Archive for alternative media

Dealing With Lemmings, and The Delusional

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 11, 2021 by jtoddring

“Never underestimate the power of denial.” – American Beauty”

Cowards can never be moral.” – Gandhi

“The world is a dangerous place, not because evil people do terrible things, but because millions of people let them.” – Einstein

“Just because you bury your head in the sand, doesn’t mean the problem goes away.” – Italian saying

I am beginning to think that apathy, complacency, and their roots in cynicism and illusions of powerlessness, are far more dangerous than all of the diabolical machinations of a self-serving elite – because the latter would have no power, if it were not for the passivity, submissiveness, and effective complicity of the masses. Actually, I have thought that way for a long time, but this past two years has driven the point home, in vivid technicolour.

It is wise, compassionate, and also strategically intelligent to speak to people in general in calm, composed, courteous and respectful ways, even when we must speak the plain truth, as best we understand it. The following thoughts are directed toward the 30% of people who already have found the courage to face reality, and to deal with reality. I would not advise the same tone or wording be used with people who are still in denial. Bear that in mind as you consider the following.

The great majority have been deeply indoctrinated to mistrust their own judgment and innate common sense. For that reason, they do not exercise their natural intelligence, other than for menial things, such as tax forms, finding the remote control for the TV, or choosing a new brand of toothpaste. They are led by their emotions, with their critical thinking shut off. They believe what they want to believe. They make no use of reason, and do not listen to evidence. Above all, they obey authority and stick with the herd. They are pack animals. Small children is a better description. Have pity on them. Try to have compassion for everyone – including the childish, the witless, the gullible and the inane.


Lemmings and cowards may want to stop reading now. The following discussion is for adults only.Here are some comments that I posted in twitlandia, which I also try to avoid like the plague. I think they can be a helpful intro to people who have been oblivious, and who drank the kool-aid, but now have an inkling that things seem, just a little bit awry. You don’t try to have an adult conversation with them, or a sane conversation – they’re not ready for that. Just give them these names. They’ll figure it out for themselves – if they have the balls or the spine to look into it at all.

Pardon me – I should be more precise in my choice of words. “Huevos” is the better term: from the Mexican slang, meaning “eggs” – referring to the generative power which grants courage – because both men and women have the generative power of life within them, and both, of course, have the capacity to exhibit courage. Sadly, however, most people have none. Most people only find their courage in moments of great crisis. But if that is not now, then I don’t know when they will find it. They had better find it soon, is all I can say.

My tweet, for what it’s worth:

Where would I begin to inform the liberals & the Left, (along with most of the right, btw) who collectively have lost their marbles over the past 22 months, and seem clueless and oblivious with regards to what should be obvious to all, and what should have been seen coming for decades? And I warned of for decades!

How do you inform people that there is an elephant in the middle of the room, which they somehow, amazingly, fail to see? I would tell them, listen to Rocco Galati, Whitney Webb, Michel Chossudovsky, Anthony J. Hall, Piers Robinson, Gerald Celente, & (the excellent) Geopolitics & Empire podcast.

(I’d also urge, for big picture, in-depth analysis, strategy and vision, that people read my own books and essays, which are on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and WordPress – particularly, Enlightened Democracy, The People vs The Elite, All Hell Breaks Loose (coming soon), and the essays: Flash-Drive Revolution, Importing From China, Any Enemy Will Do, Sinking All Ships, Trump Says Up – You Say Down, Reclaiming Democracy, and The Failure of Propaganda.)

The above “tweet” I wrote in response to the following thread:

J. Todd Ring
Wrote (“tweeted”): · Oct 5

Excellent discussion, as far as it goes. But no mention, or even awareness, it seems, of the current, ongoing, neoliberal, global corporate fascist coup. This from the leading intellectuals of the left. Astounding.

(In response to the video discussion linked below)

Chomsky is interviewed by Richard Wolff, in this video linked below – two people that I respect greatly, who, sadly, seem utterly clueless with regards to the current, on-going, neoliberal, global corporate-fascist coup – quite amazingly – just as most of the right, and virtually all of the centre and the left broadly, have completely lost their marbles, and in the process, have lost all remaining credibility as reliable sources of information, guidance or leadership. And Chomsky and Wolff are among the top leading figures of the left! Clearly, our leaders have failed us utterly, right across the board – including on the Left. So-called “alternative media”, as well, in general, has utterly failed, and definitively failed, since 2020.

3:33 PM · Oct 6, 2021·Twitter


And yes, if I am willing to correct the venerable, grand old dissident himself, and the leading intellectual on the planet, professor Noam Chomsky, when he is wrong, as he has been on occasion before, then of course I have zero concern for what the blinkered herd may think of my comments here, or anywhere else.

October 6, 2021

“I fear no truth, and fear no falsehood.” – Thomas Jefferson


If you want a list of more reliable sources, sources that can see the elephant in the middle of the room, see my short article, Who To Trust?

Chomsky and Wolff’s books remain essential, required reading, and particularly Chomsky’s; but don’t count on either of them for reliable information, guidance or leadership, post-covid, or anytime after 2020. They have, sadly, failed us. And it breaks my heart to have to say it, believe me.

My greatest of heroes have been Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Paine, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Zapata, and Noam Chomsky. To see one of them fall, and in no minor way, but by making a profound and grave error of judgment, is simply heart-breaking. But, we move on, because we must. I still respect the great man, but I now take him to be utterly unreliable, as of February 2020. I will honour him anyway, but I will not rely on him for information, from anything he says after the covid-1984 war began. He, like most of the “leadership” of the left, has become completely and utterly unreliable, to say it mildly, and as politely as possible.

Who To Trust: The Short Answer

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 17, 2021 by jtoddring

Who to trust? That is always a perennial question, and particularly now, when not only government, corporations, politicians, and corporate and state media have repeatedly been shown to have lied, grossly distorted or concealed the truth, and engaged in deceitful PR and propaganda; but also, alternative and progressive media, along with the left, the right and the liberal centre, have repeatedly failed, in glaring, very serious ways.

In terms of interpersonal relations and general human interaction, I strongly agree with Alan Watts: “People who mistrust themselves and others are doomed.” Absolutely correct. But we’re not talking about trust in that sense. We’re talking about who to trust for reliable information. I trust people as a rule, until or unless they give me reason not to. But that doesn’t mean I assume everyone is a reliable source of information, vision or analysis. Most people are not.

I also strongly agree with Chomsky, on most things, including his statement that, “The great majority of people have basically decent impulses.” Most people are decent. That does not mean they are reliable sources of information on world issues. Most people simply are not.

So, who to trust, in terms of being reliable sources of information, vision or analysis? I’ve written an article exactly on that topic, on this blog, but I’ll mention just a couple of names here. Again, these are generally reliable sources. That does not mean they are omniscient or infallible. Above all, do your own research, examine things for yourself – and think for yourself.

Top picks for reliable sources:

A very incomplete list – and remember, no one is infallible!

It cannot be stressed enough:

Question everything.

Vandana Shiva (virtually in a class by herself)

Whitney Webb – arguably the best investigative journalist alive, at this moment at least

Glenn Greenwald – a rarely matched journalist of integrity, rivalled only by Whitney Webb, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, John Pilger, and a handful of others

Edward Snowdon – did more for truth, democracy, human rights and freedom than almost anyone in decades

Julian Assange – exactly as I said about Edward Snowdon, the same applies

Noam Chomsky
Peter Dale Scott
Gerald Celente
Max Keiser
James Corbett
John McMurtry
Paul Craig Roberts
James Howard Kunstler
Richard Heinberg
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Joanna Macy
Allan Wallace
Alan Watts
Aldous Huxley
George Orwell
Peter Kropotkin
Bertrand Russell
Murray Bookchin
Rianne Eisler
David Suzuki
Maude Barlow
Margaret Atwood
Arundhati Roy
Ronald Wright
Mathiew Stein
Geoff Lawton
Erich Fromm
Max Weber
C. Wright Mills
Peter Phillips
Herman Daly
Michael Albert
EF Schumacher
Cornel West
Naomi Wolf
Anthony J. Hall
Michael Parenti
Abby Martin
Matt Taibbi
Aaron Mate
Joseph Campbell
Mathew Fox
Thomas Merton
Martin Luther King Jr.

And I would humbly add my own writing to that list as well.

That’s more than enough good sources to figure out what’s really going on, to stay informed, and to form, refine or retain an inspiring vision for a better world.


July 17, 2021


I forgot to mention a few other particularly excellent sources that I go to regularly, or as often as I can stomach checking in on this slow motion train wreck of a collapsing civilization:

David C. Korten

Jeremy Rifkin

Sayer Ji

Gary Null

Dmitry Orlov

Russell Brand

The Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues (podcast)

Trends Journal – if you choose just one subscription, make it this.

Geopolitics & Empire (podcast)

The Centre for Research on Globalization

All of them are excellent. And of course, none of them are omniscient or infallible.

More Faux Left Follies

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 19, 2020 by jtoddring

Letter to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

I used to consider CounterPunch, Canadian Dimension, DemocracyNow! and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives among my most trusted sources for news and analysis. No more. The last issue of CCPA’s Monitor confirmed the total loss of confidence, as did the general performance of the “left” in 2020. How can I say such things? Let’s look at a few of the blind spots on the left, including the CCPA. They are big enough to sail the Titanic through.

1. Trump is not a populist. Populism means participatory democracy. Don’t foolishly play into the hands of the global bi-partisan corporate fascist elite by sullying the term! Trump is a classic faux populist. Get it straight.

2. The alternative media did not give Trump the presidency.

A. The mainstream media gave Trump the spotlight – “if it bleeds it leads”, and he is a spectacle to sell, which they eagerly did.

B. Chomsky is right: a demagogue of the right was bound to arise, and did, because 40 years of neoliberal class warfare created great popular anger, much of it misplaced. Hence, Obama and the Clintons, and the Democratic Party, gave the world Trump.

C. Blaming alternative media fuels the spectacular and ominous rise of censorship. (Duh!) And blaming “misinformation” furthers that trend. Stop fuelling censorship! It leads invariably to tyranny and authoritarianism, if not outright fascism. How much more of a basic political-economy lesson do you need?!

3. The Democratic party was not “under-prepared” for the 2020 election. You gave them a total gloss. Trump is terrible, but the Wall Street- and CIA-controlled Democratic party establishment is corporatist – which as Mussolini said, literally means fascist. Giving them a gloss, or any support, is unconscionable, and unthinkable.

(By the way, Chomsky was the best political analyst alive until early 2020; but he is not infallible, and I strongly disagree with him in his support for Biden. His argument is that the Republicans are so bad in terms of the environment, we must support Biden and the Democrats. Classic good cop / bad cop routine. But Biden has said emphatically that he does not support the Green New Deal, and he will not ban fracking. That’s your environmental saviour? Think again. Enough games. It’s time for revolution.)

If this is the best of the left, and this is the best think tank in the country – which it is – then we’re in trouble.

Please publish this letter in the Monitor, and on your website, and cancel my membership until you correct these truly seismic errors.

You can find me on if you want to discuss things further.


J. Todd Ring,

Author of Enlightened Democracy, and, The People vs The Elite

#CCPA #TheLeft #AlternativeMedia #populism #Fascism

Media Failure, Again

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on March 24, 2020 by jtoddring


Remember the Iraq War? Remember the lies that were passed off by the elite, and repeated by the media without question, without any fact-checking or investigation? Well, it’s happening again.

But every time we repeat the mistakes of history, the stakes get higher.


On the eve of the US war against Iraq, the corporate and state media all lined up to dutifully play the role of echo chamber for the official narrative created by the Western elite: Saddam has WMDs, Saddam is linked to Al Qaeda, Saddam was behind 9/11 – all three points later being proven to be lies. 

The war on Iraq was always about the oil. But the people had to be lied to and manipulated into supporting the war. The media willingly complied.

None of the major media questioned the official narrative of ruling elites. None bothered to investigate or check the facts. The embarrassingly mistitled alternative media and independent media, with few exceptions, also lined up to repeat the official narrative of the new “War On Terrorism” – which was and is a global imperial war for oil and other resources, and a war on democracy and freedom at home and abroad.

And it is happening again. 

All the major media, state and corporate, spout the official narrative: the coronavirus is extraordinarily dangerous – contrary to the facts, which are: 11,000 deaths to date from coronavirus vs 50,000 deaths PER DAY from hunger and obesity; therefore, mass quarantine, effectively mass house arrests, suspension of basic civil rights and constitutional rule, and draconian/authoritarian/police state responses, are necessary and justified – again, contrary to both prudence, and also the facts, since the Italian government’s own study shows there is virtually zero risk of contagion unless you are either very old or already sick and immune compromised.

And not only have all the major state and corporate media lined up to unquestioningly repeat the official government and elite narrative, but so have virtually all the so-called alternative and independent media. This is appalling, as well as criminally negligent, complicitous, and extremely dangerous.

The real dangers are two: power-mongers (that is, fascists), and lies.

The major media, along with most of the alternative media, were, and are, complicit in mass murder during the war on Iraq, and the on-going wars across the Middle East. Now they are colluding and complicit with the full scale war on basic civil rights, freedom, democracy, and constitutional rule, and the instituting of a new global fascist police state.


I spent 35 years doing intensive research, study and analysis in politics, philosophy and world issues, and in the process collected some of the best sources and resources on the planet. Most of my best sources are failing now. That is deeply disturbing. 

Only a handful of sources are getting it right on the coronavirus event: Gerald Celente and Trends Journal, The Corbett Report, GreenMedInfo, and myself. Just four sources world-wide getting the story right, from what I have seen? That is deeply disturbing. I haven’t done a thorough survey or assessment of the alternative media, but what is clear and undeniable is that both the major media, and the so-called alternative media, are failing, again.

We need to be very thoughtful now, especially about our sources of news, information and analysis. Above all, we need to question everything, and everyone, and think for ourselves. Now more than ever.


March 24, 2020

“Alternative Media” Failure

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on March 17, 2020 by jtoddring

To the “alternative” media, I would say this – as well as to the readers, who need to be more critical, not just of the major media, but to supposed alternatives, as well.

I would not play into the fear-mongering of the neoliberal fascists – who control most major media, as well as most governments, the IMF, ECB, Fed, OECD, WTO, WHO, CDC, Davos, Big Oil, Big Pharma, (to name a few power centres) along with the military industrial security complex, and the banking and “intelligence” cartels.

The neoliberal fascists are far more slick and polished, far better at PR and disguises, propaganda and public manipulations, and more in line with Huxley’s dark vision of a more subtle, scientific fascism; compared to the neoconservative fascists, such as Bush I, II, Cheney, and the Trump administration, who are more overt, more obvious, and less insidious – but no more dangerous.

The neoliberal fascists are every bit as dangerous as the neoconservative fascists surrounding Trump – and they seem intent on turning the coronavirus into a dress rehearsal for fascism.

Playing into the “pandemic” hysteria narrative is therefore unwise and extraordinarily dangerous. The virus could turn out to be more dangerous than present figures indicate, but at present, bathtub drownings and car accidents are much bigger problems, quite literally, not to mention the common flu – or hunger, poverty, obesity, poor diets, and war. But a fascist “response” to an exaggerated and hyped “crisis” – a manufactured crisis – is a very real and present danger.

See Trends Research for another perspective, and a clearer one, I would say. But alternative media getting propagandized themselves, and repeating the official narrative on major issues, is not surprising: most of the “alternative media” blew it on most if not all litmus test big stories of the past decade – the CIA/State Department coup in Ukraine, for example, and the geopolitics surrounding that event, or Russiagate, or the Cold War that followed.

The alternative media needs to step up its game. Playing into the hands of the two wings of the on-going, bipartisan neoliberal/neoconservative fascist coup, is not intelligent reporting or commentary. You are being played.

Thoughtful readers need to question everything – including their favourite media sources.

I am sounding a warning here, by the way, not taking an inventory of current alternative media performance on this or any other issue. It is a warning call, not a report card. I don’t follow the alternative media, as with the major media, enough for a detailed assessment of the present state of the former. The latter is, of course, a tragic, sick joke. The former dances between thoughtful relevance, and being an unwitting tool of self-serving elite powers.

March 17, 2020


Further reading – big picture analysis:

Noam Chomsky, Necessary Illusions: Thought Control In Democratic Societies,
Year 501: The Conquest Continues,
Class Warfare,
Requiem For The American Dream: The Principles Of Concentration Of Wealth & Power
George Orwell, 1984
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, and Brave New World Revisited
Yevgeny Zamyatin, We
Jack London, Iron Heel
Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine
David C. Korten, When Corporations Rule The World
Susan George, Shadow Sovereigns
John Pilger, The New Rulers Of The World
John Perkins, A Game As Old As Empire, and
The New Confessions Of An Economic Hitman
C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite
Peter Phillips, Giants: The Global Power Elite
Murray Bookchin, The Ecology of Freedom
Erich Fromm, Escape From Freedom
Bertrand Russell, Roads To Freedom
Joanna Macy, World As Lover, World As Self
Ronald Wright, A Short History Of Progress


Obama’s Vision and Legacy: A retrospective look at the Obama presidency – before we lose all sight of recent history, as our culture is wont to do

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2016 by jtoddring


Here are three short articles which I wrote between 2011 and 2015 which sum up the Obama presidency, and the Obama vision and legacy. We should remember, those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Let us review now the torturous two terms of “Mister Hope and Change” – the man who escalated and consolidated the Bush-Cheney program of intensified imperial warfare abroad, and the building of a police state at home – and all with a smiling face, and lofty, pious speeches proclaiming noble, lofty things.

I must say, as an aside, that the following articles were written and posted as comments, via Discus, to certain “alternative media” sources; and they present a scathing, and justifiably, fact-based, and much-needed, scathing critique of the alternative media.

In short, the alternative media, so called, and with only a handful of exceptions, provided a gloss to Obama’s presidency, and lent cover to his high crimes and his war crimes, for the first seven years of his presidency. Only recently has a sliver of critical commentary about the Obama administration begun to flow out of these generally hollowly pretentious “news” sources.

And secondly, almost all of them failed completely with regards to honest and thoughtful reporting on the crisis in Ukraine, and instead of serious journalism, simply mouthed the standard narrative, and gave further life and credibility to the lies and propaganda that the mainstream media routinely present as “the news”.

So in short, the alternative media failed utterly and completely, with only rare exceptions on the part of a few writers and a few websites, in regards to two of the biggest geopolitical subjects of the past decade: the US presidency under Obama, and its global and domestic implications; and the growing US-Russian cold war.

Having said that, and having lost most of my trust and confidence in these media sources, The Real News Network has seriously upped its game, and I would say, from what I have seen, that it is now one of the best sources of news and analysis in the Western world.

So there is hope for the alternative media. They simply have to have the courage to admit when they were wrong, and to stand up, and speak the truth, regardless of how popular or unpopular the truth may be.

And it is also helpful here for us to remember – and not just the alternative media, but also the broader public, who were, by and large, also duped by Mister Hope and Change – the words of Emerson:

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

Let us be willing to admit when we were mistaken, and learn from our mistakes, and let us learn from our history, before we are doomed to repeat it yet again.


We should also note that Obama’s legacy includes, not only expanded imperial wars overseas, and an accelerated pace of the Bush-Cheney project of turning America into a police state, but also under Obama, we saw the crash of 2008, from which the US and the world in general have yet to recover. (See Paul Craig Roberts: There Was No Recovery, and There Will Be No Recovery.)

The warm and fuzzy propaganda and spin continues to stream out of the White House and the corporate media, telling us everything is rosy, but the figures speak for themselves, and tell a different story. The middle class is being driven under and is sinking, and shrinking, and as a result, consumer spending is crashing, which means that the global economy continues to sink. It’s not rocket science. A 10 year old could understand it. It just requires a willingness to deal with the facts, and that seems rare these days.

The middle class is being wiped out, while poverty and inequality soar, and only the rich are doing well – extremely well, in fact. This is another part of Obama’s legacy – he presided over the continued and accelerating process of the rich devouring the poor, the middle class and the world. And most critically, he acted as the lead PR man to cover over and hide what is really going on, and tell us that everything is fine, while the people and the planet continue to be eaten alive. I think he should sell snake oil. It would be a more honest job.

“In order to have a thriving middle class, we need good paying middle class jobs.  Unfortunately, our economy has been bleeding those kinds of jobs quite rapidly.  For example, Halliburton just announced that it is eliminating 5,000 more jobs after getting rid of 4,000 workers at the end of last year.

During the Obama years, good paying middle class jobs have been getting replaced by low paying service jobs.  At this point, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.

And there is no way that you can support a middle class family with children on $30,000 a year.

We have an economy that is in the process of failing.  We can see it in the explosion of subprime auto loans that are going bad, we can see it in the hundreds of retail stores that are shutting down, and we can see it in the tens of thousands of good paying energy jobs that are being lost.

During the Obama years, interest rates have been pushed to the floor, the Federal Reserve has created trillions of dollars out of thin air, and the size of our national debt is getting close to doubling.  Despite all of those desperate measures, our economy continues to crumble.”

– Economic Recovery? 13 Of The Biggest Retailers In America Are Closing Down Stores
By Michael Snyder, February 25, 2016

Hallelujah. Praise be to the profits.

And let them eat cake.

February 25, 2016


Obama’s brilliantly successful, and disastrous vision

A recent article by Andrew Bacevitch
which was published by Moyers and Company laments that Obama has
failed to accomplish anything of substance since taking office. This
is not true. Obama has continue the Bush-Cheney war on democracy,
freedom, civil liberties, human rights, the Bill of Rights and
Constitution at home, while carrying on with the noble work begun by
the Bush administration of creating a police state in America; thus,
hopefully, securing the wealth and power of the elite at the expense
of the great suffering and diminished wealth, security, dignity,
rights and freedom of the other 99% of the population. So yes, Obama
has accomplished a great deal. He simply accomplished all the wrong
things. And he did so, because he was working for the wrong people.
He has been working for Wall Street since the beginning. The people
simply failed to see it.

The article is excellent, but for this
point, and one other important point. The author states that Obama
has no foreign policy vision, and never did. That is untrue.

Obama inherited and fully embraced the
foreign policy vision of the neocon Project for a New American
Century and the Bush-Cheney cabal: that is, intensified imperial
warfare abroad for the sake of maintaining global hegemony in a time
of an empire in rapid decline – and, of course, for the ever-present
ultimate objective, which is ever higher corporate profits and wealth
for the super-rich, ruling elite.

So Obama has a vision – it’s just not a
vision which accords with the great majority of Americans, or people
anywhere in the world. But it is a vision which is favoured, and
fiercely, rabidly, aggressively pursued, by the foreign and domestic
elite who rule over Washington and decide its policy choices and

Has Obama’s vision succeeded? Well, the
rich are richer, aren’t they? Corporate profits are high. Trillions
of dollars have flowed from Main Street to Wall Street, via the US
government and the US Treasury. And the billionaire class now has an
even more formidable military-industrial-security complex, and police
state apparatus, with which to protect itself from the rabble. Obama
has succeeded brilliantly, at least for the moment – he simply had
the wrong vision: and for that, we should all lament deeply. The
people were duped.

J. Todd Ring,

February 7, 2015

Discussion on Chris Floyd – Empire Burlesque 26 comments


And here is my response to another article from the “alternative media” which also helped to give Obama a fresh gloss and a patina of legitimacy:

New Obama Campaign Commercial Is BRUTAL!


prajnaseek 4 years ago (2012)

The amazing shelf-life of Obamamania:

Half rotted, to say the least; made as appealing as possible by a dedicated PR
and now highly distasteful to a growing majority –
yet still being hocked by “progressive” media outlets nation-wide.
What gives?!

I am increasingly amazed that otherwise thoughtful, well-informed and
intelligent individuals and media outlets such as AlterNet, who seem to have
both brains and integrity, continue to support Obama. Do we have to recount his
record of actions over and over again? He presented himself – with the aid of a
powerful, multi-million dollar PR machine – as a populist, a democrat, a man of
peace, and a man of the people. I warned people before he was elected in 2008 that he
was none of the above, but merely another shill for Wall Street. His actions since
his election have proven this is in fact the case, and proven it abundantly, beyond
any shadow of a doubt. Shall we at least glance at the record? Do the facts
matter, or are we utterly swayed and won over – deluded – by the mesmerizing
powers of rhetoric, spin and pretty speeches? Do the facts matter or not?

A populist? Obama was put into office through the major backing of Wall Street,
then of course, returned the favour – “donations” from the reigning
plutocratic elite do not come free, nor without strings attached, as David
Sirota said of Obama and his backers: returned the favour by stacking his
government with his Wall Street buddies, and then handed over hundreds of
billions of tax payer dollars to his Wall Street banker friends, as part of the
greatest mass transfer of wealth from the American people to the financial
elite in history. To cap it all off, he aggressively pushed for legislation
that would permanently make his Wall Street criminal friends immune from any
future prosecution or legal action. (See Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibi for an
honest accounting of Obama.) Populist? No, Obama is Wall Street’s man – or one
of them. He is no friend of the people.

Democrat? Obama voted twice for the Constitution-, Bill of Rights- and
civil liberties-shredding Patriot Act; the second time, voting to make 14 of
its provisions permanent. He has done nothing to overturn the quite literally –
by any legal definition – fascist legislation brought in by Bush, and has in
fact greatly extended and increased it. The Military Commissions Act has not
been overturned, and Obama has not even attempted to do so, and this act alone
defines the United States now, in strict legal terms, as a fascist nation. (See
Keith Olbermann on the Military Commissions Act, for an honest and unflinching
assessment – and remember, Obama has continued to support it since Bush left office.)
Under the NDAA, which Obama also signed, the President, or Chief Executive
Officer on hire to the ruling financial elite who own the country, can now
imprison anyone indefinitely, and has sweeping unchecked powers beyond that,
including execution or assassination without trial. (Obama even brags of his
ability to kill anyone with his fleet of killer drones.) These legal undoings
of constitutional democracy, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and civil
liberties, along with the extreme and unchecked powers now aggregated to the
executive, by any reasonable or legal definition constitute fascism, and Obama
has supported and furthered this slow strangulation of democracy, freedom and
civil liberties, every step of the way. He has defended the use of
“extraordinary rendition,” CIA black sites, torture and
disappearances, systemic wire-tapping and a global surveillance state. To call
this man a democrat would be the most insane, or else Orwellian statement
possible. He is a crypto-fascist in populist liberal democratic disguise – and
the disguise is so thin by now that only the wilfully blind cannot yet see
through it.

Peace-lover? Obama made rosy speeches about vague sentiments and even more
vague goals, such as “hope” and “change,” but as the New
York Times said before his election, it was hardly likely he would change
anything in terms of foreign policy, and his foreign policy is, as the Times
predicted, virtually indistinguishable from that of Bush. In fact, his foreign
policy record has been worse than Bush’s, as Chomsky and others have pointed
out. He positioned himself as a man of peace, and then went on to expand the
wars in the Middle East, and to launch new wars in Northern Africa. He is now
sabre-rattling with relation to Iran, and gearing up the propaganda and
rhetoric for an attack on Iran, which would be utterly insane, as well as a war
crime under international law, since Iran is in a military and economic
alliance with China and Russia, two nuclear super-powers, and hence, attacking
Iran literally risks the start of WWIII. Anyone who would attack Iran under
such circumstances must therefore be certifiably insane, as well as criminally
negligent in the highest magnitude describable. But even aside from the
question of Iran, Obama is already, and again, quite literally, guilty of war
crimes, by strict definition of international law, and crimes against humanity,
as well as guilty of simply expanding and perpetuating the obscene and
bankrupting wars of empire, and continuing the multi-decade policy of
subservience and service towards the military-industrial complex. This is no
man of peace. This man is owned almost as much by the industrial-military
complex and the war-profiteers as by Wall Street.

So why are there still articles on AlterNet and other seemingly, and often
genuinely intelligent media outlets, coddling and massaging Obama’s image and
PR face, if not outright supporting him? If someone at AlterNet cares to
answer, I would love to hear the response.

It is 1931 Germany in the USA, as I have been saying for
some time, as a growing minority and possibly by now a majority of Americans
are aware, and as your better writers and commentators have also noted. Why
then does anyone still pretend that Obama is anything but a crypto-fascist
puppet on hire to the ruling corporate and financial elite? Why?!

Enough! End this nonsense now, and let’s get on with real
change, and the healing of this world.

Hope and change will come from the people. The leaders –
so-called – of both major parties have betrayed the people. Let’s face the
facts, and get on with it. Lead yourself, people. It’s time for a revolution.

J. Todd Ring
(prajnaseek on Twitter)

P.S.: AlterNet editors: If you wish to retain any
credibility as a progressive, or even an independent media outlet, then strip
out the references to AlterNet here – I don’t wish to single out AlterNet,
which is excellent in other regards, since the problem is widespread in the “progressive”
media – and publish this article. You
can contact me via Twitter to let me know your response. If it is silence, then
I will know where you stand: and if that is the case, as I hope it will not be,
then I must conclude that either you are blinkered partisan zealots, or else
are owned by the same plutocratic and oligarchic forces who own Obama. I am
sorry to put the matter so bluntly, but democracy in America is being drowned,
and Obama has been, and continues to this day, to be an active and willing
accomplice in that most heinous and grotesque of crimes. The time has long
passed for the mincing of words. I await your response. Please exercise courage
and thoughtfulness. It would be a shame to see your legitimacy and your aid die
along with all former hopes for Mister Hope and Change.


And one last response to yet another “alternative media” gloss of Obama:

The GOP’s CIA Playbook: Destabilize Country to Sweep Back Into Power | News & Politics


prajnaseek mmckinl 5 years ago (2011)

Well put – straight to the point. Here is my response to Parry’s “critique.”

Obama:pseudo-populist, crypto-fascist, corporatist, globalist

A rebuttal to Robert Parry’s glowingly pro-Democrat, slavishly partisan diatribe

Nice story line – for a fantasy novel… Excellent analysis, and totally one-sided: can anyone think critically about both wings of the party of the corporate elite – the Democrats and the Republicans? Some few can, but it seems rare.

Robert Parry’s article, “The GOP’s CIA Playbook: Destabilize Country to Sweep Back Into Power” is a fair enough analysis of the Republican party machine, but it breathes not a peep of criticism of the Democratic party apparatchiks or the Obama administration, and expresses not even a whisper of critical thought with regard to the latter. We are forced to conclude that either he is a completely blinkered partisan, or else a willing tool of the ruling elite, playing the same old game of divide and conquer in order to maintain the hegemony of the ruling class. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, let’s assume for the moment that his highly counter-productive “critique,” which further divides the people, thus thwarting any possibility of real change, is a product of his being simply out to lunch.

“Pseudo-populist?” What do you think Obama is? He’s also pseudo-democratic, pseudo-progressive, pseudo-anti-war , pseudo-pro-civil liberties and pseudo-constitutional, in case anybody still hadn’t noticed. He’s expanded war in the Middle East, stood up for CIA “extraordinary renditions” and torture, failed utterly to even attempt to repeal the literally fascist and
completely unconstitutional Patriot and Military Commissions Acts, and instead
continued to support them, to name but a few points showing him to be anything
but a democrat – and he backed the biggest transfer of wealth in history from
ordinary people to the super-rich with the Wall St. banker “bail-out.”

Spell it out: this is by definition a crypto-fascist corporatist. (As Mussolini himself defined fascism, it is the merger of the powers of big business with the powers of the state: it is corporatism.) Just
how thick does anyone have to be to still think that Obama is a democrat, a populist, a man of the people, an anti-war activist, or anything other than a whore to the military-industrial complex, the Wall St. Banking elite, and the global corporate empire? Please! This is getting rather tiring.

Nearly 60% of Americans now believe Obama should not be re-elected. Also fortunately, the majority of Americans have also lost faith in the Republican establishment as well. Fortunately, the Republican establishment destroyed its credibility with most Americans under the Bush
administration, and the Democratic (sic) establishment has destroyed its credibility with the majority of the people since taking power in Congress and the White House.

Fortunately, such wilful ignorance – of believing that either the Republicans or the Democrats are the saviours of the nation, or even the friends or allies of the people – is waning in the land. There are a few Democrats and Republicans with integrity, such as Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, but the two big party machines are, by all indications of an overwhelming body of evidence, bought and owned, and run by and for, the corporate elite. Of course there are rival factions among the ruling elite, but the fact is that they share a highly similar corporate agenda – “the vile maxim of the masters,” as Adam Smith called it: “all for us, none for anybody else.”

The hard reality in the United States today is that it is a one-party state: a corporatocracy run by the super-rich and the corporate and banking elite, with the nearly complete complicity and eager
servitude of both wings of the party of the corporate police state. The polls have been showing for some time that there is a deep and growing popular awareness of this fact. The crisis of legitimacy is now nearing critical mass, and will quite likely explode into revolution within a short period of time, as the CIA has also predicted.

Unfortunately, if it is a violent uprising, the ruling elite will use this as a justification for repression, and to dispense with every last remnant of democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties. If this happens, the Corporate Police State will have arrived in full, hideous flowering.

People are beginning to realize more and more that the corporatocracy rules both major political parties in the U.S. Real change will happen when more people drop the stunned state of denial, and face the undeniable and overwhelming evidence of this fact. When will this happen? Sooner
than one might think.

Let us hope that awareness grows quickly, the people unite in defence of their country and future against a very Machiavellian corporatist order, and the response of the people is along the lines of Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi, and not unthinking violent reaction.

The future is in our hands. Clarity of mind is the first step to securing a better future however. We must first know where we stand. The battle line is not between Republicans and Democrats, it is between those who value constitutional democracy, justice and freedom – true (small d, small r) democrats and republicans – and an entrenched and power hungry elite who wish for unchecked and unfettered power and hegemony over all. In short, the people must unite, or we are lost. Build bridges now, or kiss your country and your freedom goodbye.

J. Todd Ring,
June 10, 2011