Covid Update


Lockdown Turns Out To WORSEN Public Health Outcomes, Causing Deaths From Cancer & Other Diseases To Rise Dramatically

Collateral damage matters

This is important to understand: deaths from cancer, heart disease, suicide, addiction, poverty and malnutition are all skyrocketing, as a result of the *political decision* by elites to put the world under lockdown. UNICEF says 1.2 million children may die as a result.

The virus hysteria is just that: irrational, greatly exaggerated fear that is far out of proportion to reality, and it is based in political and economic motives of elite power and greed, not in science, evidence, reason, or common sense.

The draconian, medieval, authoritarian measures truly do create more harm than benefit to human health, are sowing immense suffering for the great majority of people, and primarily benefit the ruling corporate elite who have effectively taken over governments, the major media, and the global economy.

The Italian government study on covid-19 mortality showed conclusively that if you are not over 79 years old, WITH pre-existing major health problems, your chance of dying is nearly zero. Younger people dying from the virus are few, and virtually all have pre-existing major health issues.

The epidemic spread quickly in China and quickly subsided, as in Italy and most other areas, and also gave us a clear picture. Total deaths from coronavirus remained a fraction of a pecent of the Chinese population.

This does clearly corroborate the view that the virus danger was vastly exaggerated. No evidence exists, however, to indicate lckdown helped general health outcomes; in fact, the evidence shows it actually does the opposite.

Note that both the US government Department of Labour and the WHO are on record as having said masks do not work. The US Department of Labour further stated masks do reduce oxygen to the brain and body to below acceptable safe levels.

Note also that such conflicting statements, along with all dissenting thought and inconvenient facts, are actively being suppressed by governments, major media and Big Tech.

Also note that Facebook has set itself up as the world’s fact checker. The brazen hypocrisy and Machiavellian/Orwellian deceit is staggering. Given that Farcebook, like Google and Big Tech in general, is a sleazy corporation that is now proven to be engaged in selling influence to manipulate public opinion and sway elections – in favour of Trump in 2016, via Cambridge Analytica, for example; is proven to be censoring and suppressing information and dissenting voices in favour of a standardized global corporate empire narrative; and is enmeshed, eagerly, up to its eyeballs, in the new global surveillance and Orwellian police state: to anyone who would take Facebook seriously as a reliable source of information, fact checking, or truth, I say, Good luck – and give me a call if you ever decide to venture back to the real world.

Global deaths by the new coronavirus are proven inflated, due to conflating dying *with* coronavirus vs dying *from* it. Still, official global deaths are roughly 700,000. Meanwhile, yearly deaths from the common annual flu are 300,000-700,000.

Accurate overal mortality rates turn out to be closer to 0.1% – not the wild eyed estimates of 19% or higher. Deaths during the Black Plague were 30% of Europe. We are invoking a police state for a 0.1% mortality rate, and screaming in hysteria, “It’s unprecedented!”
(If you have zero knowledge of history, it is.)

“Stay home. Stay alive.” Says the darling news source of the left, which I used to admire. (DemocracyNow! will have to forthwith change their name to DemocracyNever!)

The average life expectancy in the US is 78. The median age of people dying from covid-19 is 84. Anyone with any slight functioning grey matter can figure out what that means. It means the hysteria, the lockdown, and the authoritarian measures are all utterly devoid of any basis in science, or sanity.

I do not agree with Austrian economics, but this speaker makes perfect sense in terms of analyzing the lockdown hysteria:

See Lockdown analysis on 21st Century Wire, Trends Journal, The Corbett Report, Global Research, Boiler Room, and GreenMedInfo, for further information.

August 9, 2020

For critical perspective, see my earlier 2020 essays:

Importing From China

Any Enemy Will Do


Sinking All Ships

27 Responses to “Covid Update”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    Must-watch short video below.

    Then watch James Corbett’s documentary, Medical Martial Law. See Trends Journal, GreenMedInfo and Global Research for more information.


  2. jtoddring Says:

    I am not anti-vaccine. I am anti-corruption, and anti-stupid. Pushing vaccines that are not tested remotely adequately for safety, is unethical and corrupt. Taking them is simply stupid.


  3. jtoddring Says:

    An old friend who is both a scientist and activist again challenged me on my view of covid-1984. He, like many, have shown a chilling willingness to believe irrational propaganda narratives in the past, with zero investigation or questioning, so I am not surprised. This was my latest response, not wanting to repeat myself ad nauseam.

    I disagree, and I think the evidence is very clear. There are very reliable evidence-based sources that confirm what I have been saying. You can look into them if you like. I’ll mention a couple again in case anyone is interested in checking the facts: Trends Journal, Global Research, the Corbett Report, Geopolitics & Empire, American Herald Tribune, Gary Null, and GreenMedInfo are all generally excellent – not infallible, of course, but far above either the major media or the “alternative media”.


  4. jtoddring Says:

    If felt compelled to add this note as an addendum to my friend. Maybe the logic will be clearer to others.

    The official numbers themselves show global deaths at roughly 700,000. Yearly deaths by common annual flu are 200,000-700,000. It is simple math. We did not go into hysteria or invoke a police state for the past 100,000 years. We don’t need to now. The denial is with regard to the obvious slow motion corporate fascist coup, that has been going on for 50 years, since the Powell Memorandum in 1970, and which has come to near completion in 2020.


  5. jtoddring Says:

    Recent conversations make me think: what does it mean when someone calls themselves a scientist? It means nothing, or very close to nothing.

    It might mean they have knowledge in their narrow field. It does not make them an expert on all subjects, of course.

    My friend would never claim that, but he does leverage the medieval scholasticism that shrouds science and “scientists” in quasi-religious mystique, I suspect, though he does it unconsciously.

    As if being a “scientist” means your views on every subject carry more weight. No, that is scientism: the worship of a priestly class who convey and control the official canon and official dogma.

    He is a geologist. His training in public health studies, epidemiology, political-economy, propaganda studies, social psychology and sociology are likely zero. Yet he is an authority on all things covid-related, because he studied….geology?

    Even if he studied epidemiology it would not make him an authority on PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY – which is a completely different matter than tracking viruses. But he is none of these things. He is a geologist who believes the official narrative on a subject which he clearly has not investigated with any seriousness, rigor or depth for himself.

    In short, he is an intelligent, educated, good-natured person who happens to be deeply misinformed and dangerously indoctrinated on this giant sociological-political issue.


  6. jtoddring Says:

    And the non-sense continues…. Man, I am so sick of this issue. But, that doesn’t make it go away. Here is my further reply to the conversation thread referred to above; this time to another friend, who felt the need to chime in, to prove the herd and the authorities are indeed correct – as they usually are, of course. (Pardon the sardonic tone, but it is deeply worrisome, and infuriating, to see even the thoughtful behave as sheep.)

    With respect to you both, my old friends: where do you get your figures? All sorts of ridiculous figures were tossed out over the past several months, then reduced and reduced, with Faucci at one point saying the mortality rate may turn out to be closer to 0.1%, roughly on par with the annual flu – which it did in fact turn out to be. Not 12-16%, but roughly the same as the annual flu, which we lived with, sadly, for thousands of years, without invoking medieval draconian, authoritarian measures.

    The crisis peaked and has subsided around the world, with the possible exception of the US; and around the world, it did not kill anywhere remotely close to 2% of the population, much less 12-16%, but was closer to 0.1%.

    And no, there is no scientific basis or evidence for mass house arrests, lock-downs, masks or “physical distancing” accomplishing anything but sowing fear, division, and unthinking obedience to authority – which of course, is the entire point and true objective of these and other coming measures.

    Please, as a start, check with GreenMedInfo and Gary Null – the only two remaining reliable sources I know of, for evidence-based information and analysis on health; not mass media hysteria and medieval dogmatism passing itself off as informed opinion.

    For serious investigative journalism and serious research, see Trends Journal, Global Research, Geopolitics and Empire, and American Herald Tribune – if I didn’t mention them before.

    Serious questioning and serious research are urgently needed now, and almost universally lacking.


  7. jtoddring Says:

    Last words before I leave this sordid topic for a while….and final words for now to my two dear friends:

    With all due respect, boys, Hemingway, Churchill, Orwell and Huxley would all roll in their graves if they heard the doublethink, newspeak, and sheer gibberish the intellectuals and activists are chanting now.


  8. jtoddring Says:

    Ok, one last point – since I cannot stand to see ignorance and lies deceive the people into accepting their own chains and slavery with gladness:

    The Spanish Flu, which you mentioned, proves my point perfectly. 50 million people died of a bad strain of flu in 1918. We did not go into lockdown or invoke police state measures. They do not help stop a pandemic, in any event, but only destroy freedom, democracy and constitutional rule. In 2020 less than one million died – tragic but under 1/50th the number – from a virus that is, at worst measure, only slightly more dangerous than the annual flu – and we lose our minds and invoke fascist measures.

    Brilliant. And public health suffers for it, while surges in deaths from suicide, chronic illness, addictions, domestic violence, cancer, and simple poverty and hunger, surge as a result of the lockdown measures and the isolation, and the economic devastation and health care disruptions they have caused. Doubly brilliant.

    But the oligarchy knows what it is doing, you can be assured. It is simply not concerned with public health. If it was, poverty and malnutrition would be ended in less than a year, as just one example.

    But the people believe in their elites being their saviours – because they want to, despite the evidence, despite the lessons of history, and despite their better judgement.

    Good luck with that. Let’s hope the lessons of history will be less brutal on us, as we repeat the mistakes of our past, just one last time.


  9. jtoddring Says:


  10. jtoddring Says:


  11. jtoddring Says:

    “According to the World Health Organization’s June 5, 2020, guidance on face mask use, there’s no direct evidence that universal masking of healthy people is an effective intervention against respiratory illnesses

    While masks do not prevent the spread of viral infections, the WHO still makes a case for universal mask-wearing, citing benefits such as reduced stigmatization of people caring for COVID-19 patients in nonclinical settings, making people feel like they’re doing something to help, serving as a reminder to be compliant with other measures”

    “Serving as a reminder to be compliant” – that is one of the benefits of masks, says the WHO.

    Get it?


  12. jtoddring Says:

    “The most dangerous thing in the world is sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    – Martin Luther King Jr.


    Watch this.


  13. jtoddring Says:

    Junk food + junk news = junk brains


  14. jtoddring Says:

    This is where we are heading fast. These are Soviet Union tactics!


  15. jtoddring Says:

    German lawyer arrested and forcibly sent to psychiatric ward for saying lockdown is unconstitutional! This is where we are fast headed: to a Soviet-style gulag society.

    Resist! At least speak out! Now!


  16. Twitter escalates censorship, trying to suppress spreading public discussion about CDC’s own statistics; but awakening continues to accelerate as CDC facts go viral.


  17. Important info on rna vaccines


  18. Left, right and centre are uniting to fight the new corporate fascism that is being rolled out now under the pretext of protecting public health. Question, reflect, stand up and speak out. World Rising Up Against the Lockdowns #NewWorldNextWeek


  19. Understand health and disease:

    Core health, healing, prevention and longevity elements

    Seven major factors: stress, nutrition, toxins, exercise, hydration, state of mind, chi. (Genetics are maybe 4-10% influence, but genetics are ruled by epigenetics, which are ruled by these seven factors.) JTR, September 16, 2020

    Overview and synopsis:

    Toxins, stress, animal products, refined sugar and flour, processed food, fast food, junk food and pesticides cause chronic systemic inflammatory conditions and oxidative stress which result in rapid aging and tissue damage. That brings pain, stiffness, and all of the degenerative diseases, including dementia, autism, arthritis, heart attack, stroke, and cancer. The best cure is an organic plant-based diet, high in vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, fibre and raw foods, combined with stress reduction, mind training, detoxification, fruit and vegetables juices, enzymes, antioxidants, natural anti-inflammatories such as turmeric, curcumin, CBD, Bromelain, papain and omega-3’s, sunshine, fresh air, exercise and proper sleep.

    Now you know. Don’t believe the hype. And definitely don’t take the word of the corporate-state media, the government, or the pharmaceutical industry. Do your own research. Think for yourself. Lies and illusions have become the norm.

    One of the core points to understand is that it is not germ theory: it is germ/host theory – and the strength of the host is 99% or more of the equation, not the strength of the germ. What does that mean? It means that vaccines, which by their nature represent scientifically proven severe health risks, are not the answer, but according to the actual scientific evidence, unquestionably and dramatically worsen overall public health. It means, the actual science shows that naturally strengthening the immune system, with nutrition, sunshine, stress reduction and healthy food, is the real answer.

    September 19, 2020


  20. More responses to uninformed and dogmatic friends:

    The core point to understand is that it is not germ theory: it is germ/host theory – and the strength of the host is 99% or more of the equation. What does that mean? It means that vaccines, which by their nature represent scientifically proven severe health risks, are not the answer, but according to the actual scientific evidence, unquestionably and dramatically worsen overall public health. It means, the actual science shows that naturally strengthening the immune system, with nutrition, sunshine, stress reduction and healthy food, is the real answer.

    To which, a friend rebutted, with commonplace dogmatism, illogic and unconscious evasion of the evidence. To which I replied:

    Clearly we disagree on what the actual scientific evidence says in terms of vaccines vs natural immunity, and which generates better overall public health outcomes. That is not surprising since the subject is in the midst of controversy and debate. But common opinion of what the facts are, even common opinion among the medical community, does not equate with or align with the most recent body of evidence. It took a long time for the Copernican Revolution to occur. For a long time there was fierce resistance to the evidence, and it was dogma which reigned supreme. I would argue it is exactly the same now. The scientific evidence is clear, but the dogma runs counter – and the dogma is traceable to vested profit motives by Big Pharma, which took over the medical colleges 100 years ago, and have demonstrably taken over the government regulators decades ago, in the 1980s.

    There are many important questions here. One is vaccine theory, as it pertains to germ/host theory, and to natural immunity, and what the actual evidence shows as to the record of safety and effectiveness of vaccines to date. (Note that the CDC has recently been shown to have committed fraud with regard to the figures, unsurprisingly, since it was taken over by pharmaceutical companies decades ago.) The mounting body of evidence makes it clear the safety is very much in question for vaccines to date (16 approved in the US). A much bigger question is whether any vaccine can be produced safely in just several months, as is being done for covid. The science is perfectly clear on that. It cannot. 20 years of clinical testing are required for minimal long term safety evaluations. In six months of testing it is impossible to know anything about the long term health and safety of this or any other drug, or even to understand the short term risks. Further, 100% of people tested with the new covid vaccine showed negative reactions, with 50% showing serious negative reactions. And that was short term – long term negative effects are generally much more prevalent. Thirdly, the biggest question is whether any crisis warrants suspension of civil liberties, constitutional rights and freedoms. The US Constitution states clearly that it does not. Historical experience urges that it cannot. We have removed the sop to Cerberus, and the dangers are vastly greater than any infectious illness could ever pose. Yet we are rushing to forcibly inject highly questionable drugs into adults and children en mass. Risky is not the word for such actions. Fascist, or insane, would be better descriptions.


  21. 160 doctors on video conference call speak out


  22. Extremely important short video below, from TLAV.

    Lawyer destroys rationalizations for authoritarian police state measures targetting children.

    WHO reports zero incidence globally of any child spreading or transmitting the virus.

    CDC reports risk of death for children is 0.0%.

    WHO reports: study shows it is very rare for any adult who is infected to spread the virus to others. Hence, masks, social distancing and lockdowns have absolutely zero credibility.


  23. jtoddring Says:

    One more response to the increasingly shrill and vitriolic lemmings – er…that is too harsh…indoctrinated cowards:

    Response to an otherwise thoughtful, intelligent friend:

    The horrors of people dying from any cause are always a tragedy. It’s never anything other, unless maybe the person is very old, has had a full life, and dies in peace. Otherwise, it is always tragic. But the facts remain the same. The global death toll from covid, if we are to rehash what should be common knowledge once again, is still in the range of the flu: 0.1-0.2% mortality rate globally, and .025% in Canada. The official numbers for global deaths from covid are roughly 1.5 million. This is huge, but it is in line with the annual flu. It is still dwarfed by the Spanish Flu, which killed 50 million people – and we did not lose our minds then, nor did we invoke fascist draconian measures in response to it. More people are killed in car accidents yearly than by covid, but we don’t ban cars, nor invest seriously in mass transit. Many more people die annually from pollution than from covid, but we have no seriousness about stopping pollution. The list goes on and on. Our parading of virtue and baseless claims of profound concern for health are simply delusional, or else deceitful. If we were really serious about health, we would end poverty and malnutrition – trillions are given to Wall Street when they ask for help, so yes, there is more than enough resources and money to end poverty world wide. Malnutrition and obesity kill many times more people than covid, but we don’t make war on poverty, we don’t make any serious efforts to end poverty, and we don’t ban, or even disincentivize through tax, the junk food industry. Our commitment to health is a total lie and a disgrace. So stop your high-minded prattling, and do some serious research. Look at the numbers from Sweden, for example: no lockdowns, and fewer deaths than Michigan, which had severe lockdowns. Your rhetoric is hollow, brother.


  24. A last word? Must this go on forever? The price of liberty and democracy is indeed eternal vigilance – and in dark times, that can get a bit grim. Here is another retort, albeit a bit harsh, in a moment of both clarity and deep frustration.

    Before the pseudo-intellectuals, lemmings and neo-Jacobite fascist shock troops weigh in, whom I have no interest in replying to, let me say this. I have given my arguments, with mountains of evidence and thousands of references, in 500+ articles and two published books, on WordPress and Amazon. I won’t repeat them ad nauseam. 70-80% of people have succumbed to moral and intellectual cowardice. I do not have any interest in talking to idiots, fascists, or cowards. For the millions of people who still have courage, integrity, and an ability to think for themselves, I would recommend they read, in particular, my two books, and my articles from 2020, and look up Trends Journal, Geopolitics & Empire, Vandana Shiva, and Canadian constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati. They will tell you all you need to know. Keep a long term perspective, as the Dalai Lama says. It ain’t over ’till it’s over.

    If reason and evidence don’t work on the majority, maybe art and film will. Read Huxley’s Brave New World, Orwell’s 1984 – we are now living out their warnings. And see two episodes of Star Trek, for a grim reminder of the very real dangers we face: Bread and Circuses, and Plato’s Stepchildren. Also worth watching: Kafka, Brazil, Eyes Wide Shut, The Matrix, 300, Thunderheart, Resident Evil, Total Recall, The End of Violence, V for Vendetta, Darkest Hour, The Shock Doctrine, The End of America, and The Corporation.


  25. jtoddring Says:


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