Freedom of Speech vs Fascism

I’m sorry to say, but if free speech bothers you, get a soother. Fascism and Maoism are not acceptable here. If you don’t understand that, then you don’t understand the black liberation movement, which is based in the principle of freedom, as well as equality; you don’t understand liberation movements generally; and you don’t understand history – and so, are doomed to repeat it.

In a free society you will hear many different views, including views you despise. Get used to it. It’s called being an adult.

Racism, sexism, xenophobia, classism, elitism, fascism, Maoism and authoritarianism are vile attitudes and cultural traits. But the answer is more free speech, not less.

Authoritarianism is never the answer. We have tried that before, and we have seen where that goes, and what results it produces. We have seen it with Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, and the Inquisition. That path always leads to unspeakable horrors. We must understand this now, because we are repeating the nightmare, once again. It must be stopped.

You cannot change a person’s or a society’s attitudes by force or repression, by censorship or authoritarianism. That only pushes the darkness into hiding, where it will manifest in ever darker ways.

There is a cultural awakening that is happening now, and in unfolding, and accelerating, world-wide. That is our best, and only hope.

Cultural awakening takes time, but it is the only way. And it both requires freedom, and leads to freedom. It is that, or it is a gulag society. Take your pick.

J. Todd Ring,

October 25

One Response to “Freedom of Speech vs Fascism”

  1. Sadly, the last 7 months have been an exceptional exercise in enpowering millions of Nazi-wannabes, as we encourage everyone in society to demand the enforcement of Covid-related protocols. I’m NOT an anti-masker and I’m happy to do my thing to keep any disease to a minimum, but having someone yell at me because I’m going the wrong way in a grocery store aisle is just sad.


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