The Central Issue: Oligarchy vs Democracy

The central issue, now as always, is not about wealth, or distribution of wealth. It’s not about bread and butter issues. It’s not about taxes or spending, budgets or allocations, or who gets what and how much. It’s about power. The oligarchs know that. The elite know that very well. The other 99.9% of the people had better learn it fast, or we will be discussing budgets and social programs from inside a gulag. This is what the contemporary left, in 2020, fails utterly to realize. If we don’t correct that blindness very soon, I can assure you, we will regret it profoundly, and immeasurably.

That is to say, the central question is whether we will have real democracy, or whether we will live under an oligarchy and elite rule. The consequences of that choice are becoming clear – and they are quite stark.

You know what side I am on. Now comes the time for all to choose. And yes, that does mean now. Further delay in deciding, or acting, will cause regret so deep there are no words to describe it.

We must choose now. We must get clear, and now.

The barbarians are not at the gates. The barbarians are in power. We must remove them from power now.


April 4, 2020

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