What Is The Populist Right?

Neoliberals, “progressives”, and the neo-Maoist faux-Left – of which, neoliberals and so-called progressives form the core part – rabidly slander, dehumanize and demonize the populist right. But what, in reality, in truth, is the populist right, what are their core shared values as a political movement, who are they, and how can they be honestly described?

These are good questions, and important ones. However, since Tucker Carlson knows that movement far better than I do, I will let him answer these questions, which he does, and quite lucidly, in his interview with Glenn Greenwald, which I have linked below.

Note that I am firmly aligned with the libertarian-left, in terms of my political views, but I consider to be close kin, trusted allies and friends, anyone who is authentically in support of freedom, and opposed to tyranny of any kind – be they anarchists, liberals, conservatives, denocratic socialists, greens, or populists of the left or the right.

If you are opposed to fascism, communism, technocracy, authoritarianism, neo-feudalism, or tyranny in any form, then I consider you my ally. And of course, I am mature enough, and sensible enough, to realize that no two people can agree on everything – and nor do we have to.

The great majority of the people world-wide can, I believe, agree on what is most important, and most fundamental, such as the core values of freedom and peace – and that is more than enough to unite in common cause, and to defeat a common enemy. The enemy is the system which is devouring the people and the Earth – and our freedom, human rights, dignity, and very humanity, along with them.

Who is the enemy? It is the system which now rules over most nations of the world, a system which is increasingly neo-feudal in nature, as well as genocidal and planet-destroying. What is most important – what can unite us in common cause? I would say it is the fierce assertion of the fundamental value of human life and human dignity, and of freedom – and the refusal to become serfs, slaves, or Borg. That is enough to unite the people. Know your enemy. And unite the people now.

Note also, that politics makes strange bed fellows. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as the old saying goes. Tucker Carlson, from the grassroots, moderate, populist Right, is now having conversations with, and is friends, and maybe even, one could say, allies, with people such as Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand, from the grassroots populist Left. Not long ago, such a thing would have been unthinkable. Now it is simply necessary – and it is happening. A truly evil system, an evil empire, has begun to unite the people in their resistance to it, even though it has done its best to divide, and thereby conquer, us.

Neoliberal corporatist globalism is a failed, radically unjust, rabidly anti-democratic, anti-human, anti-ecological, economically and ecologically unsustainable, and non-viable, Earth-devouring, nation-devouring, and people-devouring, predatory cannabalistic system, which benefits a very few at the top, the ruling 1%, at the great and ever-increasing cost of the people and the Earth. Not surprisingly, this imperial system, this latest of empires, is now facing a profound and growing, global crisis of legitimacy, and many diverse voices and movemenrs, from both the grassroots populist left, and right, are standing up and speaking out against it. And what’s more, the people are beginning to unite, across lines of race, gender, nationality, culture, religion and class, and across the left and right. These are extremely good signs.

The extreme right is fascist. The extreme left is communist. Both extremes need to be rejected. The faux left, which now represents most “liberals”, “progressives” and “social democrats”, has lost its mind, and now supports a rapidly deepening authoritarianism. (See my recent essay, When Liberals & The Left Lose Their Minds.) And the neoliberals and neocons are happy with any merger of business elites and the state, so long as they are part of the ruling class, or at least its priviedged courtiers, the managerial class, no matter what outward form the authoritarianism, or totalitarianism, may take. But 80% of the people, world-wide, do not prefer or support totalitarianism, of any stripe, but are viscerally, and intelligently, repulsed by it. Within that perspective, the old left-right divide has less and less relevance. What is central, what is fundamental, is the vertical axis: do you support totalitarianism, or do you not? If not, then you are among the great majority – and we need to unite now, or else die slowly, and as slaves.

Remember, as Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’till it’s over.” And as the populist Left has often said, “The people, united, will never be defeated.” And the people are uniting now. Thank God. (And I do mean that literally.)

It is never too late to live an honest, virtuous, and meaningful life – which of course, requires we make a stand. Moreover, it us not to late to win. In fact, the tide has already turned. The empire is collapsing. And the people are rising – and will win.

Let us continue to unite the people now. That is what is, in all likelihood, most critical of all. Our differences can be worked out later. What must come first, is to unite the people, to defeat our common enemy – which is not the Left or Right, but the empire, and its ruling elite. And we must do it now.

– J. Todd Ring,

Villa Samadhi,


December 16, 2023

Post-Script: See my books, Enlightened Democracy, The People vs The Elite, The Collapse of the West, and Slavery Or Rebirth, for a vision and strategy to accomplish precisely this, and to build a better world for all.

3 Responses to “What Is The Populist Right?”

  1. Britain is collapsing. And populism is blowback resulting from disastrous government policies.


  2. Related:

    They call it “journalism”.

    Absolutely required reading:

    Read Chomsky’s Necessary Illusions and Manufacturing Consent.


  3. Useful excuses for leaving boring, stressful Zoom conference calls, plus, more on contemporary “journalism”, weed-laced wedding cake, the demolition of Europe and Japan, and why neo-cons are sociopaths


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