Bernie Sanders: The backlash is on – surprise, surprise!

Bernie Sanders was effectively silenced and blacked out of the media, by and large, for a long time, until he became too popular and too prominent to ignore. Now, the only candidate who is not a Wall Street hireling, hack or shill, the only candidate who is willing to take on the central problem of our society, which is its take-over by big business, has become prominent and powerful enough that the business elite and their loyal prostitutes in politics and the media are gunning for him. And of course, many among the bleating herd – including many seemingly intelligent commentators, pundits and members of the public – will simply believe anything they are told, and will trot along in obeisance to the growing propaganda/disinformation campaign that is being mounted against the only true progressive – or democrat, for that matter – in the US presidential race. But, fortunately, too many people have retained or recently rediscovered the lost art of thinking for oneself. Bernie will not be easy to defeat. In fact, he just might win.

Go Bernie.

J. Todd Ring,
January 26, 2016

One Response to “Bernie Sanders: The backlash is on – surprise, surprise!”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    Exceptional consistency, courage, honesty and integrity – that is what Bernie Sanders represents. Watch this.

    Bernie Sanders: 30 years of speeches


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