agendas, now globally, to further their shared interests. How is this not patently obvious and a matter of simple common sense?

There are only a few hundred power elites dominating most of the world, directing the biggest 1,000 corporations, the IMF, World Bank, WEF, WHO, G7, BIS, ECB, Fed, Big Ag, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the military-industrial-surveillance complex, the NGO-industrial complex, the major media, Blackrock and the big banks, and all major systems and institutions globally, as Peter Phillips showed in his recent book, Giants: The Global Power Elite. A terror and phobia of conducting such sociological, classed-based, systems or institutional analysis, is what has blinded the mainstream, academia, and particularly the left, for a long time now. Enough of that. Yes, the plutocrats have a plan, and no, it is not good for the people and the Earth. In fact, it is genocidal, ecocidal, war-mongering, imperialist, neo-colonialist, and fascist. To avoid all discussion or even thought of that obvious and by now undeniable fact, is simply foolish, and a matter either of a confirmed Stockholm syndrome, or sheer denial. It’s not merely an elephant in the middle of the room, which the public, the academics and above all the left refuse to acknowledge. It’s a mutated giant vampire squid in the middle of the room, so to speak, staring us in the face, though always camoflauged – and it is feeding off humanity and the Earth, and devouring both, along with our freedom, our human rights, our democracy, our future, our world, and with transhumanism, our very humanity itself. It’s time to deal with reality. Stop skirting the central issue of our time. A corporate-fascist coup is underway, and if we don’t admit it, then defeat it, our future will be dystopian and bleak, neo-feudal and horrific, followed by civilizational collapse, and quite possibly, the slow, agonizing death of the human species.

Time to face reality, head on. We can defeat this latest of empires, but only if we choose to deal with reality, by looking it straight in the face.

– J. Todd Ring,
Author of Enlightened Democracy, The People vs The Elite, The Collapse of the West, and Slavery Or Rebirth

Villa Samadhi,


December 24, 2023

(Btw, Christmases will be merrier when we rip the vampire squid off our face.)

Why The Globalist Technocracy Will Fail

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 17, 2023 by jtoddring

The globalist corporate elite have announced their plans for the world, via the WEF, the World Economic Forum’s publicly released vision for 2030, among other venues. Their plan is most accurately described as a global neo-colonial imperialist project of consolidating and further centralizing all power, all wealth, and all ownership, in their hands.

It is a hybrid global system they are pushing hard to construct now, which fuses Western corporate-fascism with Chinese corporate-communism, technocracy, transumanism and neo-feudalism. To call their vision dystopian would be a radical understatement. But their plan, which has been described as the Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin, the seemingly well-meaning but woefully naive intellectual in residence to the ruling Western power elite, who makes Klaus Swab and Yuval Harari look like the pseudo-intellectual talking poodles that they are; and which has been called The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, the lapdog spokesperson for the corporatist power elite; will fail. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as well as by evil ones. Here is why the technocracy will fail.

1. Global warming and the ecological crisis broadly can only be adequately addressed if small-scale, community-based, regenerative organic agriculture, permaculture, agroecology and holistic management are at the centre of our response. The elitists at the WEF and in Beijing, however, refuse to share power; therefore, this plan, which empowers the people and is radically decentralist, is rejected outright. That leaves the plutocrats of the West and the oligarchs of the East, only one choice remaining, and that is to further back the utterly failed petrochemical-industrial agriculture model, which has already been proven to be an economic, social and ecological disaster.

Pursuing the elite-driven, hyper-centralist plan, with industrial agriculture as its foundation, will only lead to further acceleration in species loss, pollinator die-off, global warming, global toxicity and pollution, aquifer depletion, soil erosion and soil depletion, pesticide and herbicide resistslant super-pests and super-weeds spreading, desertification, crop failure, food shortages, skyrocketing food prices, global famine, social unrest, riots and revolution, and systems collapse. And no amount of “big data”, “connectivity”, AI, lithium batteries, smart phones or surveillance, can possibly save it.

It is a system that is rapidly destroying its own social and ecological foundations. In other words, the power elites’ plan is just another historical example of imperial hubris and imperial over-reach, leading to inevitable collapse.

2. The Davos-WEF/Bejing-CCP plan relies on vast quantities of rare earth minerals, that simply aren’t there – lithium being just one example. Therefore, it is not renewable energy which will save us, but the more humble and courageous approach, of admitting that we have been addicted to materialism and consumerism, and that a voluntary simplicity, combined with decentralization, re-ruralization, re-localization, horizontal rather than vertical power relations, and a radical increase in quality of life, diversity, and freedom, are what are urgently needed now.

Again, the plan of the power elite is based in hubris, and wishful, magical thinking, or else in outright lies, and can only result in systems collapse.

3. The plan of the now deeply intertwined and partnered Western and Eastern power elites, rests upon further heights of complexity, in an already vastly over-complicated modern society. It furthermore centralizes power in an even more extreme manner and degree than already exists. And it further increases the already stratospheric inequality, in both power and in terms of wealth – “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” As has been known for a long time, by Tainter, Aristotle, and others, over-complexity, excessive centralization, and excessive inequality, all lead to the collapse of regimes, empires, civilizations and societies. But, as is typical, imperial power elites are driven by egomania, power-lust and greed, and therefore, their hubris becomes their downfall, because imperial over-reach is something they cannot help, but compulsively fall into, every time. No matter how tall the ziggurat is built, it remains a castle made of sand – and the tide is coming in.

4. The financial and economic collapse that is rapidly approaching, which will make the Great Depression look mild, will devastate the ability of the Western and Eastern power elite, both, to carry out any such bold plans, beyond mere coping with matters of survival, as their empires collapse – financially and econonically, and also socially and politically, as revolution and rebellion explode world-wide, in the wake of the combined squeeze on the people – of economic devastation, simultaneous with a growing authoritarianism and staggering inequality.

The harder the oligarchy squeezes the people, the more rapidly the explosive flash point is reached. It is like squeezing plutonium: add enough heat and pressure – and boom. But again, all emperors and all empires do the same thing: imperial hibris breeds imperial over-reach, which brings collapse. So boom it is. Bastille Day is coming, fast.

5. Global oil production peaked several years ago, meaning, the era of cheap, abundant, fossil fuel energy is rapidly coming to an end. Between peak oil, and a peak in nearly everything else, including critically important rare earth minerals, the power of the twinned, Siamese empires of Davos and Beijing, and their ability to project their power, not only globally, but even locally and regionally, is rapidly crumbling beneath their feet. These two leading crime syndicates, which are the twinned, and now deeply intertwined, dominant empires on Earth, may be able to retain control of certain nations, regions, and totalitarian mega-cities for a while yet, but their twilight is approaching – and their collapse is now irreversible, and well underway.

6. Meanwhile, a global awakening, and a new renaissance, is not only emerging, accelerating, and growing fast – by now, it is unstoppable. The ruling power elite are trying to hold onto a dying worldview, paradigm, ideology, and system. But history is against them.

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. And the pen is indeed mightier than the sword. The idea of freedom, with ecological stewardship, diversity and peace, is simply far more inspiring, and compelling, than an elite-ruled plutocracy, technocracy, or neo-feudal oligarchy, where a handful of people hold total power, and the values of freedom and individuality are said to be quaint relics of the past, “legacy” values, to be abandoned and dispensed with, in the pursuit of an imagined “greater good” – which is itself a lie. The people are waking up. And moreover, they are also waking up to their power.

7. As David Hume, Eitienne de La Boite, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Thoreau, among many others, have realized, the people always have the greater power. The ruling power elite depend upon, and need the people, but the people do not need the power elite. That means the people always have the greater power. Moreover, we outnumber the ruling power elite by nearly a billion to one. They have no chance.

When the people become fed up with a ruling system, power elite or regime, they will shake it off, like a dog shakes water off its back. And that time is coming soon. The plutocrats know this – which is why they are building bunkers as fast as they can, or else are daydreaming, a la Bezos and Musk, of blasting off into space. But even their bunkers will only forestall the inevitable, and for a very short time at that. Ozymandians of today, take note. Your time in power is nearly up.


What do we have on offer now, at this most critical juncture in recorded human history, in terms of a vision for the future? Well, we have many voices, but few options.

There are, of course, many who echo Jordan Peterson, in saying that global corporatist neoliberalism is the best of all possible worlds. They can be dismissed at the start, being the Dr. Panglosses of our present day.

Then there is the dark Orwellian technocratic vision of Klaus Schwab and the new Royal Court, the new Palace of Versaille, which is the corporate-state de facto government, as the Financial Times calls it – the World Economic Forum – which aims for a global Borg society, based in transhumanism and technofeudal totalitarianism, in which “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” If you like nightmarish dystopianism, this vision may be appealing.

Or we have the equally bleak vision of Yuval Harari, telling us the world is full of “useless eaters”, who are presumably disposable, along with the lucky few, who, like himself, will be willing if not eager Borg slaves, rather than be liquidated.

Yuval and “Dr. Evil” Klaus Schwab are in accord here, of course, both being the talking poodle lapdogs of the ruling corporate oligarchy. Both preach the beatitudes of neo-fascism and technofeudalism. Hell on earth, is what their “vision” amounts to.

Then we have the rosy eco-lah-lah of the tragically naive and blinkered Jeremy Rifkin, with his magically appearing mountains of lithium, with which to power his techno-wonderland, in which the elephant in the room, which is the emerging totalitarian police state, is imagined not to exist, and to be no threat at all. Cue the Pink Floyd, Sheep.

Or, we have several voices bearing imminent sanity, including, frankly, Vandana Shiva and myself, saying that it is now a matter of Oneness vs The 1%, and The People vs The Elite – and what must be done is to embrace our freedom and our power, and to heal our world through a much more thoughtful ecological stewardship, through unity in diversity, through a globally networked and federated decentralization of power, and through a rejection of all empires and oligarchies: to reseed the world and the future of our one human family on Earth, and build a better world for all, through a global renaissance and rebirth – based in the cardinal founding values of freedom, compassion, diversity, mutual aid, ecology and peace.

I think our choice should be clear. It is now a matter of freedom and rebirth, or technocracy and slavery, followed by collapse, and the extinction of the human species itself.


It is now a matter of slavery or rebirth. Let the revolution begin. And let it be Gandhian, as it must be, for strategic reasons alone. The empires are falling. The time is now.

J. Todd Ring,

Author of Enlightened Democracy, The People vs The Elite, The Collapse Of The West, and Slavery vs Rebirth.

Villa Samadhi,


November 17, 2023

East & West, North & South: Collapse & Rebirth

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 8, 2023 by jtoddring

“When East meets West, sparks will fly.”
– Chogyam Trungpa

Sparks are flying now, in the meeting of East and West, and North and South, and in the emerging renaissance, which is its fruit and result.


“Religion is not so much a revelation to be attained by us through faith as an effort to unveil the deepest layers of man’s being and get into enduring contact with them.”

– S. Radhakrishnan, Eastern Religions & Western Thought

That statement, above, by the Oxford Chair of Eastern Religions & Ethics, gives a good summary of the difference in emphasis and approach between East and West. The West emphasizes ideology, doctrine, the written word, and faith and belief in the holy creed – be it secular or religious; while the East, at least traditionally, and for millennia, emphasizes direct experience and radical empiricism. This Western obsession with ideology, along with the doctrine of original sin, is where East and West parted ways.

The statement by the Buddha puts it directly: “Don’t take anyone’s word on anything. Examine things for yourself.” Meanwhile, in the West, we are deeply indoctrinated to simply believe what we are told – whether by neoliberal or techno-feudal economists, pundits, media mouthpieces and business and political elites, or by scholastic, “educational” or religious authorities – despite our pretenses of being a scientific society, based in reason, freedom and empiricism, which has always been a highly dubious claim, and is now, quite simply, wild self-deceit.

But it should be added that while the East emphasizes experience and empiricism, while the West emphasizes doctrine, creed, ideology, revelation and faith, naturally, faith exists in the East, while experience is not entirely forgotten in the West. The issue is a matter of balance. And we in the West, ain’t gots none.

The central problem with the West, however, along side the corporate take-over, the nihilism, materialism, consumerism, hedonism, narcissism, addiction to entertainment, voyeurism, compulsive busyness, mad frenetic chronic compulsive rushing, the mistaking of data and information for knowledge, understanding or wisdom, the obsession with quantity over quality and surfaces over depth, and alongside the pervasive, rampant and pandemic escapism, capitalist-Puritanism, neo-Maoism, and transhumanism, technology fetish, profound and growing multi-variant forms of alienation, stratospheric and growing inequality, supreme cultural arrogance and hubris, insular inward-looking parochialism, the echo chamber of surrounding ourselves always with people who agree with us, group-think, scholasticism, obedience to authority, conformity and herd mentality, vast over-complication, devaluation of the feminine, the natural, the bodily and physical, the simple (in a foolish preference for the complex), and the right brain mode of perception, along with a number, quantification and data fetish (though in reality the map is not the terrain), and the neo-feudal technocratic globalist imperialist elitist coporate-communist-fascist empire itself, which is now in the early stages of collapse, along with Western “civilization” itself, is the idolatry of ideology, and the inextricably intertwined fear and mistrust of ourselves, one another, nature, life, and our own thoughts, feelings, intuition, senses, experience, and inner life.

A little more balance is clearly needed. Fortunately, a renaissance, an awakening and a paradigm shift, are now underway, to correct just that problem – thankfully for the Earth, and all beings on it, including ourselves.


Collapse & Rebirth

As my great Swiss aunt Heddie liked to say, “Complicated works too.” That is, until it doesn’t. Read Tainter, When Technology Fails, and A Short History Of Progress. If we insist on over-centralization, hyper-concentration of power, vast inequality and the over-complication of just about everything, our civilization will assuredly and inevitably collapse, as Tainter, Aristotle, and others have pointed out. In fact, Western civilization is collapsing now, for these and other reasons.

The question now, for those not lost in a frankly psychotic dissociation from reality, based in a stupor of cowardly willful ignorance and the fog of denial, is what do do in response?

My advice would be to study history, philosophy, mythology, world literature, cultures and religions, as well as political-economy and sociology, and learn to have a great deal more humility and open-mindedness, along with a reaffirmed confidence, and an unconditional, unshakable self-dignity, as the children of God that we truly are. However, in a more immediate sense, what is needed, or at least, most sensible, all things considered, is to disconnect and decouple from the dying system, and the dying empire, of the techno-feudal North-West corner of the globe, which is now a sinking ship on fire, on which, the captain, crew, and the great majority of the passengers, have all gone insane.

Disconnect, decouple, move to strong ground, simplify, slow down, read, discuss and reflect; then, reconnect, renew, reawaken and rebuild. The game is over for the (North)-West – at least for the time being, and for an as yet undetermined period into the future, perhaps lasting centuries, or perhaps only decades or years. In any case, it’s time for the intelligent and the brave to abandon ship, and move on. And the exodus has already begun.

The new renaissance has also begun. But it is not centred in the North-West, in Europe and its favoured colonies of Canada and the United States. Its primary centres now, are in the Global South and East. Relocation is now a good idea, if not a matter of basic sanity, or sheer survival. If you’re not going to leave that sinking ship of El Norte, as I have been calling it, then I pray you good luck. You’re going to need it.

Whatever you do, hold onto your hats. We are in for a wild ride ahead.

Keep a sense of humour and good cheer, as much as you can, along with an arial perspective, and a long term view. We’re going to need these things as well.

Grim, or beatific? It depends on where you locate yourself, and of course, on the attitude you take. This is a global rebirth, while one part of the world collapses and enters a dystopian dark age, and other parts of the globe experience liberation, a renaissance and rebirth. Where do you want to be?

Whatever you choose to do, remember, everything is impermanent, and all things are transmutable – it ain’t over ’till it’s over; and there is more day yet to dawn.

November 8th, 2023
Villa Samadhi, Uruguay

BLOWBACK – And Collapse

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JFK, MLK, The CIA – And The Collapse Of The West

Yes, the evidence is clear: the CIA killed JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X. They are the goons of the corporate-state oligarchy. What did you think they do? Defend freedom and democracy? Were you born yesterday? (Read, Killing Hope, Class Warfare, Necessary Illusions, Year 501, The Shock Doctrine, and The CIA’s Greatest Hits.) Of course they’re a goon squad.

Read Blowback: America’s Secret Recruitment of Nazis. The SS, the Gestapo, the CIA… same shit, different pile. They’re hired thugs. That’s all they are.

Rare exceptions, are people like Ray McGovern – an intell agent with actual intelligence, a brain, a heart, a spine, and integrity. For the rest, the more fitting name would be something like, the Central Ineptitude Agency – or the BTI… Brainless Thugs Incorporated.

November 3, 2023


Watch the video introduction to my newest book, on Rumble:

The Collapse Of The West:



The Global Tectonic Shift

A Video Excerpt From My New, Multi-Media Book, By Way Of Introduction

By J. Todd Ring,
Author of Enlightened Democracy,
The Failure Of Propaganda, and The People vs The Elite
October 2023,
Villa Samadhi,

Note also:

Did the CIA foresee the collapse of the Soviet Union? Nope. Central Ineptitude Agency. Did the major media, academics, talking head pundits, politicians, business “elite”, or pop culture gurus foresee the collapse of the Soviet Union? Nope. Only one person is on record as having predicted the collapse of the Soviet Empire. But it happened anyway.

Now, I am telling you, the Davos/WEF-based, Western corporate-state empire is collapsing, and it is taking down what has been called Western civilization, along with it.

Given that only five people predicted the global economic crisis of 2008 – and I was one of the five – you might want to take heed, when I say that something extremely big is fast approaching.

Or not. Your call. Be bug splatter if you choose to be.

Your choice. You have been warned.

The Collapse Of The West: Chapter One: The Global Tectonic Shift

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2023 by jtoddring

By J. Todd Ring


I wrote this essay in January of 2020, then the covid crisis hit, and it was shelved for over a year. The macro-scale patterns have not changed fundamentally since then, although the slow-motion collapse of the US, and the West more broadly, has accelerated. I would offer the following as a synopsis and overview of what I see coming. I do not have a crystal ball, but the major patterns and trends are all deeply established and already set in motion; therefore, what I am predicting here, has a high probability of being generally accurate.

The US is headed for collapse, which will likely occur within this decade, and possibly very soon. Canada, Europe, Britain, Australia and New Zealand have all tied themselves to the sinking ship of the dying US empire, and so will suffer greatly for that deeply unwise move. Or rather, they tied themselves to the US after WWII, and were not perceptive enough to decouple from the US, when its decline became clear in the 1970s and ’80s, and undeniable by 2008. Russia and many other countries have largely decoupled from the US. Those who have not done so, will sink with the US, when it implodes and goes down.

China, Russia, India, Mexico and Brazil, will be the new economic super-powers, in a newly multi-polar world. Assuming we can avoid WWIII during the global tectonic shift, which is certainly not guaranteed, the world has the potential, at least, of becoming more equitable and more stable, as the global hegemony of the US and its satellites in NATO sink into secondary status, if not post-collapse chaos, and the Global South, or Third World, along with the East, find some long sought-after breathing space.

A multi-polar world will arrive, and with it, prospects for greater equality, freedom and peace – so long as we don’t blow ourselves up in the transition. The billionaire oligarchs who effectively rule the West, along with most of the world, however, want to maintain both their global hegemony, and their internal power: and the plutocrats are increasingly desperate, and are therefore taking increasingly desperate actions. That creates great danger for the world, including, most especially, for the people of the West, particularly in North America, Britain and Europe. But we should remember that desperate actions taken by desperate men show their weakness, not their power.

Meanwhile, Russia and China are now in an economic alliance, and each wants to preserve its own independence, above all, while they decouple from the collapsing US, but make short-term agreements with the Davos oligarchs, out of expedience.

It is an uncertain and dangerous time globally, to say the least. That is leaving aside the equally pressing issues of the environmental crisis, and fascism, which of course, also demand urgent attention and urgent action. But remember this. History is full of surprises. Nobody expected the American Revolution to succeed, but it did. Nobody expected WWI, but it happened. Nobody expected the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it happened nevertheless. Permanence is an illusion. Radical change happens unexpectedly. Only in hindsight, do the great majority come to see the precursors to radical change, after it happens, which the prescient few, saw in advance. It has always been so.

History is always unfolding, and full of uncertainty. That being said, we can see clear patterns unfolding. We can see the direction we are headed; and if we don’t change course, we will end up precisely where we were going, naturally. 

Freedom, democracy, equality, ecology and peace are the core issues, I would say; and the core obstacles to all of these, are empire, authoritarianism and artificial scarcity. That is, or should be, our big picture orientation.

The five maxims of empire are to divide, demoralize, disempower, indoctrinate and control. We must, therefore, do precisely the opposite: unite, inspire, empower, inform and liberate. 

As always, the future is in our hands. It just so happens, however, that this is, quite possibly, the most pivotal time in human history, and almost certainly so. 

The world needs us now, more than ever. And we need each other. Unite the people, and fight for freedom, democracy, justice and peace, and a clean and healthy, better world for all.


June 18, 2021


The original essay,

Written, January 2020:

Global Tectonic Shift

“They have plundered the world, stripping naked the land in their hunger… they are driven by greed, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor… They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretenses, and all of this they hail as the construction of empire. And when in their wake nothing remains but a desert, they call that peace.” ~ Tacitus

“In 1492 Columbus discovered America. He too had been seeking the East, and America, unluckily for its inhabitants, happened to lie in his way round the world. Here there were no guns to face, not even weapons of metal; the coasts lay open, and the two organized empires, Aztec and Inca, were both new and oppressive; the invaders could go much further than occupying odd harbours, which in any case would have been useless. Mexico was taken from the Aztecs, with the help of their neighbours, before 1520, and Peru from the Incas in the 1530s. Neither Spain nor Europe ever lost the intoxicating memory of these two great realms overthrown in the twinkling of an eye by a handful of white men; it cancelled the triumphs of the Turks, and gave the West a perpetual confidence in its power and its future.”

  • An excerpt from a very interesting and thoughtful book on the history of Europe and the world: The Oldest Europe And Its Neighbours, by Victor Kiernan, Zed Books

Context is everything. History matters.

“England’s East India Company had been founded in 1600. These two rivals represented a new imperialism, not in need of any crusading motives to nerve it for enterprises in continents now relatively familiar, or of any ideology beyond that of the counting-house. The Turkish threat to Europe was receding; besides, to Dutchmen and Englishmen, Spain and the Inquisition, not Turkey and the Koran, were the menace. They had no notion of spreading Christianity in Asia; these Protestants kept religion, business and politics in separate compartments. As the natives were going to be roughly handled in either case, it may have been better for Christianity not to be compromised, as it was in America, by getting mixed up in the matter. Anglo-Dutch power in the East Indies, until well on in the nineteenth century, marked the most sordid but least hypocritical phase of European expansion.”

But we went back to ideological rationalizations, sometimes religious, sometimes secular: as now, the systemic and brutal imperial violence, which is not only military, but more often paramilitary, and above all, economic, is carried out in the name of spreading democracy and freedom, or intervening out of humanitarianism. And Orwell still rolls in his grave at the obvious and extreme deceit, and self-deceit.

Kiernan himself, quoted above, stumbles back into such comfortable self-delusions as are the norm. The ethnocentrism, and sheer cultural arrogance and presumption, are staggering:

“Today when Europe is no longer in the lead it is tempted to think, or to agree with others, that the civilization it was incubating was no unique property of its own but a stage of progress that other regions were moving towards. India on this view would have had cotton-mills, Japan would have come by submarines, whether Europe had brought them or not. This is of course possible, but may be regarded as exceedingly unlikely on any time-scale of centuries rather than millennia. An intricate set of interacting factors is required to bring about any significant historical transition, and there is small sign anywhere else (most perhaps in Japan) of anything like the complex of material and psychological forces then at work in north-west Europe. No other part of Europe itself could have made an Industrial Revolution. It is even doubtful whether any Asian country would have modernized itself by imitation of the West, if not forced by the West to do so as India, Japan, China all in different ways were.”

It bears repeating:

Comfortable self-delusions are the norm. The ethnocentrism, and sheer cultural arrogance and presumption, are staggering. Alas, the white man’s burden is a heavy one…

Kiernan and a great many others have begun to realize the dangers of such cultural arrogance, and such recognition is well-put here:

“Yet Europe’s conviction of being the only really civilized region was becoming so strong that even its offscourings, these Ishmaels of the seven seas, carried it with them, and were fortified by it in their lawlessness. Whatever a white man did must in some grotesque fashion be ‘civilized’.”

However, in the same essay Kiernan argues in defence and apologetics of European colonialism, neocolonialism and empire, as we have seen. And such stark self-contradiction, and self-deceit, is also the norm in the North-West.

And back again to rationalizations we return again and again: conquest is always for the benefit of the conquered, the subjugated, and the plundered, don’t you know…

“Westerners impregnated with their new ethos of change, progress, energy, invested Commerce with the same divine right that monarchy formerly claimed, and were irresistibly tempted to resort to force. They could feel that by doing so they were doing right, as the French Revolutionary armies marching over Europe and carrying liberty on their bayonets had felt. To knock down decrepit régimes was to liberate peoples from the crushing burden of their past. In the first stage of European expansion Spain and Portugal thought of making a return to benighted regions for what they took from them, by giving them Christianity. Now there was again a feeling that expansion ought to have some ideal purpose, a goal beyond sordid greed, which came to be expressed in the phrase ‘civilizing mission’. Backward lands would be given civilization, in return for the products wanted by Europe; Christianity might be part of it, though a subsidiary one. The idea of Europe’s ‘mission’ dawned early, but was taken up seriously in the nineteenth century. Turkey, China, and the rest would some day be prosperous, wrote Winwood Reade, one of the most sympathetic Westerners. ‘But those people will never begin to advance … until they enjoy the rights of man; and these they will never obtain except by means of European conquest.’” – ibid

“The civilizing mission was now all the rage, whereas in earlier years it had often been rejected as too expensive. It was easiest of all to believe that what was good for Europe must be even better for the ‘natives’. By now the white man had worked himself into a high state of self-conceit; but all through the century his reaction to any natives who tried to reject the blessings of civilized rule was that of Dr Johnson to the rebel Americans: ‘They are a race of convicts, and ought to be thankful for any thing we allow them short of hanging.’” – ibid

We have told ourselves we are bringing freedom, democracy, and civilization to the world. But we have brought guns and bombs, economic predation, subjugation, exploitation, colonialism, neocolonialism, and stark imperialism, no matter how it is rationalized, justified, or camouflaged. This is bringing aid and help to our neighbours? I am sure our neighbours would all agree, that kind of help, they can do without.

As my great literary hero, Thoreau said, “If I knew someone was coming to do me some good, I should like to get as far away as possible.”

And moreover, “The better part of what my neighbours believe to be good, I believe in my heart to be bad. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well.”

I agree with TS Eliot: We are the hollow men. The leaders of the free world? We are neither leaders nor free. We are cleverly driving ourselves in a frantic race toward our own extinction – with tyranny and fascism, neofeudalism and war, a toxic landscape and a toxic culture, as landmarks along the way. And through our benevolent leadership we have convinced or coerced the rest of the world to join us in our madness, and our race to oblivion. Some leadership.

I agree with Gandhi. When he was asked what he thought of Western civilization he replied, “I think it would be a good idea.”

To the presumed superiority of (North-)Western civilization, I say, we are neither superior, nor civilized.

We are but one corner of the globe, for a time dominant, but in no way superior to other societies. Each society has its glories and its shames, its triumphs and its failings. We are no different, and no better.

Was Nazi Germany twisted, diabolical, demented, deluded and depraved? Unquestionably. Cultural relativism, nihilism and post-modernism are a wasteland of the mind, leading to madness. There are faults, and there are great failings, and we should not pretend that war is peace, or slavery is freedom, lest we simply lose our minds in the act of self-delusion.

And I agree with Thoreau. Is modern society, or modern Western society, either one, however you care to look at it, in any real way superior to older, earlier societies, or to native societies, for example? His response was a definitive, No. And I agree. As America’s greatest philosopher, Henry David Thoreau said, We have improved the houses men live in (perhaps), but not the character of the men who live in them.

Here, here.

We have gained much, but lost more. We have toys and trinkets and gadgets galore, but our souls are hollow, our minds and spirits debased, our communities and communion eroded and degraded and largely gone, our morals and ethics deeply in question, and generally serving power and expedience, over all calls of conscience or compassion. And we are less happy and less free.

We are fatter, weaker, less healthy, less vigourous, less strong in both body and mind, and in spirit; and every psychological, sociological and anthropological study shows us to be less happy, more lost and adrift, and more lonely and alienated than “primitive” societies of 10,000 years ago. Clearly we need to rethink our notions of “progress”, “development”, “civilization”, “freedom”, and “the good life”.

Medieval, ancient, “primitive”, and indigenous societies can teach us much. As can the global South, and the East. We do not need to become primitivists, or orientalists, but we do need to dispense with our ill-conceived and disastrous, misguided and frankly delusional sense of cultural superiority. If we do not, chances are that none of us, anywhere on Earth, will survive.

It will be a post-imperial world ahead, or it will be a post-human world. And to get to that post-imperial world, which is the heart of the transition we must make now, we will need guidance, as well as courage, compassion, and common sense.

Some of that good guidance will come from the West, some from the East, some from the North, and much from the South.

And we will be wise to seek counsel from traditional indigenous peoples, who still remember how to be stewards and protectors of the land and the waters, and not despoilers, looters and pillagers only.

“First Nation’s Peoples — and the decision of Canadians to stand alongside them — will determine the fate of the planet.”

—Guardian, UK

And we must note, and remember, how that spirit of common cause, unity, solidarity, shared purpose, and peace, is starkly at odds with the history of colonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism, and empire. The contrast between what must be left behind, and what must come next, if we are to survive at all, could scarcely be more stark.


The Doctrine of Discovery

“…to invade, search out, capture, vanquish and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ, wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all moveable and immoveable goods whatsoever, held and possessed by them, and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and to his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit.”

– Pope Nicholas V (Papal Bull 1452)

Infantile grandiosity? Imperial hubris? Extreme cultural arrogance? Sheer racist lunacy? Demonic possession? Whatever it was, such mutually destructive madness must end now.

The following battle lines will only heat up, mark my words; and to state the obvious, until the age of empires, and the war on nature, are brought to an end:

Solidarity, stewardship, and peace – not fossil fuels, pipelines, Big Oil, planetary destruction and imperial hubris: this is what we need, and now. Support native rights and environmental protection, with human rights, equality and freedom for all – not planetary pillage by a rampaging, Caligula-like, utterly delusional and power-drunk plutocracy, infused with suicidal corporate greed.

US professor of law and indigenous studies, Robert A. Williams Jr., author of Savage Anxieties, put it simply and directly, in an interview with the venerable Bill Moyers: “The Western world has been at war with the tribal world for 3,000 years.” This, along with the class war, the gender war, the wars of race and colonialism, and the war on nature, is the root of imperialism and empire, and the 5,000 year old social model based on hierarchies of power, conquest and domination. That war must end now, that social model must end now, the age of empires, along with its inseparably intertwined war on nature, must end now, or the human species will simply end, itself – or at least, anything resembling civilization, or the possibility for a decent human life, will soon come to an end.


We should remember that Europe was a cultural backwater, for nearly a thousand years after the fall of the inglorious Roman Empire. The conquest of the Americas, with its incomprehensible wealth, looted and pillaged by way of genocidal mass slaughter, propelled Europe into a position of global dominance. This mass theft, and mass slaughter, not an innate moral, cultural or intellectual superiority, is what gave rise to five centuries of global domination by Europe and its most favoured colonies. Let us now be unabashedly honest about it – for a change.

That inconceivably vast loot, stolen from two continents in the Americas; combined with cheap, abundant, destitute, near-slave labour, after the mass dislocation caused by the grand theft of the land and the commons, which was the land-enclosure acts; combined with a third staggeringly vast pool of resources, which was England’s discovery of coal reserves, equal to Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth at its peak, just under their feet; and combined with the unspeakable institution of slavery; together brought about the Industrial Revolution – and not just European cleverness and industriousness, as it has been assumed.

Remember also, that at the time of the industrial revolution, India had a higher quantity and also a higher quality of steel output than England. Active de-industrialization was part of colonization and empire building. It still is.

In any case, the global dominance of the European and Euro-American North-West lasted roughly 500 years, and is ending now. It is becoming a multi-polar world; and I think that bodes well for the world – including for that North-West corner of the world, which has become known as, “The West”.

History is never over, as some have foolishly posited. History is still unfolding – is ever unfolding. And we are either making it, shaping it together; or watching it unfold, pathetically and passively. But unfold it will, in either case.

And major changes lay in store. What shape they take, is largely up to us. What I do hope, is that the age of empires, after 5,000 years, can be put behind us, as foolishness from our youth.

Let there be freedom. And let there be peace.


We should remember also, that Europeans didn’t invent empire. There were the Persians, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and many others before.

And we would do well to read the Book of Daniel. The succession of empires will end. There will be peace. How soon, depends upon what we do, or fail to do, right now. Extinction or rebirth? That is our choice, at this critical juncture, of our shared human history on Earth.

Europe didn’t invent slavery, conquest, domination, usurpation, annexation, or empire. Nor did they invent the heirarchical power structures, inequality and elite rule, which give rise to tyranny and predations, both at home and abroad, and which are the seedbed and germination of empire itself.

But the decline and fall of the European and Euro-descendent American empire, slow or sudden as it may come, and inexorable as it is, may well mark the growing of a global awakening across the world’s great human family, and the beginning of the end, of the age of empires itself. Let us hope that it is. Let us pray we are so wise; or simply, so sane. The alternatives are nothing short of grim, at best.

In fact, the likelihood is this: what we are facing now, in the early part of the 21st century, is either the dying of the age of empires, or the dying of humanity, and the human species on Earth. Let us hope we are sensible enough, despite the all-pervasive fog of delusion, and the stupor of imagined powerlessness, and denial, to choose the former, and not simply drift aimlessly into the latter, with a moan, and a collective whimper, or a yawn.

Stand, I say.


As Bob Marley sang:

“400 years

(500+ now)

Of the same philosophy…”

(Imperialism *is* neofeudalism)

“Babylon system is a vampire

Suckin’ the blood of the sufferers

Tell the children the truth

Tell the children the truth

That we’ve been grinded on the wine press

Much too long



And this means the people of the North and the West, as well as the South and the East:

Rebel, rebel.

Imperialism and neofeudalism, elitism and tyranny, always go together. We can have empire; or we can have freedom, democracy, justice, equality, and peace. But we cannot have empire, and also have the latter, infinitely superior things.


“Hardly any European countries had significant connections, other than imperial, with any continent except America. Towards the end of the century, the ‘age of imperialism’ proper, a craze for annexations seized on everyone who had any chance, and Italy, Germany, Belgium all got shares, with the USA joining in. Individual businessmen were obviously doing well out of colonies; nations were easily tutored into believing (nearly always mistakenly) that they could do equally well, especially when they saw that all their neighbours believed it.”

– ibid

Again, imperialism abroad, breeds tyranny at home; and in the end, either fascism or neofeudalism, as we are being driven into, like cattle, right now.

Orwell understood. Gandhi understood, as did Thoreau. Mark Twain understood. Martin Luther King Jr. understood. Do we?

Rebel, rebel.

It is time for justice. It is time for freedom. And it is time for peace. And we will not have peace, until we also have justice and freedom.


(Que the John Lennon.)

Power to the people.


Europe and Euro-America didn’t give the world Shakespeare, Einstein, Socrates, Botticelli, democracy and the Magna Carta *because* we set out to conquer the world, because of empire, but despite it. Empire, at its heart, is always brutal, is always the enemy of freedom, democracy, justice, compassion, peace, and civilization itself, at least in any meaningful or positive definition of the word.

It is time now for Europe and America to relinquish the empire-lust of their youth, and the infantile grandiosity which always accompanies it, and with maturity and grace, accept their position as great powers in a multi-polar world, where war and conquest, empire and power struggles, are not only barbaric and uncivilized as ever, but are now positively suicidal. It is time to become great civilizations. And that is only possible if we now together declare that the age of empires is dead.

Let there be peace. There is much to be shared, and much work to be done. We have a world to be saved from our own ecological neglect. Infighting and imperial power games will only distract and divide us, at a time when we need unity amidst diversity, as well as democracy and freedom, in order to save ourselves from ourselves, and from our own tyrannizing, world-devouring elites.

Remember liberty, equality, solidarity and mutual aid, on the road ahead – they are essential, and they are under attack.

Let there be peace now. Let the age of empires be over. It is entirely in our power to choose it, and make it so. There is much work, great work, to be done. Let us begin. Together, and in peace.


February 20, 2020