Sliding Into Irrelevance: Pro-Censorship Stance Obliterates Careers – and Minds

The once-great Naomi Klein. I had great respect for her until she burned her very considerable credibility to the ground, by publicly and viciously attacking Glenn Greenwald recently – after he quit The Intercept, for not agreeing to their new policy of enforced censorship, saying Glenn had “lost the thread”.

A) She took the utterly wrong position on the matter; and B) she was viscious, and publicly viscious, with her friend and ally and peer, who was in fact in the right. Therefore, (C) she, not Glenn Greenwald, has lost all credibility.

Every thinking person should be opposed to censorship, and in favour of freedom of speech. It is shocking that this needs to be explained to the general public. Censorship always leads to authoritarianism, and is the very hallmark of authoritarianism. Good intentions don’t matter. It always leads to authoritarianism. And authoritarianism, of course, means the slow or rapid death of democracy, freedom, human rights and constitutional rule, and the birth of elitism and tyranny.

Understand this. If we lose freedom of speech, we lose democracy and freedom. I don’t know how anyone fails to understand that.

So, yes, every thoughtful person should be anti-censorship and pro-free speech.

As Chomsky said, summing things up with his usual lucidity, “There are only two positions on freedom of speech. You’re either for it, or you’re against it. If you’re in favour of freedom of speech, you’re in favour of it for precisely the views you despise. Everyone’s in favour of freedom of speech for views they like. Stalin was in favour of freedom of speech for views he liked.”

The trend among liberals and among large segments of the left for the past few years has been towards censorship. I would call this the faux left, because the real left has always been anti-authoritarian, and if you’re anti-authoritarian, you’re certainly opposed to censorship and in favour of freedom of speech. That, or you’ve had a virtual lobotomy.

So, when Glenn Greenwald quit The Intercept, which he co-founded, and where he was its star investigative reporter, over his unwillingness to go along with the Big Money-controlled Intercept’s, new policy of censorship, it was a litmus test, and a big deal. From Glenn’s stance, and from the reactions of people to what happened, we can see very well who is a closet authoritarian, and who has a brain remaining, and understands the value and fundamental importance of freedom of speech.

The Intercept and Naomi Klein lost all credibility in that incident. I would no longer cite either of them, or refer to either of them, and certainly would not rely on them, since they have now proven they have a profound lack of sound judgment. I will continue to encourage people to read Naomi Klein’s most important book, The Shock Doctrine, but I would otherwise not reference her as a reliable source for anything, anymore.

It’s too bad. When a media outlet or a journalist loses their sound judgment, or their integrity, and in this case it is both, it is a tragedy, and a great loss. They will be missed.

J. Todd Ring,
Author of, Enlightened Democracy,
and, The People vs The Elite
February 25, 2021

Find my writing on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and WordPress,
and meet me on Patreon or Minds


What did the litmus test show? Did your favourite journalists or news sources defend freedom of speech, Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange, or attack one or more of them? From that you can tell where they stand.

If they were silent about Glenn Greenwald, maybe they just didn’t know about it. But if they were silent about Julian Assange, then they have zero credibility. If they attacked either Glenn Greenwald or Julian Assange, then you know their credibility is less than zero. And if they have adopted or supported censorship, then they are closet authoritarians, whether they realize it or not, and are leading us all into authoritarianism, whether they realize it or not – and their soundness of judgment, as a result, is zero.

Who got it right? A very partial and incomplete list, as a start, would be Aaron Mate, John Pilger and Jimmy Dore. There are many others, but the sad fact is, the pro-censorship zombies have taken over. We will have to push them back, or we will have a very dark age ahead.

Between the neo-Jacobins and neo-Maoists, the dim-witted many, and the truly fascist few at the top, we are in very grave danger – along with freedom, democracy, constitutional rule and human rights being under full-scale attack. Do not take this lightly.

5 Responses to “Sliding Into Irrelevance: Pro-Censorship Stance Obliterates Careers – and Minds”

  1. Here is the letter that I wrote introducing the short essay above, to senior editors of two important alternative media outlets, and an important activist organization. It gives some further background that I feel is important to understand.

    Hello to all,

    I just wrote an essay defending Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange, and freedom of speech, and wrote a scathing critique of Naomi Klein and The Intercept, in that context.

    I feel it was definitely not too harsh, but was simply a passionate and powerful defense of freedom of speech, and of the people who, like myself, Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange, are willing to stand up for it. That was simply necessary and unavoidable.

    I wrote the way Tommy Douglas (the greatest Canadian) spoke – with passion and fire – because that is what is needed, quite simply. Jesus did not drive the money changers from the temple with a limp piece of leaf lettuce, but with a whip. If you have compassion, then you stand up for people, you speak out for people, and you defend people – like the boxer and minister and popular leader that Tommy Douglas was. You don’t content yourself to say silently to yourself, “Well, I had the right opinion on the matter, and that is enough – even though I kept quiet, and kept it to myself.” No, you fight for people, you stand up for people, and you fight for freedom and for democracy.

    I sent the essay, which I wrote just now, and published on WordPress just now, via Twitter, to Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, John Pilger, Vandana Shiva, and many other prominent journalists, activists and other figures. Here ’tis.

    Sometimes, yes, you need to draw a line in the sand.

    Censorship is not ok, it’s not cool, and it’s not tolerable.

    – J. Todd Ring
    Author of,
    Enlightened Democracy,
    The People vs The Elite

    Find my writing on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and WordPress,
    and meet me on Patreon and Minds.

    PS: Share this everywhere, and save it to flash-drive, print it, hand it out – if you value freedom of speech, you will be hard-pressed to find a more passionate or powerful defense of it. And somebody please send it to Rocco and Randy.

    See also, my critically important essay, also on WordPress, called Flash-Drive Revolution.


  2. Anyone who not only supports censorship, but visciously attacks those who defend freedom of speech, has crossed the line. Whether that be due to corruption, or by a profound loss of judgment, that person’s credibility has, temporarily at least, until and unless they publicly recant, lost all remining trace of credibility. If anyone, and I mean anyone, not only supports censorship, which is positively the wrong thing to do, under any circumstances, and for any reason, but furthermore, attacks those who are defending freedom of speech, do not be surprised if the flame thrower and the broad sword are turned in your direction. Freedom of speech is fundamental. Those who fail to understand that, must be enlightened; but those who attack the defenders of free speech, should not be surprised if the defense of free speech becomes more than tepid, but in fact, fiery indeed.


  3. Fame does not impress me. Money, wealth and power do not impress me. Degrees do not impress me. Social status and prominence do not impress me. I’ve seen far too many idiots with fame, money, wealth, power, university degrees, and/or social prominence, to be impressed by any of that. Three things impress me, and three things alone: intelligence, compassion, and courage. If you have one or more of those, and especially if you have all three, then I am duly impressed. If you have a position of prominence, but you are lacking in basic clarity of mind, compassion, courage, or integrity, then I will call you on that, regardless of who you are. I will do it gently, whenever possible, and ferociously, whenever that is needed. I make no apologies for that, because that is what is called for, in order to be a decent, thoughtful human being.


  4. I am, for the record, perfectly comfortable with where and how I have positioned myself. I am passionately and steadfastly in favour of freedom, democracy, constitutional rule and human rights; liberty, equality and solidarity; and of course, as a result, I am passionately and steadfastly in favour of freedom of speech; and passionately, and steadfastly, opposed to any form of tyranny, elitism, censorship, or authoritarianism. To my last breath, I will defend these values, and advance them as much as I possibly can. That stance, I can and will, happily take to my grave.

    “I swear before God an eternal vigilance against form of tyranny over the mind of man.” – Thomas Jefferson (My brother, and my kin)

    Sensible people on the left, the right, and in the centre, sensible liberals, conservatives, democratic socialists, anarchists, communitarians and greens, need to know, and realize, that we have common ground, and we have a common enemy – and that enemy is fascism and authoritarianism, in all its forms. We need to unite the overwhelming majority who support freedom and democracy, and enlighten the misled many who have been duped into supporting the new authoritarianism, against their own interests and their own values, their own common sense; and above all, we must challenge, defeat, and remove from power, the truly fascist business elite, and their corrupt political servants in government. If we do not do this, and very, very soon; our lives, and our world, will be dark indeed. Unite the people, recognize that the enemy is authoritarianism, and we will see a new and better day, and a new and better world will be born. Fail in that, and we will have failed in everything.


  5. jtoddring Says:

    If you value democracy, freedom, freedom of speech and open discussion, then you must oppose censorship. If you support censorship, then you are eroding and undermining freedom and democracy, and you are helping to build the foundations for authoritarianism. It is as straight-forward as that. If you believe otherwise, you are simply lying to yourself.


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