Dealing With Lemmings, and The Delusional

“Never underestimate the power of denial.” – American Beauty”

Cowards can never be moral.” – Gandhi

“The world is a dangerous place, not because evil people do terrible things, but because millions of people let them.” – Einstein

“Just because you bury your head in the sand, doesn’t mean the problem goes away.” – Italian saying

I am beginning to think that apathy, complacency, and their roots in cynicism and illusions of powerlessness, are far more dangerous than all of the diabolical machinations of a self-serving elite – because the latter would have no power, if it were not for the passivity, submissiveness, and effective complicity of the masses. Actually, I have thought that way for a long time, but this past two years has driven the point home, in vivid technicolour.

It is wise, compassionate, and also strategically intelligent to speak to people in general in calm, composed, courteous and respectful ways, even when we must speak the plain truth, as best we understand it. The following thoughts are directed toward the 30% of people who already have found the courage to face reality, and to deal with reality. I would not advise the same tone or wording be used with people who are still in denial. Bear that in mind as you consider the following.

The great majority have been deeply indoctrinated to mistrust their own judgment and innate common sense. For that reason, they do not exercise their natural intelligence, other than for menial things, such as tax forms, finding the remote control for the TV, or choosing a new brand of toothpaste. They are led by their emotions, with their critical thinking shut off. They believe what they want to believe. They make no use of reason, and do not listen to evidence. Above all, they obey authority and stick with the herd. They are pack animals. Small children is a better description. Have pity on them. Try to have compassion for everyone – including the childish, the witless, the gullible and the inane.


Lemmings and cowards may want to stop reading now. The following discussion is for adults only.Here are some comments that I posted in twitlandia, which I also try to avoid like the plague. I think they can be a helpful intro to people who have been oblivious, and who drank the kool-aid, but now have an inkling that things seem, just a little bit awry. You don’t try to have an adult conversation with them, or a sane conversation – they’re not ready for that. Just give them these names. They’ll figure it out for themselves – if they have the balls or the spine to look into it at all.

Pardon me – I should be more precise in my choice of words. “Huevos” is the better term: from the Mexican slang, meaning “eggs” – referring to the generative power which grants courage – because both men and women have the generative power of life within them, and both, of course, have the capacity to exhibit courage. Sadly, however, most people have none. Most people only find their courage in moments of great crisis. But if that is not now, then I don’t know when they will find it. They had better find it soon, is all I can say.

My tweet, for what it’s worth:

Where would I begin to inform the liberals & the Left, (along with most of the right, btw) who collectively have lost their marbles over the past 22 months, and seem clueless and oblivious with regards to what should be obvious to all, and what should have been seen coming for decades? And I warned of for decades!

How do you inform people that there is an elephant in the middle of the room, which they somehow, amazingly, fail to see? I would tell them, listen to Rocco Galati, Whitney Webb, Michel Chossudovsky, Anthony J. Hall, Piers Robinson, Gerald Celente, & (the excellent) Geopolitics & Empire podcast.

(I’d also urge, for big picture, in-depth analysis, strategy and vision, that people read my own books and essays, which are on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and WordPress – particularly, Enlightened Democracy, The People vs The Elite, All Hell Breaks Loose (coming soon), and the essays: Flash-Drive Revolution, Importing From China, Any Enemy Will Do, Sinking All Ships, Trump Says Up – You Say Down, Reclaiming Democracy, and The Failure of Propaganda.)

The above “tweet” I wrote in response to the following thread:

J. Todd Ring
Wrote (“tweeted”): · Oct 5

Excellent discussion, as far as it goes. But no mention, or even awareness, it seems, of the current, ongoing, neoliberal, global corporate fascist coup. This from the leading intellectuals of the left. Astounding.

(In response to the video discussion linked below)

Chomsky is interviewed by Richard Wolff, in this video linked below – two people that I respect greatly, who, sadly, seem utterly clueless with regards to the current, on-going, neoliberal, global corporate-fascist coup – quite amazingly – just as most of the right, and virtually all of the centre and the left broadly, have completely lost their marbles, and in the process, have lost all remaining credibility as reliable sources of information, guidance or leadership. And Chomsky and Wolff are among the top leading figures of the left! Clearly, our leaders have failed us utterly, right across the board – including on the Left. So-called “alternative media”, as well, in general, has utterly failed, and definitively failed, since 2020.

3:33 PM · Oct 6, 2021·Twitter


And yes, if I am willing to correct the venerable, grand old dissident himself, and the leading intellectual on the planet, professor Noam Chomsky, when he is wrong, as he has been on occasion before, then of course I have zero concern for what the blinkered herd may think of my comments here, or anywhere else.

October 6, 2021

“I fear no truth, and fear no falsehood.” – Thomas Jefferson


If you want a list of more reliable sources, sources that can see the elephant in the middle of the room, see my short article, Who To Trust?

Chomsky and Wolff’s books remain essential, required reading, and particularly Chomsky’s; but don’t count on either of them for reliable information, guidance or leadership, post-covid, or anytime after 2020. They have, sadly, failed us. And it breaks my heart to have to say it, believe me.

My greatest of heroes have been Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Paine, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Zapata, and Noam Chomsky. To see one of them fall, and in no minor way, but by making a profound and grave error of judgment, is simply heart-breaking. But, we move on, because we must. I still respect the great man, but I now take him to be utterly unreliable, as of February 2020. I will honour him anyway, but I will not rely on him for information, from anything he says after the covid-1984 war began. He, like most of the “leadership” of the left, has become completely and utterly unreliable, to say it mildly, and as politely as possible.

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