Cognitive Dissonance, Mass Insanity & Covid Hysteria

Check the numbers. The disease is not ravaging us, is not unprecedented, but has killed 1/3rd the death toll of a typical year of the common flu. DOES ANYBODY FACT-CHECK ANYMORE?! 

If 300,000 to 700,000 deaths per year from the common annual flu, which is typical, and happens every year, is not considered a pandemic, then the covid-19 virus, which  has killed 170,000 world-wide, also does not merit the term pandemic – much less mass quarantine, mass house arrest, lockdown, and shut down of the economy and the society, sweeping government powers and suspension of fundamental constitutional rights and freedoms.

Are there any sane people left who can accomplish basic reasoning? Only a rare few it seems. Even the best of the best have temporarily lost their capacity for rational thought. My God, we are in great danger – for that reason above all. The people are being manipulated en mass by power mongers, and even the best are deceived by their propaganda. Terrifying.

See Trends Journal, The Herd Mentality, to set the facts straight. Virtually all the alternative media, and even the best analysts, have been suckered, duped, taken the kool aid, and been deceived. Chilling.

But, at least whispers of dissent, and questions about draconian, authoritarian measures, are finally being raised. They must grow far more powerful, and fast, or we are doomed to live in Orwell’s worst nightmare.


April 25, 2020

By the way, I have great respect for these two men. That makes their error in not questioning the core narrative even more alarming, and all the more disturbing.

Scheer Intelligence on COVID as a justification for mass surveillance:

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