Waiting For The Crazed Clown Show To End – Or, Welcome To The Brave New World

I don’t know when I will be able to go to the gym or library again, or a park, or my favourite local bookstore or record store – or whether they will still be in business when this is over, if it does indeed end; or when I will be able to leave the country (what is this, the Soviet Union?); or when I will be able to see my daughter, who has been kept separated from me for nearly a month now, in her own separate quarantine – under mass house arrest, like the other three billion of us.

Remember how people lost their minds, so to speak, in utter outrage at Trump separating families – as they rightfully were outraged? Well, this is pervasive now. We now have a world filled to the gills with governments that make Trump look like an arch anti-authoritarian.

When this crazed clown show that is being imposed by our neoliberal, eternally benevolent, corporatist, fascist governments will end, I do not know. But I pray it is soon, for the sake of us all. The Western elite, as is also happening in the East, are killing people en mass by economic warfare. The people cannot, and should not, and will not, take much more.

No, we do not accept the sweeping, draconian, authoritarian, quite literally fascist powers the elite have granted themselves, in what looks like a bid to out-do China in totalitarian control; nor do we accept the sweeping away of our cherished liberties, which our parents, our grandparents, and our great grandparents  fought and died for.

The draconian, authoritarian, literally fascist measures of mass quarantine and enforced “social distancing” are not helpful, do not protect life, have no valid scientific basis, and are utterly unjustified. Moreover, they are killing millions slowly through economic warfare – far more, many orders of magnitude more, than will die by this virus.

And do note: the people and governments who have been implementing, colluding with, or cheer-leading the present extreme, draconian, fascist measures, are going to take a severe hit to their credibility, and very soon.

(You’d better start back-peddling now – though it will be on record, and remembered, have no fear. You sorry lot will not be forgotten. Your credibility is now shot.)

Check the numbers for a critical, and urgently needed regaining of perspective. 58,000 deaths globally from coronavirus in the past four months, vs 110,000 from the common flu, 1.9 million from cancer, and 2.3 million from poverty and hunger – numbers which are soaring now, thanks to the fascist lockdown and economic warfare waged by the elite.

This global wave of authoritarianism has nothing to do with protecting public health – despite what the dim-witted bureaucrats and rank and file medical community may firmly believe. This is about power.

And no, it is not just far right governments like Modi, BoJo and Trump, but the equally far right corporatist neoliberals in Canada, Europe, and around the world, as well.

This is a bipartisan corporate fascist coup on a global scale.

And no, the people will not take much more.

The voices of sanity, which were just a handful only a few weeks ago, are growing in number. Even the BBC is tolerating (some slight) dissent! Lo and behold. Wonders never cease.

The unanimity of propaganda and group think is beginning to crack. However, there is a long way to go to cut through the fog, the manufactured panic, the hysteria, the fear-mongering “divide and conquer” strategy which is the core of what this is about, and the lies – and there is no time to spare.

The major media, the alternative media, and most governments and health authorities, have failed the people completely and utterly – including the WHO, of course, which has been effectively bought and paid for by Big Pharma for some time.

Remember the lesson from Saddam’s WMDs. Or the total corruption of the OPCW. Have we learned nothing? Remember that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Moreover, as Goethe said, “Those who cannot learn from 5,000 years of history are living hand to mouth.”


To repeat, this is a global neoliberal/neoconservative joint endeavour which is nothing less than a corporate fascist coup. It is the oligarchy, both East and West, consolidating their power, because the rapidly growing wave of popular protests were terrifying them, and they are afraid of losing power.

This is the elite’s response to a global crisis of legitimacy, which, by 2019 had reached the tipping point. Their reaction is clear: it is a fascist lockdown.

Note the war criminal Henry Kissinger’s statement on COVID-19: “The world will never be the same after the coronavirus.” This statement, remember, is from the man who is on record as having ordered genocide in South-East Asia – “Send everything that flies. Kill everything that moves.”

Time to wake up. This is a power grab.

April 4, 2020


See my recent articles for further information, references, critical facts and analysis:

Coronavirus (COVID-19): The Central Facts

Elite Power Games: Any Enemy Will Do – Even A Virus

Coronavirus: Hype Confirmed, Fascism Confirmed

Global Geopolitics Analysis 2020: Sinking All Ships (But Our Own): Elite Aim To Sink Global Economy, In Order To Consolidate Global Neo-Feudal Corporate Rule

The Most Dangerous Epidemic Of All

Tipping Point Is Near: It Is Now Revolution, Or Extinction & Slow Death

Hurray For the Daft! (That’s Us)

Flash-Drive Revolution – and – Who To Trust?


See also:

Trends Journal


The Corbett Report

The Centre for Research on Globalization

Peter Hitchens

John Pilger

Barbara Honegger

Piers Robinson

And especially the following article:

Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’, Barbara Honegger, American herald Tribune, March 23, 2020


And the following podcast interview:

Piers Robinson: Is Coronavirus the New 9/11?

Apr 2, 2020,  in Podcast

Piers Robinson: Is Coronavirus the New 9/11?


And this above all, confirms yet again what should have been obvious all along:

Official Figures: COVID-19 Yet to Impact Europe’s Overall Mortality

Year-to-date statistics show excess mortality lower than previous years


These few sources, along with myself, are the only ones at present, that I know of, who are getting it right on the coronavirus event.


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