Political Philosophy & The Future Of Humanity – In A Nutshell

I will be brief. Fuller elaborations I have already made elsewhere. Here is the gist.

Excellent talk, this is, in the video linked below, but incorrect here: “Nobody in the West is presenting an alternative.” I did. See my books, Enlightened Democracy, and, The People vs The Elite.

Also, China’s model is not “basically correct”! It’s totalitarian! It is economically a better model, but politically indefensible! We must move beyond foolish dichotomies of thinking we can have either neoliberalism or totalitarian “socialism”, Chinese-style.

A democratic socialism with a mixed economy and fierce protection of human rights, constitutional democracy and freedom is infinitely preferable to either model, as should be self-evident to all.

Or we can reframe it, calling it a New Deal, an anti-authoritarian, pro-freedom Green New Deal, of the people, by the people, for the people – a republican-democratic vision that comes from the grassroots, and empowers, liberates and uplifts the people, while healing our troubled world. Red Scare thinking is still widespread, though it is based in propaganda and paranoia, therefore, the reframing of terms may be helpful. Either description is appropriate, however.


How can fascism be viewed as intolerable, which it is, while China’s CCP totalitarianism is perfectly fine?! Intelligent, brilliant people, with giant, extremely dangerous blindspots… that is just sad.

I love these two, brilliant people, which is why it is so painful to see their complete blindspot regarding China’s totalitarianism. Just because China is the biggest power in the Majority World does not mean it must be the sole alternative model! China may be an ally, but it is definitely not a model society to be followed!

A little imagination, please. We have limitless options; and not only two.

Excellent discussion, that video presented, but dangerously naive. We can and must do better – and envision something more.

See also:

The Shock Doctrine

Necessary Illusions

Year 501

Oneness vs The 1%

And my own writing:

Enlightened Democracy

The People vs The Elite

Sinking All Ships

Importing From China

The Failure Of Propaganda & The Resort To Fascism

The Worst Of Both Worlds

The Collapse Of The West


Slavery Or Rebirth (Coming soon)

J. Todd Ring,

Villa Samadhi,


January 5, 2023

8 Responses to “Political Philosophy & The Future Of Humanity – In A Nutshell”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    Join the American Army
    Visit exotic places
    Meet exotic people
    And kill them.


  2. jtoddring Says:

    Imagine the soldiers coming home to build affordable tiny green homes, planting trees and creating community gardens. But that requires a revolution.


  3. jtoddring Says:

    Set all prejudgements aside and watch this:

    Unite the people now!


  4. jtoddring Says:

    I think the accelerating move into corporate-fascism and neo-Maoist political correctness have scared most people into a timid and fearful silence. But that will pass eventually. In the meantime, it’s a cultural wasteland of virtual zombies and timid sheep. That’s why i find thoughtful conversations, podcasts, articles, books, films and discourses so refreshing and vitally important. Thankfully, the awakening continues.


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