The Failure of the Intelligentsia

Intellectuals: what a sad joke. I am very much opposed to the commonplace anti-intellectualism of our society. It is dangerous, it is foolish, and it is self-blinding. However, I am not impressed by that loosely defined social strata, current or milieux known commonly as intellectuals. They presume too much and fail too routinely for any naive over-estimation of their craft, their knowledge and understanding, or their talents. Moreover, the intellectuals are as often caught up in the self-deceptions, illusions and lies of our society as are the rest of the people, and maybe more so. Worse, when the intellectuals fall into lockstep with the official narrative of the day, which is nearly always some form of illusion or outright deceit, they fervently believe they must be right – because they are intellectuals! Sound circular enough yet? Think for yourself. Question everything.

Here is just one recent example, from this year.

The Green New Deal was a good idea when I first outlined it in my 2014 book, and it’s still a good idea now. However, in case anyone has been living under a rock for the last six months, or has foolishly believed the deceitful major media, and thus lost all remaining sense: there has been a global corporate authoritarian coup in 2020 – and that issue takes precedence over everything. 

But thanks are due to the “left”, the “intellectuals”, academia and the “alternative media” for getting it wrong, again, and utterly failing to understand yet another monumental and politically tectonic, massively pivotal issue. 


If our “game” doesn’t improve soon, it’s a gulag society ahead – with systemic injustice, extreme inequality, violence, war and ecological holocaust, of course, brought to you by your new corporate masters. 


August 15, 2020

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