Archive for civil war

A Trump Presidency In 2025: Fascism, National Rebirth, Or Civil War?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 1, 2024 by jtoddring

Let me start by saying that I speak from the libertarian left – meaning, I fiercely believe in freedom, compassion, voluntary mutual aid, decentralization, and the sovereignty of individuals, communities, and nations.

(Anarchism, I would urge, but only, “when men are prepared for it”, as Thoreau said – simply a better government, until then. See Henry David Thoreau’s, On Civil Disobedience, and, Why The Left Libertarians Are Right.)

The problem is not the people – neither black, white, brown, Christian, Jewish, Moslem, right or left. The problem is the ruling power elite, the oligarchs. And what’s more, the great majority of the people globally, now understand that. This is the crisis of legitimacy which the frantic elite are trying to curb with censorship and fascism; and which the people need to capitalize and act on, and now, before their prison state is fully built. DO NOT DELAY. WE MUST REMOVE THE OLIGARCHS FROM POWER NOW. THE ALTERNATIVE IS SIMPLY TOO BLEAK AND TOO DIRE TO CONTEMPLATE.


Let me also say that what is critical now, is to unite all people, right or left, who are anti-authoritarian. First, we must defeat the Davos-WEF/Blackrock communist-fascist billionaire coup that is underway and which is accellerating and escalating fast. We either unite the people now, or we will all be slaves. After defeating the new totalitarian oligarchy, then, with democratic power rightfully returned to the people, where it belongs, then we can debate and discuss all other issues – once our freedom, constitutional democracy and fundamental human rights are safeguarded and secured.

Thirdly, I must say in advance, I am not a Trump supporter, but I do think he is far less dangerous than the Wall Street/BlackRock /WEF/billionaire-controlled neo-con Republicans, or their siamese twins in the Davos/BlackRock-controlled neoliberal Democratic party.

As to Trump bringing fascism, two points:

First, he was already president – and it didn’t happen. The fear-mongering is delusional, deceitful, and hollow.

Secondly, and more important, fascism is already here. Anyone who thinks the US, Canada, Britain or Europe, are still liberal democracies, is living in a dream world. Listen to Gerald Celente and Rocco Galati, and read my essay, What Is Fascism?

Fascism is already here. You’d have to be living under a rock, or wildly delusional, not to see it.


Now, to condider what the likely Trump presidency in the US, in 2025, might actually mean, fairy tales and bogey men set aside:

First of all, could Trump win? Well, the fact is that roughly a third of the people in the US believe that he could and will save the country – they are his strong supporters. But another 20% or more, now feel that the Democrats have become so rabidly authoritarian, globalist, thoroughly in bed with big money, and deeply corrupt, not to mention war-mongering, that there is likely to be another 20% of independents, swing voters, and former Democratic voters who would support him over any “Democratic” candidate, other than RFK Jr. – who I believe is running as an independent, and who is sadly unlikely to win, due to the corporate stranglehold over the “election” system.

(RFK Jr. has adopted an indefensible stance on Israel and Gaza, yes; however, he would positively challenge the totalitarian drift that has been accelerating and intensifying since the Bush/Cheney regime and the Obama regime, which was not stopped or reversed by Trump, and which has been intensified and accelerated under the Biden regime. For that reason, he would be infinitely better than any conceivable “Democratic” candidate, or any “Republican” candidate, including Trump. But sadly, he is unlikely to win, yet.)

That makes an essy potential 50% of the popular vote for Trump, quite conceivable in the next US Presidential election, meaning, a virtually ensured victory for Trump.

Unless there is massive election fraud, again, which is now a bi-partisan tradition, in the new corporate-owned police state of the banana republic of the USSA – and election fraud is not just possible, but probable; unless a fair election can happen, and Trump is, secondly, not assassinated, or, thirdly, undemocratically blocked from running in the election: a Trump Presidency in 2025 is likely. Of course, civil war would avert that – and the plutocrats and their minions are fuelling that great evil as best they can. Don’t fall for the trap!


So, if Trump is not undemocratically blocked from a likely presidential win in 2025, what could we expect from a second Trump presidency?

Well, look at his first term as US President. What did he do? The shory answer is: nothing. He didn’t destroy the nation, or destroy democracy, nor did he usher in fascism – Cheny and Obama already did that. Nor did he do much of anything else. He was a dud, a class clown, sadly to say, a distraction, a non-event.

To Trump’s credit, he broke the news to the world that an unelected and rabidly anti-democratic Deep State does indeed exist, of course.

He also broke the news to the lemmings that the legacy media are instruments of propaganda and fake news, which anyone who has read Chomsky, or has been awake, already knew.

He raised the topic of fascism in the public mind globally – fascism which *is not a threat, but a present reality (!)*, which he did not bring in, but which his fore-runners, and other political prostitutes in the US and beyond, already did.

Those are three giant victories for the people – one of them being inadvertant.

He also defeated the sovereignty- and democracy-killing TPP; and renegotiated NAFTA, with slightly, but at least significant, improvements.

He did not dismabtle or even seriously criticize the police state apparatus created by Cheney and Obama.

He did not defund the military industrial intelligence complex, nor reign it in.

He did not end the empire or the imperial wars.

He did not end routine surveillance of all people globally.

He did not abolish the CIA, or the Nazi-named and equally fascist Department of Homeland Security, nor clean up the FBI, nor close Guantanamo, nor the 1,000+ US foreign military vases, nor the CIA torture centres and black sites.

Nor did he stop the gutting, looting and evisceration of the middle class, or halt the skyrocketing rise in inequality.

Trumps response to covid was likewise disastrous, and even worse than mere inaction – far worse than simple negligence and inaction. Trump unleashed Fauci, complied with the WHO and CDC, all of whom are essentially owned and controlled by the Big Pharma drug cartel, and went along with the mandates and lockdowns, with the result being a further gutting of the middle class, the destruction of millions of small businesses and a loss of millions of jobs, and worst of all, a further rollback and undermining of freedom, democracy, human rights and constitutional rule – and a further, accelerated, warp speed slide towards a biomedical police state.

Bravo, Trump. He thus powerfully aided and abetted the long-standing and accelerating trend towards globalist neo-feudal technocratic communist-fascist oligarchy – exactly as Bush, Cheney, Obama and Biden have done. Some messiah that is.

Let’s also not forget that Trump ran on a non-interventionist, peace-seeking platform in 2014 to 2016, which won him the reluctant support, even from much of the (then) anti-war left. But more recently, Trump has given unrestrained support to Israeli aggression and genocide, while saber-rattling with even more dangerous rhetoric about China, both of which show his slide into a pro-war, pro-interventionist stance, both of which risking global nuclear war. This man is extremely dangerous, not because he would bring in fascism, which has already happened, but because he, like the Democrats, and the Republican establishment, could get us all killed in a new world war.

And the list of failures, negligence and criminal complicity with the plutocracy and the military industrial complex goes on.


So, maybe saying Trump did nothing in his first presidency is too harsh. Certainly, he neither saved nor destroyed the country, although, like Clinton, Bush, Cheny, Obama and Biden, he did far more to destroy it than to aid it.

As I said many years ago, Trump was, and is, a distraction. Real change did not come from his first term as president, nor is it likely to come from him in 2025, if he does become president again. A giant windbag of a distraction – that’s all Trump is, in my view. He’s a game show host. What did you expect?

So, Trump is not going to save the nation, nor make America great again. Nor is he likely to destroy the nation, or bring in fascism – the bipartisan tag team of Republican neocons and Democrat neoliberals, in the twin parties of Wall Street, already did that. The country is in ruins, democracy is dead, and Trump will not fix it, nor is he likely to make things very much worse than they already are. He would instead, be another false messiah, another false populist, like Obama – a figure head of a collapsing nation and empire, being devoured by plutocrats, while ” elections” and “presidencies” distract the people and lull them to sleep with false hopes. Hope comes from the streets, now more than ever, and from nowhere else.

So, Trump will not bring fascism – that’s already here. Nor is he going to save the nation. There is a third possibility, however far worse, even, than lulling the people to sleep, while the nation is plundered, enslaved, devoured and destroyed, by an escalating corporate-fascist class war. What a second Trump presidency is likely to bring, is civil war – not one started by him or his supporters, but by his fanatical “democratic” and “liberal” opponents, orchestrated by the same neo-fascist Deep State military industrial Wall Street complex that has been devouring the nation, the people, and the democracy, with intensifying speed.

A second civil war in the US would not simply kill three quarters of a million people, horrific as that was. It would be a long, protracted, bloody stalemate, spanning decades, if not geberations, killing millions and leaving the country in ruins. That is the likely fallout if Trump is elected without an overwhelming public mandate.

Only one thing could possibly prevent a civil war in the wake of a second Trump presidency: an overwhelming landslide victory, with the clear supoort of a large majority and cross-section of the people. How can that be achieved, assuming RFK Jr. cannot likely win, leaving a Trump presidency in 2025 likely?

Vivek says he wants a landslide victory for Trump. He hints at and intuits danger if it is not a landslide. Andhe is right. A narrow victory for Trump would tear the country apart. A landslide win for Trump, despite Trump, could begin the healing and rebirth of the nation, by bringing together the people, after a long and increasingly bitter divide.

If Trump is strategically intelligent – a possibility, but doubtful – he would immediately do this:

Offer the Vice Presidency to the centre-left, small d democrat, Robery F. Kennedy Jr.

Offer the position of Secretary of Health (whatever it is called in the US – I, being Canadian, do not know) to Bernie Sanders, with the bold policy of cutting the Pentagon budget in half, and finally creating a universal public health care system for the US, like the more civilized nations have had for decades, using the hundreds of billions of dollars saved from the murderous and monstrously bloated military budget of the imperial killing machine.

Appoint Catherine Austin Fitts as Secretary of the Treasury, with a bold policy of defunding Wall Street, BlackRock, the big banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Agra and the the WHO, and ending all corporate subsidies, channelling the hundreds of billions of dollars saved per year into local econonic development, infrastructure, small business, co-ops, entrepreneurships and new start-up enterprises, to kick start the economy into high gear and provide good jobs for all – as a start. An audit of the Fed to follow immediately, of course, with a clear plan for its abolition.

Vivek speajs well, so find him a role, as well, perhaps as Press Secretary to the new President of the United States.

Do that, and a democratic landslide would result, with a clear and irrefutable mandate from the people – meaning, it could not easily be toppled or overthrown, and civil war would be unlikely.

But Trump is no 4-D chess player, nor a grand strategist. However, if someone can get his ear, he has shown he can at times be receptive to good ideas.

Make it so, i say.


Paradoxically, a Trump presidency could save the nation, despite Trump – but this is the only way I see that it could happen. Otherwise, my 2008 prediction for the US, Powderkeg USA, is likely to be fulfilled, with civil war ahead.

– J. Todd Ring,

February 1, 2024

From the rural counttyside of free and democratic Uruguay – a successful nation, not a collapsing neo-feudal police state run by Davos

A Canadian philosopher in exile from my now fascist homeland.

My writings, books, articles, and tens of thousands of references, can be found on:




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Canada, eh? Re-Thinking the Direction of Canada, and the World

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 14, 2020 by jtoddring

Scarcity is by and large artificially created, through grossly unequal, elite-controlled access to resources. The myth of scarcity needs to be shattered now. If we over-consume, then yes, we will have scarcity. But if we share and are moderate, then we will have abundance. We need to reflect long and hard on these simple facts, because if we fail to understand them, then our future will be dystopian, while, if we come to understand and accept them as the simple reality of life on Earth, then we can have a good future, and even a renaissance and a rebirth for humanity and the Earth. This is the context of human life which it has become critical for humanity to realize the facts of now, in the 21st century. We either “get it”, or we die – slowly, and in largely self-created misery, and a dystopian dark age. The stakes could not be higher. And the real answers could not be simpler. All it takes, is a willingness to deal with the real world.

As Gandhi said, and he was right, 80 years ago, and it is an even more relevant and stark reality now:

“There is enough for everyone’s need, but for no one’s greed.”

Simple enough to understand. Now, to apply it.

Canada is arguably the richest nation in the world, not as measured by the grossly distorting lens of GDP, but in terms of its land-base, combined with an immensity of natural resources – not even mentioning the fact that we also have a highly skilled, educated and literate populace, with all of the talent and brain-power we could possibly need, and more. The fact that one child in five in Canada lives in poverty, and the majority of the elderly in Canada are forced to retire in poverty – and these numbers are now rising exponentially, thanks to the lock-downs – is quite simply a disgrace. The fact that we export most of our resources raw, asking meekly that the multinational corporate robber barons leave a penny in the jar on their way out, after pillaging our pantry and our family treasures, is appalling, and shows that we have had a string of criminally corrupt and literally treasonous governments, since 1979.

Moreover, if the people of Canada, living in one of the richest countries in the world, cannot fathom the reality of natural abundance, and the ugly truth of artificially created scarcity, and overcome these tragic delusions through sheer grit, will, imagination, cooperative effort and vision, then what hope is there for the world, where most nations have just a sliver of our natural resources and our wealth?

The people of Canada, and the world, need to wake up, and to realize that poverty and scarcity are artificial creations, based in an enforced, and extreme inequality of access to resources; and that poverty and scarcity are artificial creations which are the product of a ravenous, and truly predatory, global corporate elite. Remove them from power, and the people can live in prosperity and abundance, freedom and peace. All it takes, is will. And when the people are truly fed up, and have had enough of living as virtual serfs and digital slaves, when they are tired of living on the edge of an abyss, and when they are fed up with struggling to simply survive, while the billionaire technocrats continue their orgy of extreme self-indulgence, vast over-consumption, pillage, and global rape, then the global corporate empire will fall, and it will fall like a house of cards – exactly as the equally criminal Soviet Union fell, thirty years ago.

That day is coming.

In the meantime, here are some thoughts to ponder, on the current direction, and possible direction, of Canada and the world, in the 21st century.

The obsession with security and safety, when taken to an extreme, becomes a straight-jacket, and a kind of prison; and worse, it leads to insanity, and to authoritarian impulses, even to fascism. And that is precisely what has happened. But the price to be paid for this devil’s bargain, is about to become vividly, and terribly clear.

The great majority of people are pack animals. I mean this with no derision or disrespect – as good-natured as the great majority of people basically are, it is simply a fact. Most people would rather stick with the crowd, or the herd, than dare to try anything different or new, or even to entertain a single thought that goes against the generally brainless consensus of group-think, which rules over their social circles. This applies to all socio-economic levels, from the bottom to the top, and to virtually all social groups, from left to right, secular or religious. But not everyone is determined to live with such profound timidity, perpetually corralled, imprisoned, and virtually lobotomized, by their own herd-instinct. There are always a few in every generation who feel compelled to think for themselves. And at this time in human history, those who question and reflect, are becoming a larger and larger percentage of the world’s population, as the crises we are now facing, simply require it. Therefore, there is most definitely hope, even though most of the people still live in a perpetual stupor, and despite the fact that the great majority of governments, and business and political elites, are quite simply, profoundly inept, and profoundly corrupt.

The majority of people live in a perpetual state of anxiety and fear, whether they admit it to themselves, or acknowledge it, or not. Out of anxiety and fear, they cling to the false sense of security that is provided by conformity, obedience, deference to authority, jobs, money, and material possessions; along with rote habits, that also give the illusion of security, by the very nature of their grim, glum familiarity. But this bubble of illusory security, is about to burst, and it is bursting. That is a sad, and unfortunate way to have to wake up. But the awakening is necessary, and it is, for most people, unavoidable – and, what’s more, although the initial shock may be painful and disorienting, the results will be an increase in joy, in health, in freedom, and in fulfillment.

It is true that we have nothing to lose but our chains. Marx was simply wrong in his ideas about how that would take place, and how the liberation of humanity and the Earth would proceed. Yet, it is proceeding now, even while the elite try their desperate best to contain and corral the people, and to bind them into slavery, and to servitude.

Keep your eyes and heart open. This isn’t over yet.

Within that context, and with that perspective, here are some thoughts to consider: on the future of Canada, and on the future of humanity and the Earth.


I did not know – Quebec is nearly triple the size of Texas or France…which makes it roughly the size of Mexico. And that is just one Canadian province. Vast country, eh. Good thing nearly all 37 million of us live within 100 km of the southern border, gathered in a tight knot in cities, choking on smog and obscene housing prices, packed cheek to jowl.

But don’t tell the anti-immigrant xenophobes that the country is virtually empty of people, or they might have a brain hemorrhage from intolerable levels of cognitive dissonance. And yes, we have more resources, more wealth, a lower population density, and more arable land, than virtually any country on earth, and could take in many more people – and should, if we want to be able to support an aging population, with a negative population growth.

Yet, we huddle in the cities – like rats on a treadmill, in an ever-tightening cage, as if the dread of Nature terrifies us; or we are terrified that we may actually have to spend some time with ourselves, or maybe have to talk with our neighbours.

And the great majority of Canada, like the US, is public lands. Go figure. But nobody knows that. Nor is it an advertised fact. Land reform in Canada and the US? Now there is an idea whose time has come. Watch for the North American land reform movement – and guerrilla homesteading. It is coming, and soon. But for now, the people huddle together, in meek and mild-mannered desperation, afraid to leave the increasingly dubious comforts, and the increasingly illusory security, of the cities and the crowd.

We wouldn’t want to be under-crowded, now would we?!

Heaven forbid we think of living in the….countryside! Yikes! And we are a country of practical, amiable, rough and ready, woodsy nature lovers? In theory maybe, historically certainly, but at present? Dubious. Timid mall rats, more like it – or so it seems we have become. Or, worse, hunker-in-your-digital-bunker-and-order-it-online, techno-entranced, obedient and docile consumer drones, placid as cattle led to slaughter.

Canoe…? What’s a “canoe”?

And please remind me again, what’s the Canadian motto?

Oh yes, I remember….

Give me Walmart, or give me death.

J. Todd Ring,
August 14, 2020

J. Todd Ring is a Canadian philosopher and social/political analyst, and is the author of Enlightened Democracy, and The People vs The Elite, along with the forthcoming book, All Hell Breaks Loose: Global Geopolitics 1945-2045, available on Barnes & Noble, and in better bookstores everywhere. Support your local independent bookstore, and order them today.

Republishing of articles is welcome, of course, with attribution.


Rough Notes On Building A Better World For All:

Peering into the darkness, seeing the first rays of dawn

Better put out some extra blankets and sleeping bags, dust out the bunkie, the camper trailer or the cottage, and stock up on back bacon and beer. We’re about to be over-run with refugees – American refugees, fleeing the ever-widening environmental disaster zones, and the civil war that is likely to erupt in the US. Our hospitality, I suspect, will soon be needed. Just a head’s-up. And no, I do not jest.

I suggest we revise our refugee policy now, this year, and without delay. Though it is unlikely to happen soon, since our national religion – nay, our modern world religion – is denial. However, it would be sensible and practical to amend it thusly:

We will take in one US refugee, out of a good neighbour policy, along with one refugee from Africa, one from Eurasia, one from Oceana, and one from Latin America, to the total equivalent of our 2020 population of 37 million, over the next ten years. Once we have seen and demonstrated, and thoroughly proven, that we can handle that, and handle such enlightened self-interest and genuine magnanimity with reasonable skill, learning as we go, and even with some element of grace, with no great disasters arising from it, then we can increase the scope and the scale of our generosity, and reap the rewards of intelligently chosen voluntary mutual aid, which will inevitably follow, as a result.

Refugee families will be granted one acre plots of land, reallocated from the public lands which account for more than 60% of Canada, and from corporate farms greater than 10,000 acres.

And give each Canadian a one acre plot as well, since the majority are sinking economically, and this lifeline may soon become essential to economic survival.

Note: Canada’s landmass is approximately 3.5 million square miles, or roughly 2.24 billion acres (excluding lakes and rivers). 74 million acres given out in one acre plots would require a mere 3% of Canada’s land to be redistributed. We could thus give out 74 million *ten-acre plots*, at perhaps near to the upper limit, sparing the boreal forest which is the lungs of the northern hemisphere, and still be left with a country comprised of vast forests and tundra, with room to spare.

The reciprocity involved will require refugees of adult age to devote a portion of the year to environmental remediation and the retrofitting of every home and building in the country for double or triple the current insulation and energy efficiency levels – with funds made ready from returning corporate tax rates to 1980 levels, prior to four decades of cuts, and from a simple but necessary tax on pollution, and most urgently, on carbon in particular – with the important stipulation that any pollution tax be collected, not by an unelected globalist oligarchy of transnational corporate elites and technocrats, nor even by the federal or provincial governments, but by local communities and municipalities, in order to strengthen them in terms of economic vitality, democracy and freedom, rather than undermining all three, as the globalist agenda would do, and is determined to do.

Other urgent projects to follow will include the building of a trans-Canada solar-hydrogen highway; the rapid conversion of all road-licenced vehicles less than five years old to hydrogen fuel; the construction of water pipelines and desalinization plants for public use, combined with decentralized solar-hydrolysis systems for producing hydrogen fuel from super-abundant sea water, thus ending our fossil fuel dependency; the building of tens of thousands of small scale ecovillages, centred around regenerative agriculture, to heal the soil, feed the people, and reverse climate change by drawing down massive amounts of carbon into the soil from the atmosphere; the banning of pesticides and GMOs and a rapid shift to regenerative organic farming and food; the               replacement of a policy of economic globalization and catering to large, multi-national corporations, with an economic plan which centres around local, regional and national self-reliance (not isolationism), and around small to medium local businesses, farms and co-ops, with a tax and subsidy structure that reflects that shift in focus and priorities; and a trans-Canada solar-electric mag-lev light rail corridor; along with the more fundamental and even more urgently needed acts of leaving the deeply corrupt and corrupting, nation-devouring and democracy-devouring, corporate-ruled power blocks of NAFTA, NATO, the BIS and WHO; reasserting democratic control over the publicly-owned Bank of Canada; and implementing a tax on currency speculation to stabilize and safeguard the currency and the economy, and to halt the practice of financial extortion by international banking elites; in order to reclaim our democracy, sovereignty and freedom; and of course, formally and fully re-instituting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, along with democracy and universal human rights for all – to name just a few key policy items of basic sanity for the 21st century.

But then again, such a plan would entail boldly dealing with reality – something the people of this country, like most countries, have become steadfastly averse to.

So…. Let us eat cake.

Cataclysm it is, then.

And I pray that I am wrong.


But, lest this short meditation on the future of Canada, and our world, end in a dark and dismal tone of bleak, self-fulfilling fatalism and despair, we should also say this.

The world is now undergoing an awakening, and a new renaissance is being born, all across the Earth. The birth of this new renaissance is, in many places, occurring peacefully and joyfully, and in other places, it is happening, but it is a slow and laboured, painful birth. But it is happening, and it is growing in power, and in speed.

The dream of a better world for all can be deferred, obstructed or delayed, but it cannot be destroyed; and likewise, the new renaissance, which is occurring now, can be slowed, obstructed, thwarted or delayed, but it cannot be stopped.

As Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’till it’s over.

It is imperative now, that we dare to dream. In fact, we should not only dare to dream, not only dare to hope. We can, and should, and must, be confident. The emerging awakening that is taking place across humanity, will win out. I am not saying things are going to be easy. I am not saying it will not get darker before we see a better time. In most places, it will not be easy, and it will get darker; and we will need our courage, and our sense of mutual cooperation, our resilience, our patience, our perseverance, and our grit, to get through this very difficult, dark time ahead. But we will endure; and more, we will see the beginnings of great and positive changes in the world – and the younger ones among us, will live to see them blossom and come to fruition, in a truly beautiful and powerful way.

Get ready for some exciting times. This is not the end, but merely the beginning of the beginning. There is more day yet to dawn.

November 17, 2021

Prospects for America: Sanders vs Civil War

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 15, 2016 by jtoddring

(And that is not a threat, of course, but a prediction)

An analysis of the present state and future prospects of the nation


An open letter in response to Daily Kos,

and to anyone concerned with either justice, or peace

The article I recently wrote and published on Daily Kos, Prognosis for America: Sanders or Civil War, (January 26, 2016) seemed to cause quite a stir, and quite a backlash. I will repeat again, to clarify, that I merely made a prediction, based on sound evidence, and what are, to me, obvious and undeniable facts.

What I said was that the US now has such extreme and growing levels of inequality and internal divisions, that tensions are high and mounting, and that if real positive social change is not soon forthcoming, the country is at serious risk of descending into a nightmare of civil war.

This may be shocking to some, but anyone who is paying attention to what is going on should not be shocked in the least. These things should be obvious. Even members of the corporate elite are warning of it. They too are afraid that the country could explode into civil war.

And they should be afraid. Civil war is a horror which any sane person should wish to avoid. But it is heading for the US, I believe, if real change continues to be blocked, and long-standing and legitimate grievances among the people are not addressed.

I clearly did not, and do not advocate civil war, but urged that it be recognized as a serious risk, and that it be averted. I clearly did not say that either Bernie Sanders or his supporters are going to launch a civil war – something that should not need be said.

What I said was that the popular movement that is now coalescing around Bernie Sanders’ Presidential candidacy represents the only serious hope for real social change on the present horizon, and if that route to change is blocked, or does not bear fruit, then the country could be in real danger, due to its own unaddressed and growing internal tensions.

To repeat, I believe the tensions within the United States have reached such a high degree, that only three options present themselves.

One is revolution – and I am speaking here of the kind of revolution that Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. would launch or advocate: bold, passionate, determined, but strictly non-violent. That is the most intelligent option for the American people at present, I would say, given the circumstances, and given the fact that the corporate elite and the billionaire class of de facto oligarchs have taken over the political process, the government, the economy, most of the media, and the nation in general.

That is the response which I have been passionately urging for a long time now. But, unfortunately, I do not see evidence to believe that the American people are ready for it yet. So that option, at the present moment, appears to be closed. Things could change quickly, but for the time being, I do not think that revolution, at least in the near term, is something we should count on.

The second option is reform. And by reform, I do not mean pretty speeches that lead to no real change. Nor do I mean merely changing the window dressings. I mean real social change that comes about by political, economic and social reforms, such as bringing about serious election financing laws, invoking serious anti-trust legislation to break up the big banks and other corporate cartels and oligopolies, removing big money from politics, and returning power to the people, and thereby, at the same time, restoring some greater degree of equality and justice in the land.

There are many people, many movements, and many organizations working to accomplish such goals, but again, at present, the only serious hope for accomplishing such mild, moderate, but extremely important and urgently needed reforms in the short term, in any way that is at all commensurate with the scale of changes needed, is with the movement surrounding Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton is not going to do these things. That is perfectly clear, or at least it should be. Hillary is owned by Wall Street, to put it frankly and most bluntly. And nor do I see any other person or any other movement that at present has enough popular backing and popular power to have any hope, at least in the near term, of accomplishing these goals, other than the movement surrounding Bernie Sanders.

I do think the Green Party and also the Occupy movement, along with the co-op movement, the re-localization movement, and other popular movements for social change, show great promise; but they still do not have the necessary support of a wide enough or impassioned enough popular backing to create the necessary changes of the necessary magnitude – not yet. Maybe they will soon, and I hope they do, but at present, Bernie Sanders and the movement that is building around his leadership, is our best, and probably only hope, for real, substantial change in the short term.

The third option for the United States is to continue on its present course, without revolution, and without any serious reform, or any real change. That option will, I guarantee you, lead to disaster.

So yes, I stand by my premise and my prediction, which is, that if serious change does not occur very soon in the US, either by revolution or by reform – and Bernie Sanders’ campaign and the popular movement surrounding it, being the only real hope for serious reform at present – then the US faces a very real and growing risk of descending, or even exploding, into civil war.


Sometimes uncomfortable truths must be spoken. Sometimes controversial statements must be made. In 2001, it was controversial to say that invading, bombing or otherwise attacking Afghanistan or Iraq, would be morally unconscionable, a violation of international law, a war crime, and furthermore, a disaster. But these were the facts of the matter, and they had to be said, whether or not the speaking of the truth made a great many people uncomfortable. And of course, it turned out that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were all of these things, and they were a disaster in moral, fiscal and human terms.

When Henry David Thoreau wrote his landmark essay, On Civil Disobedience, in the 1830’s, it was controversial to say that slavery was an abomination, and one which must be abolished. But these controversial statements, of course, had to be made, whether they were viewed by some as controversial or not.

And and ever since that short, great essay of truly monumental import and significance, and still to this day, it has been and continues to be controversial to say that there are times when the law must be broken and civil disobedience becomes a moral obligation, because both the law as well as the norm, are in not only in the wrong, but further, it is unconscionable to obey them. And yet, it is vitally necessary that we speak such controversial thoughts, and demand that laws and norms which are unethical in the extreme be disobeyed, and civil disobedience be undertaken as a matter of moral principle.

During the Suffragette Movement, it was controversial to say that women deserved the right to vote. But it had to be said, and today most people would agree that it had to be said, and said with passion, until the message was heard and acted upon.

During the Civil Rights Movement, especially at the early stages of it, it was controversial to say that racial segregation was morally repugnant, as well as socially divisive and destabilizing, and therefore had to be overturned and abolished. But these things had to be said in any case – even if they were controversial, and even if there was a violent backlash against such statements of simple truth.

From the birth of the environmental movement, in the 1950’s and ’60’s, until the present, and especially in the early stages of the movement, it was controversial, and to many people it remains controversial, to say that human beings are affecting the earth, and all life on it, in disastrous as well as highly unethical ways. And yet, these truths needed to be spoken, and still need to be spoken today, be they controversial or not.

The movement to end racial discrimination and racially-based police violence – a movement which has long and deep roots, but which is now coming to a greater prominence – has extremely important things to say, but much of what it has to say is viewed as controversial by many people. And yet, these things must simply be said, whether or not they make some people uncomfortable.

And in the present moment, the same is true with regards to my warning that the US is in serious danger of descending into civil war. It makes people uncomfortable to say such things. It is controversial, perhaps, to some minds at least, to say such things. But it is an uncomfortable truth which must be spoken nevertheless.

Believe me, a warning is much less discomforting than a full-scale disaster – and that is what we are facing, hurtling towards us at 100 miles an hour, if we do not make major changes, and now.

“… an open society may also be threatened. … from excessive individualism.

Too much competition and too little cooperation can cause intolerable inequities and instability. …

The present situation is comparable to that at the turn of the past century. …Yet the free-market regime that prevailed a hundred years ago was destroyed by the First World War. …

How much more likely the present regime is to break down unless we learn from experience!”

– Toward a Global Open Society, by George Soros

Atlantic Monthly, January 1998

As the Dalai Lama said, “If the poor become too envious and too frustrated, the frustration turns into anger, and that anger turns into violence.” Again, this should be obvious to all. We are headed for disaster if we do not address the rising levels of poverty and inequality in our society, and in the world more broadly, and very, very soon. These are the simple facts of the matter, whether we like it or not.


I like what my favourite monk had to say about writing, and it is relevant here.

“If you’re afraid of writing something that might offend someone,

why write anything at all?”

– Thomas Merton

And by the way, simply because someone says something that is controversial, does not mean they are “trolling” for a fight. They may be simply saying something that is controversial, but which needs to be said.

I despise bickering, quarrelling, rancour, and especially, thoughtless divisiveness – which the popular internet expression, “troll” represents: a term that is often justly used, but at other times, frequently thrown about in a thoughtless or reactionary manner, in which case it has the effect, either intended or unintended, of deterring and thwarting any serious discussion, or expression controversial statements or views diverge from the standard media-driven narrative.

It was not “trolling” for a fight to simply speak my mind, but merely a moral obligation, to me, in the face of such extreme injustice, human suffering, and great dangers facing the people. Smarmy and smug, sardonic comments are not helpful to our discussion, nor to the people of the United States or the world. Hurling accusations of “troll”, at least in this case, simply shows that the attacker has no intelligent argument to bring to bear, but must instead resort to hurling insults. Let us try to rise above that.

If we want to look at controversial statements that could be labelled as “trolling” – and mislabelled as trolling, since they were simply sincere statements, representing an attempt to spark thoughtful reflection and discussion, here are a few by some truly great Americans which we would do well to consider. Compared to these statements, the statements I made in the above essay were very mild indeed.

“The First Law of Journalism: to confirm existing prejudice, rather than contradict it.”

– Alexander Cockburn

“I sometimes despair of getting anything accomplished by the help of my fellow men. Their minds would first have to be placed in a kind of powerful vice, to squeeze their old ideas out of them.”

– Henry David Thoreau

“If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, every US president since WWII would be hanged.”

– Noam Chomsky

“Today capitalism has outlived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that

takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government

owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

– Teddy Roosevelt

“I hope we shall crush the new moneyed aristocracy in its infancy, for it already bids defiance to our laws, and bids a contest of strength with our democratic government.”

– Thomas Jefferson, 1812 (Note that he said this in 1812!)

Let us try to keep things in perspective. Not everything can be sugar coated, dumbed down, skirted or perennially avoided. Sometimes we have to speak the frank and honest truth, even if it is painful to hear, or to say.

Nor do I find my predictions for, or analysis of, the United States, to be hyperbole of any sort. I think it is quite shocking – or it would be shocking, if I did not know that many people are deeply steeped in denial – that the statements I made would shock anyone. Have a great number of people been living under a rock for the past three decades? Apparently so. The United States is not what it used to be, and it is in great danger – from its own internal divisions, above all, as well as from the corporate elite who are rapidly devouring it, along with the world, the middle class and the poor.

If stating obvious truths, or simply making controversial statements, makes some people uncomfortable, and perhaps very upset, I am willing to live with that. That goes with the territory.

But if stating obvious truths, or even simply making controversial statements, gets me banned from Daily Kos, then this journal, this forum, has some serious problems with freedom of speech and openness to diverse and thoughtful discussion – and that is quite dismal.

I suspect that the problem here, with regard to Daily Kos banning me on my first day as a member – maybe a new record – was simple partisan politics: Daily Kos is by an large a dyed in the wool and staunch supporter of the Democratic Party establishment, from what I can see, although there is some dissent within the broader forum. Hillary is the anointed candidate of the Democratic Party establishment. Any serious challenge to the Democratic Party’s chosen candidate by more genuinely democratic political movements or voices, are frowned upon, at the least, and possibly even banished from Daily Kos, as has apparently happened before. But that is beside the point. The editorial actions of Daily Kos remain a gross violation of the principles of free speech and free and open debate, and as such, are repugnant, no matter what the motivation or rationalization may have been.

In fact, if the editors at Daily Kos are going to ban me from this forum, which they did, and they have yet to rescind or reverse their decision, then not only do they have serious failings with regards to free and open discussion, and basic freedom of speech, but they do not qualify for the term “progressive”, much less the high and vaulted self-annointment of presenting themselves as the leading voice of progressive America.

But we are facing much bigger and far more important issues than the editorial policies or current state of Daily Kos, of course.


During the Great Depression, FDR, who I believe was a man of conscience, came to realize that there was not only a moral crisis facing the United States, but also a social and political crisis. It was realized then by the ruling elite, that tensions were high, and if serious changes were not made to address the people’s legitimate concerns, then there was a serious risk of revolution.

The political elite, and at least a portion of the business elite, knew that concessions had to be made. Smedley Butler had blown the lid off of The Business Plot, so the corporate-led fascist coup which was planned, and which Congress documented after General Butler’s testimony, seemed to no longer be an option, at least for the moment; and so, concessions were viewed as necessary and unavoidable.

(See my essay, Smedley Butler and the Business Plot, on WordPress.)

That was the beginning of The New Deal, and the beginning of major programs and initiatives to address poverty and inequality in America. And today, once again – after four decades of rising corporate powers, not only effectively having taken over the political process, government, finance and the economy, but also, rolling back many of the gains that had been made by the people over the past several decades and more – poverty is high and growing, inequality is higher than at any time in history, tensions are high, and if serious political, economic and social change is not made soon, the results are very likely to be a conflagration of one kind or another.

Again, I think these things should, by now, to obvious to just about everyone. The Occupy Wall Street movement was just the beginning. Real change is coming, and as John F. Kennedy said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

And that is not a threat. It is a prediction, and it is a virtual certainty – if we fail to make the needed changes in time. Neither JFK nor myself were making a threat: it was simply an observation of the obvious facts, and a very sound and reasonable prediction based on the facts.

I have written about these things before, and extensively, and my writing and analysis is based upon thirty years of intensive research, study and reflection. (And I will freely mention my other writing here, and quite legitimately, because it is relevant to the subject at hand, above all; and because it has merit, because it should be widely read, and because I do not have a PR or marketing firm working on my behalf, or even an agent, and so, must, by necessity, promote my work myself, if it is to have the kind of positive impact I hope for it, or any impact at all.) My recent essay, Pre-Revolutionary France and America:1785 and Now; and my recent book, Enlightened Democracy: Visions For A New Millennium, cover the subject in greater depth.

Remember also, that I predicted the economic crash of 2008, at a time when virtually everyone was saying that things are just rosy, and would remain so for the foreseeable future. There is good reason, therefore, to take these present predictions as to the current dangers facing the United States, quite seriously, and with all due thoughtfulness.

We should note also, that people as diverse as billionaire financier George Soros, who single-handedly brought the British Pound to its knees, before finishing his breakfast one fine morning; along with South African tycoon Johann Rupert, the fifth richest man in Africa; and multi-billionaire Nick Hanauer, who recently penned an open letter addressed, “To My Fellow Zillionaires”, warning, The Pitchforks ARE Coming…For Us Plutocrats; to David Sirota, the progressive democrat, veteran journalist and activist, and author of the book, The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington; to Jacques Attali, leading intellectual in residence to the French elite, and author of the book, Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order, among many others, have all warned essentially of the same thing: a great confrontation and great turmoil is brewing in America, if not also the world, and it is plain to see for anyone who cares to look. To me it has been so plainly obvious for so long, that, again, it is almost shocking that some still cannot see it. The writing is clearly on the wall.

Peaceful change through political, economic and social reforms is urgently needed, and world-wide, or we will face a crisis of truly terrible proportions – and the US is in the lead in terms of rushing headlong into disaster, if these changes are not made quickly, and now. This should be so plain as to go without saying. It is a testimony to the fact that large segments of the population remain asleep, or stubbornly and foolishly in denial, that such things need to be stated at all.

Let’s hope serious positive change comes to the United States, or rather, is actively brought about in the United States, and soon, is all I can say. People can take these warnings, and heed them, or brush them aside. But if they choose to ignore them, I assure you, it will be at their peril.


As Martin Luther King Jr. said, at another time of rising crisis, “We must face the fierce urgency of now…..There is such a thing as being too late.”

Two hundred years ago, the business elite backed the democratic revolutions of France and America, because they rightly saw it as a means to break the back of the ruling monarchy and aristocracy. But ever since, they have been, at best, ambivalent about democracy, and have sought an undeclared oligarchy, with themselves as the new ruling god-kings, pharaohs or tsars. (Chomsky documents this very well, in what is perhaps his most important book, Necessary Illusions: Thought Control In Democratic Societies – a book should be considered essential reading for every informed person.)

And today, after two hundred years of exponentially rising powers, the business elite is not only the principle obstacle to real and authentic democracy, and rule of the people, by the people, for the people; but they are, in fact, engaged in an aggressive and determined war against democracy, as with the people and the earth.

The business elite, who are now firmly in control, both in the United States and in most nations around the world, foolishly believe that they can have a grand global showdown against the people, and win. I would remind them that any such foolish notions and foolish responses to a very real and growing social crisis, will not end in peace, and nor will they end quickly. Such an attitude will result only in a long and protracted state of civil war, in which the toll on all sides is truly horrific, and devastating.

The stubborn, and quite foolishly smug refusal among the business and political elite to embrace change, must be overcome. And even more importantly, the excessive docility and obedience of the majority of the people, and their continued insistence on voting for the candidates of the business elite, such as Hillary Clinton, must be overcome.

I realize that there are some very thoughtful critics of Bernie Sanders’ policy platform, and I also realize that his proposed policy changes are not thorough enough or radical enough for some people. But I will say again, that Bernie Sanders’ presidential candidacy, and more essentially, the popular movement for social change that is coalescing around it, is the best hope we have for real, substantive change at this time. And at least at this time, I think it is probably true: we have a choice between a Sanders’ presidency, or civil war for America.

Let the voters decide. But let us realize, the hour is very late, and change is needed urgently, and now.

In hope and in peace,

J. Todd Ring

February 10, 2016


Further reading:

“The pitchforks ARE coming” – A billionaire warns his fellow Oligarchs what is coming down the pipe

By MinistryOfTruth – Daily Kos, Friday Jun 27, 2014

“The pitchforks are coming . . . for us Plutocrats” – Nick Hanauer, Politico Magazine, 6/26/2014

Luxury Goods CEO Billionaire Warns Of Imminent Violent Uprising Of The Poor

By Joe Clark, July 15, 2015, Liberal America

Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World – August 20, 1991
by Jacques Attali


The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington,

by David Sirota, 2008


Six Responses To Bernie Sanders Sceptics – An excellent, short, three minute video by Robert Reich


Economic Inequality: It’s Far Worse Than You Think,

Scientific American,

By Nicholas Fitz, March 31, 2015


Davos’ Blind Eye: How the Rich Eat the Poor and the World




CBS South Carolina Poll: 100% of 18-29 year-olds think Bernie is honest and trustworthy,

Daily Kos, February 14, 2016


Enlightened Democracy: Visions For A New Millennium: Volume One: Introductory Essays in Political-Economy, Social Analysis & The State of the World

By J. Todd Ring

Prognosis for America: Sanders or Civil War

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on January 26, 2016 by jtoddring

I will make a prognosis for the United States. Considering the deep internal divisions in the nation, which are only growing deeper and more inflamed by the day, I see only two alternatives for America, and they are: Bernie Sanders, or civil war.

Neither Bernie Sanders nor his supporters are going to launch a civil war of course, but the divisions within this society are so stark and so extreme, and so increasingly volatile, that if a moderate progressive such as Sanders cannot unite the country and begin to heal its wounds, then, as the CIA has also predicted, civil war is not only a possibility, but an increasing probability.

Let us hope the former option, the Bernie option, the more sensible option, is the one chosen. Pray it is so.

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
will make violent revolution inevitable.”
   – John F. Kennedy

I have written elsewhere extensively on the state of the United States, so I will leave this thought as it is – concise, and hopefully, thought-provoking. I sincerely hope that it is contemplated and considered very, very thoughtfully, and with great care. In either case, the implications are likely to be profound.

J. Todd Ring,
January 26, 2016