Flash-Drive Revolution – and – Who To Trust?

An idea for strategy is presented here in extremely concise form – an idea which could be decisive, and critical, to our survival, and our success.

Plus: Who To Trust?

Amidst Protests, Uprisings, Simmering Revolt and Revolution, and A New Renaissance Emerging,


Reactionary Efforts of The Establishment Powers of Entrenched Global Neo-Feudal Corporate Oligarchy To Resist Change, and To Consolidate Their Power, The Question Arises:

Who Can We Trust, Who Is Worthy of Support, and Who Can Put Things Into Perspective?


Humanity is experiencing a global awakening, and the birth of a new renaissance, along with the birth pangs of a new, global wave of popular protests, uprisings, and democratic revolutions.

At the same time, and deeply inter-related, there is a deep and growing crisis of legitimacy facing the world’s business and political “leaders” – the elite – along with the media, political and economic institutions, and social systems, structures, institutions and powers broadly.

We are now, in 2020, entering the global showdown phase of that most central conflict: between a global awakening of consciousness and culture, an emerging new renaissance, and a new wave of global uprisings and democratic revolutions; and the elite powers and oligarchies that wish to halt them, and to retain their stratospheric power and privilege, their oligarchy, and their de facto global rule.

It is, in short, a global showdown between the people and the oligarchy – between the people, and the ruling elite.

Public trust in political and business elites has crashed through the floor, and are at historically low levels. Public trust in the media has likewise collapsed.

Pundits, academics and “experts” are now routinely called into question as well – and not surprisingly, when we repeatedly discover hidden motives, blind spots, outright lies or delusions, and frequent alliances with vested interests.

Everywhere, icons are toppling, people are questioning more and more – as they should, and must.

Everywhere, people are re-assessing basic questions, including, who can we trust? Who can be relied upon for generally reliable, as well as honest, thoughtful, and accurate information, and informed commentary and analysis?

Furthermore, who is truly worthy of support, and who is not?

In short, whom to trust, has become one of the central issues of our time, as old orders crumble and slowly die, yet fight to hold on; and a new world is not yet born.

For myself, as a Canadian, and after 35 years and more than 50,000 hours of intensive research, studies and reflection, I can offer a very short and incomplete list of some of the groups and organizations that I feel are most worthy of support, along with the sources of news and analysis that I hold to be most reliable. Remember, though: Think for yourself – and question everything.

Remember also, that good sources and worthwhile groups can be corrupted, co-opted, high-jacked, taken over, simply become lost, or positively go off the rails.

I don’t expect that to happen with any of my most trusted groups or sources, but we do live in strange and unpredictable times – so I would urge we take nothing for granted.

Question everything, and everyone. Trust is good, when it is warranted. It is good to have confidence in something, and in at least some few, as well as in the people and the Earth broadly.

So too, are vigilance, fact-checking, and above all, thinking for ourselves, very good, and essential, things.


News and Analysis:

Rocco Galati, Canada’s leading constitutional lawyer, and the Constitutional Rights Centre, which he founded

3,6,9 Media: Podcast founded by Rocco Galati

Vandana Shiva: A one-woman army, speaking truth in a time of global corporate take-over

Stand For Health Freedom: Not anti-vax – anti-authoritarian

The Defender: Podcast with RFK Jr. – also not anti-vax, but strongly anti-authoritarian

300K & The Voters Association of Canada

The People’s Party of Canada: A new federal Canadian political party bringing together people from across the political spectrum to stand united for one single issue of paramount importance: the defense of freedom, democracy, constitutional rule and human rights for all, in the face of a rapidly rising global authoritarianism

Trends Journal: Not even the best of the alternative media compares to Trends Journal for trend forecasting, trend analysis, and weekly news and analysis – and of course the major state and corporate media don’t remotely compare, being the propaganda systems for the ruling elite, as Chomsky has said, and thus, utterly unreliable.

The Shift – Podcast with Doug McKenty

The Last American Vagabond (strange title, but excellent content) – especially with Whitney Webb, who I believe to be, at this moment, the best investigative journalist alive

Geopolitics & Empire Podcast: Quality varies with the guest, but generally excellent, in-depth global analysis here, and from a refreshingly diverse set of guests and a diverse set of perspectives.

The American Herald Tribune: An independent media source that offers fiercely honest investigative journalism, news and analysis – Watch for Anthony (Tony) Hall, Robert David Steele, Philip Giraldi, Piers Robinson and Barbara Honeger in particular

The Corbett Report: Another excellent source of independent research, news and analysis – NOT always right, unsurprisingly, since few people are omniscient, but generally excellent

The Centre For Research On Globalization: Also generally excellent for independent research, news and analysis

21st Century Wire: This source is new to me, but a recent episode (from 2020) of the weekly podcast was so exceptionally insightful, to such a rare level or degree, that I feel I have to list it here, among the best of the best. The host Patrick Henningsen has a level of understanding of global issues and power dynamics, and media manipulations, which is very rare. If one episode can impress me this much, like rare few sources ever do, then I am sure he must do a very good job of cutting through the fog on a regular basis.

John Pilger: Veteran investigative journalist and documentary film-maker John Pilger is a one-man media army. When the world is filled with the sound and fury of all-pervasive propaganda, lies, half-truths and illusions, and the echochamber of elite-spun narratives, which is the major media, seems to drown out all possibility for truth, or even basic sanity, you can count on John Pilger to cut through the fog and the lies and the convenient self-deceptions, to get to the truth, and the real story behind “the news”.

The Empire Files, with Abby Martin: A fiercely independent source of news and analysis, Abby Martin is what an investigative journalist looks like – along with Whitney Webb, Aaron Mate, John Pilger, James Corbett, Jeremy Scahill, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and a handful of others left in the world.

GreenMedInfo: The most reliable, truly evidence-based source on health that I know of – in fact, the only reliable source remaining that I know of, other than Gary Null and RFK JR., now that most health information sources have fallen for the lies and hysteria that are broadcast and paraded, very much like a plague in fact, by the new axis of evil: Big Government, Big Media, and the Big Money powers that rule them both.


There are many other groups, movements and organizations in the world that are worthy of our support, of course. And there are a few other sources of news and analysis that are reliable – although, they are now extremely few, and increasingly rare, as well as increasingly censored and suppressed. But with even these few sources, and these few groups, and others like them, there is hope.

Everything is possible, and the future truly is in our hands.

What we do with that power, is entirely up to us.

Please be sure to read the important notes below, as well: sources for big picture perspective, and Flash-Drive Revolution.

March 26, 2020


Sources for big-picture perspective:

To compliment the short list of groups and news sources that I would consider worthy of our trust as well as our support, I would like to add a very short and incomplete list of authors and thinkers that I feel are extremely helpful in gaining clarity in terms of the big picture, and/or, in terms of in-depth analysis.

Again, there are millions and billions of voices out there, but only a handful rise to the level, in my mind, of being generally reliable sources of information, much less understanding and perspective. (Remember, few people are omniscient, to put it mildly. Let’s not expect infallibility. Question everything.)

These, to my mind, are among the best of the best, in terms of voices for big picture perspective, or in-depth analysis, or sometimes, rarely, both. Other people would present a different list. Here is mine. (In no particular order – and again, very incomplete.)

Henry David Thoreau

Etienne de La Boetie

Noam Chomsky

Peter Kropotkin

Bertrand Russell

Murray Bookchin

Rianne Eisler

Howard Zinn

C. Wright Mills

Peter Phillips

George Orwell

Aldous Huxley

Erich Fromm

Max Weber

Alan Watts

Allan Wallace

Joseph Campbell

Joanna Macy

Helena Norberg-Hodge

Vandana Shiva

Jeremy Rifkin

Naomi Klein

John Pilger

Gerald Celente

Michel Chossudovsky

Michael Hudson

Ellen Brown

Max Keiser

Yanis Varoufakis

James Corbett

Caitlin Johnstone

Abby Martin

Matt Taibbi

David C. Korten

David Suzuki

Arundhati Roy

Margaret Atwood

Ronald Wright

Maude Barlow

Paul Craig Roberts

Morris Berman

Stephen Toulmin

EF Schumacher


Martin Luther King Jr.

Peter Dale Scott

Anthony Hall

John McMurtry

Michael Albert

Chris Hedges

Cornell West

Piers Robinson

And my own writings, I would humbly submit:

my essays, here on my blog, along with my first two published books:

Enlightened Democracy: Visions For A New Millennium


The People vs The Elite:

A Manifesto For Democratic Revolution,

Or, Survival In The 21st Century & Beyond

Both are available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon (though we should boycott the latter)


Flash-Drive Revolution:

As I have said before, and others have begun to say as well: censorship is increasing. The elite are scared – scared of change, scared of losing power. They are cracking down – especially on freedom of speech, and on dissent, as well as freedom of travel and freedom of assembly. (“Papers please.”)

I would urge people to begin backing up important texts, images, posters, data sets, videos, films, art and music that can be used in the fight for a better, freer, more just and clean, green, democratic world – and now.

Many of the best and most important writings, for example, are in the public domain. Others, like myself, are offering their work for free distribution.

Like most writers, I feel I am spiritually, intellectually, and culturally rich, but I am financially poor. Naturally I would like people to buy my books. But I certainly did not become a writer or a philosopher for the money. So, whether you do or not, and I ask that you do buy my books (mainly for my childrens’ sake); what is far more important to me is that the ideas and the writing be shared.

So, buy one copy, then share a digital copy with everyone you know, please. Hard copies, ebooks and audiobooks will be available for purchase, and I will also make electronic copies available for free, via Project Gutenberg, Librivox, my youtube channel and my blog.

Please take this document above, and my first two books, if you find them useful, and save them to a USB flash drive, along with other public domain writings you feel are  valuable or important  -Henry David Thoreau’s essay, On Civil Disobedience, for example, along with the UN Charter of Human Rights – or whatever you find relevant to the task at hand: and share them widely, everywhere.

These essays in particular I would encourage you to share, among others, from my blog:

Six Founding Principles Of Good Government

The Myth Of Progress – Pricking The Bubble

The Decline, Decay, Death and Rebirth of Democracy and Freedom

The Maxims of Empire (And the Maxims of Liberation)

The Failure of Propaganda

Decentralization & Localization, Or Collapse

Paradigm Shift

From Bankers Ruling The World, To The People Ruling The Bankers

along with several essays on mass digital addiction, the media, renaissance, enlightenment, and freedom of speech

If freedom of speech and dissent continue their current trend towards being censored and shut down, we will need alternative means of communicating. A Flash-Drive Revolution, sharing information and ideas freely, hand to hand, world-wide, by-passing the internet completely, could circumvent the oligarchs, and beat them. I think it is important, and it could imperative, and decisive. And I think we should begin right away – right now.

250 MB or even 1 terabyte USB flash-drives are becoming cheap. Use them. Bypass the closing down of society and free speech – while we still can.

Vive la revolution! For a just and free, clean, green, democratic society, and a better world for all.

And remember, We, the people, are the world’s other superpower – the greatest superpower.

Embrace your power now.

Let’s go.

Consider that the revolution has begun.

March 26, 2020

With minor additions made in April 2021 – and an important note:

Some of the journals, organizations, individuals and media outlets listed above as being among the best, are no longer reliable, or have frankly become either addle-minded, or corrupted and co-opted – though it is hard to tell which it is – as was confirmed in 2020/2021: and that includes some of the vanguards of the progressives and the left. Where is the left in 2021? Largely lost, deeply befuddled, deluded, and profoundly confused. Question everything – and everyone. It is more imperative than ever.

Shatter the illusions of division, embrace diversity, and unity in diversity, and transcend the old partisan battle lines of conformity, hostility and group-think which divide us. Prioritize! Separate long term ideals from short term necessities – and uniting the people is the greatest and most urgent necessity of all. If we do not unite the people now, or very soon, we will all be slaves – make no mistake. Forget or at least temporarily set aside old notions of right and left. It is now the people vs the oligarchy. If we fail to understand that, we fail to understand everything. Do not be fooled by confused or deceitful narratives that divide us. Don’t succumb to fear, paranoia, or mistrust. But do question everything, and think for yourself. Above all, trust yourself. We build from there, or from nowhere.



The following section of the original article, I just now removed. The groups and organizations I had mentioned, were doing excellent work, up until Covid-1984 hit, and the slow motion, global corporate-fascist coup began its final phase of completion. At that point, in 2020, most of the Left, seemed to have drunk the Kool-Aid, swallowed the official narrative, and most ominously, became either silent about the sudden rise of authoritarianism, or actively cheered for it. To this moment, as I write, most of the Left, along with most of the moderate Right and the centre, remain lost in a fog, and have no idea what is going on. That is giving them the benefit of the doubt. With some groups, NGOs, political parties, politicians and other individuals, they have simply sold their souls, and have jumped on board with the Davos-led fascist coup. So, here is the (partial) list of groups that I did support, up to early 2020. Assuming they still have a soul, maybe someone else can talk some sense into them. I have tried, and so far, they are deaf to reason, as well as to evidence. If any of them has come out in strong defense of civil liberties, human rights, constitutional rule and freedom, and in strong opposition to the “new normal” of police state authoritarianism, without me noticing, then they have my apologies. There is too much happening, far too fast, for me to babysit organizations that should know better than to support fascists.

Groups I (did) feel are most worthy of support, and news and analysis sources I have found to be among the most reliable:

This is what I wrote about them in the original article, in early 2020, before it became clear that they had lost all perspective, and lost their bearings:

A very short and incomplete list, focused primarily on Canadian groups and organizations

Idle No More: The Canadian indigenous rights group that has transformed the environmental movement, positively fused the indigenous rights movement to the environmental movement, and brought non-violent direct action into the mainstream – where it belongs, and must remain, until the job is done, and we live in a just and free, clean and green world.

The Council of Canadians: Canada’s leading citizen organization: building grassroots activism for a clean, green, just and free, peaceful, democratic society

The Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives (CCPA): Canada’s leading progressive-left think tank, and one of the best in the world; publishes the journal, The Monitor

The David Suzuki Foundation: The leading environmental group in Canada, along with Idle No More and others. Founded by the most trusted person in Canada, according to a nation-wide poll: environmental scientist David Suzuki.

Here are the news and analysis sources that I listed in early 2020 as reliable, but which I no longer believe to be reliable at all. They still do excellent work on certain select issues, and often on many issues, but they are out to lunch with regards to the biggest issue of all, which is that we are now in the midst of a global corporate-fascist coup. How they fail to see this, is hard to fathom. I think my essay, Trump Says Up, You Say Down, explains a great deal. Now, they don’t dare to admit they were duped, and were wrong. Let the world burn to the ground, rather than have me admit I was wrong, because my ego is more important than the fate of humanity or the Earth, seems to be the unconscious driver of their psychology. And yes, that is a scathing critique, but any group or individual who consciously or even unwittingly supports fascism, deserves that scathing critique completely.

The Monitor: In-depth analysis from the Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives

Canadian Perspectives: News and analysis from the front lines of the grassroots movements for democracy, justice, sustainability and peace – from the Council of Canadians

New Internationalist: Clarifying the real story on the biggest issues in the world for many decades now, NI is a rare gem, both as a journal, and as a grassroots networking organization, and also, as a publishing house. Or so it used to be, prior to 2020.

Z Magazine & Z Net: News and analysis, in-depth commentary, activism, networking and solidarity for social change: Z Net is a giant David, or army of Davids, in the global movement for a better world. It’s now being censored and suppressed, like many other sources and individuals that speak the truth, but it is alive and strong, and you can find them. And you should.

Stick with the best sources, in general, I would urge. But do read widely, discuss widely, and think for yourself, always.

September 2, 2021

4 Responses to “Flash-Drive Revolution – and – Who To Trust?”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    Here is an email that I sent out to friends, and I would recommend people copy it, write your own brief, one or two lines of introduction, if you like, and send it to everyone you know.

    Hi folks,

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a very long time, and now I have finally begun, and you should, too: download all the important books, documents, articles, memes, photos, art, how-to manuals and videos that you can, to hard-drive, and also to USB flash-drive. See my essay, on my blog, Flash-Drive Revolution. You decide what is important to save. This Spotify playlist that I have created, however, and numerous other references that I have made in my books and blogs, would be a very good place to start.

    To that list, I would add or include these important documents and books:

    Key Documents:

    The UN Declaration of Human Rights

    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    Click to access charter-poster.pdf

    The Declaration of Independence

    The US Constitution and Bill of Rights

    The Mexican Constitution

    The Magna Carta

    The Earth Charter

    Key Books:

    Oneness vs The 1%, by Vandana Shiva
    Walden, and On Civil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau
    The Discourse On Voluntary Servitude, by Etienne de La Boite
    Necessary Illusions: Thought Control In Democratic Societies, by Noam Chomsky
    Class Warfare, by Noam Chomsky
    Year 501: The Conquest Continues, by Noam Chomsky
    The Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein
    Confessions Of An Economic Hitman, by John Perkins
    A Game As Old As Empire, by John Perkins
    The American Deep State, by Peter Dale Scott
    The Power Elite, by C. Wright Mills
    Giants: The Global Power Elite, by Peter Phillips
    The New Rulers Of The World, by John Pilger
    Global Showdown, by Maude Barlow
    Shadow Sovereigns, by Susan George
    The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, by John McMurtry
    The American Empire and The Fourth World, by Anthony J. Hall
    Web of Debt, by Ellen Brown
    Common Sense, by Thomas Paine
    I Have A Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed The World – Martin Luther King Jr.
    Gandhi, An Autobiography
    Mutual Aid, by Peter Kropotkin
    The Ecology of Freedom, by Murray Bookchin
    Escape From Freedom, by Erich Fromm
    Roads To Freedom, by Bertrand Russell
    The Empathic Civilization, by Jeremy Rifkin
    The Great Turning, by David C. Korten
    A Short History of Progress, by Ronald Wright
    Stolen Continents, by Ronald Wright
    When Technology Fails, by Matthew Stein
    The Long Emergency, by James Howard Kunstler
    World Made By Hand, by James Howard Kunstler
    Retro-Future, by John Michael Greer
    Re-inventing Collapse, by Dmitry Orlov
    The Five Stages of Collapse, by Dmitry Orlov
    Collapse and The Good Life, by Dmitry Orlov
    World As Lover, World As Self, by Joanna Macy
    The Chalice and The Blade, by Rianne Eisler
    Choosing Reality, by Allan Wallace
    The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
    A Guide For The Perplexed, by E.F. Schumacher
    Small Is Beautiful, by E.F. Schumacher
    Brave New World, and Brave New World Revisited, by Aldous Huxley
    1984, by George Orwell
    Iron Heel, by Jack London
    A Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood
    Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
    Elders’ Wisdom, by David Suzuki
    Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual, by Bill Mollison

    Other helpful resources:

    Geoff Lawton – numerous videos on permaculture
    Chris Magwood – books and videos on green design and construction
    Gerald Celente, Trends Journal – the leading source for global trend analysis
    Geopolitics & Empire – excellent podcast, with a diversity of views
    The Centre For Research On Globalization
    The American Herald Tribune
    New Society Publishers
    The Savory Institute
    The Global Ecovillage Network
    The Transition Network / Transition Towns
    Think Resilience


    Kiss The Ground
    The Need To Grow
    Planet of the Humans
    Requiem For The American Dream
    Manufacturing Consent
    Where To Invade Next
    The Corporation
    The Shock Doctrine
    The Power of Community

    And to that list I would humbly add:
    My own blog, on WordPress, and my first three books:

    Enlightened Democracy: Visions for A New Millennium

    The People vs The Elite:
    A Manifesto For Democratic Revolution, Or, Survival In The 21st Century & Beyond

    All Hell Breaks Loose: Global Geopolitics: 1945-2045 (book release is coming soon)

    Must-Listen, by Todd Ring, on Spotify (free):

    I have made what is obviously a very incomplete list here, and I am sure there are many references and resources that I would have listed, but which did not come to mind in this moment. Clearly, you should save and preserve for safe-keeping what you feel is important. I would again suggest, however, that what I have presented here, are extremely important works, that should be read, shared, safe-guarded and preserved, by as many people as possible.

    Warm wishes, always.

    And never surrender.

    J. Todd Ring,
    July 20, 2021

    P.S.: Forward this important message to every thinking person you know. Then start saving, downloading, and sharing resources via email and USB flash-drive – everywhere.

    Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.


  2. Other important documents I may have forgotten to mention:

    The Powell Memorandum
    The Pentagon Papers
    The COINTELPRO Papers
    Tragedy and Hope, by Carol Quigley
    Between Two Ages, and, The Grand Chessboard, by Zbigniew Brzezinski
    The Crisis of Democracy, the first publication by the Trilateral Commission
    Technocracy Rising, by Patrick Wood
    Brave New World Revisited, by Aldous Huxley
    The Power Elite, by C. Wright Mills
    Giants, by Peter Phillips
    Trilateralism, by Holly Sklar
    The Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein


  3. This is an excellent, extremely important film. But remember, this was released in 2019, before the corporate coup d’etat had reached its final phase – which is the neo-fascist phase, that completes the slow-motion coup which occurred over the past fifty years. Fascism is now here.


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