OPCW Scandal Reveals Deep Systemic Corruption of Western Elite, the Mainstream & Alternative Media, & the Centre, the Right & the Left

Here is a devastating critique of the mainstream, major media, the “alternative” or “progressive” media, the liberal “centrists” and the left.

See my essays on the media and the left, on my blog on WordPress, for further analysis.

Check your sources, read widely as well as deeply, and question everything – and everyone: especially your own assumptions.

Jimmy Dore justly excoriates the deeply corrupt and thoroughly corporatist bipartisan political elite, the mainstream and alternative media, the liberals and the left. Aaron Mate does his usual, excellent serious investigative journalism, which is now very rare. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the centre and the left have become cowards, and collaborators, it is true.

Listen with an open mind, and look to the actual logic and evidence, as you should with everything, no matter the source.

More confirmation that OPCW was corrupted; lies lauched the war on Syria, exactly as with Afghanistan and Iraq; the major media and most of the alternative media are totally unreliable; and Wikipedia is pure, Orwellian garbage.

J. Todd Ring,

October 14, 2020

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