The end of Bernie, the beginning of the Revolution

I was and am a supporter or Bernie Sanders, like Ron Paul before him, because he truly represents the interests of constitutional democracy, and the rule of the people, by the people, for the people, versus the Wall Street/Davos/Brussels/City of London oligarchy and their minions in the military industrial security complex. But it appears he is now politically dead – by political suicide, it would seem. That doesn’t mean the revolution is over. It means it has just begun.

Matt Taibbi wrote, on February 8, right after Iowa:

“Coinciding with the flatulent end of the party’s impeachment gambit, and the related news that Donald Trump is enjoying climbing approval ratings, the blue party was exposed as an incompetent lobby for doomed elites, dumb crooks with nothing left to offer but their exit.”

So it seemed. But the bipartisan corporate fascist coup and entrenchment of the oligarchy could have been predicted – and was by a few people, myself included.

It’s amazing how long ago it seems that a populist democrat was on the verge of defeating the establishment elite – a mere three months and another world away. It’s also amazing to see how swiftly fascism can be established (even to fanfare!). The corporate oligarchy was not ready to let go of power. (Closet authoritarians and oligarchs always have a plan B. We should too.)

But remember this: it ain’t over ’till it’s over.


April 30, 2020

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