Powder Keg USA – Part II

Most of the world is in crisis, in a number of ways. The US in particular is in bad shape, and set to either explode in civil war, or implode by economic collapse – and most likely it will be the latter followed by the former, though anything is possible now.
Here is a snapshot of why the US is in trouble, and is now functionally a failed state – and empire, corporate globalization and class warfare are the three deeply intertwined causes.

The following is by Vladimir Stanescu, someone I am not familiar with, but the picture painted here is pretty accurate.
(6 days ago)

“Safe to say the Terrorist States of America have invaded Iraq and they are definitely going to do more.

Militarily engaged currently in 76 countries.

Military bases in 44 countries.

Surrounding Iran with 41 military bases.

Counter-terrorism currently in 56 countries.

Currently bombing in 7 countries.

Having combat troops on the ground in 15 countries.

Deployed special ops troops in 149 countries.

Currently sanctioning 6 countries, hurting civilians.

Prosecuting truth-telling whistleblowers and journalists.

Unprovoked threatening of Iran.

Unprovoked trade war with China.

Diplomatic war with Russia.

Assisting a war in Yemen genocide for profit.

Supporting 73% of the world’s dictatorships.

Trying to depose Venezuelan and Syrian govts for oil.

$23 trillion pentagon fraud stays uninvestigated.

Torture is now legal in America.

Indefinite imprisonment without charges for anyone labeled a terrorist.

Destroyed Viet Nam and killed millions on lies.

Destroyed Iraq and killed millions on lies.

More Afghan civilians killed by U.S.-led forces than by the Taliban, after 17 years.

Illegally shot down Iranian airliner in 1988 and then lied about it.

Attempted overthrowing 57 countries since 1953.

36 attempted overthrows were successful.

Every President since 1953 has committed war crimes.Two of them were never-prosecuted serial rapists.

Millions of civilians died from our foreign policy since 1953.

Exposing government corruption is now a felony in America.

Excessive lead levels in 2,000 American towns and cities.

“Climate hoax” destruction by flash floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires.

Abandoned cities: St. Louis, Camden, Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, . .

40,000 Americans die each year by inadequate healthcare.

530,000 Americans declare bankruptcy each year from medical expenses.

Millions now with felony records for non-violent drug use.

Imprisons more people proportionally than did Stalin and Mao.

Dumping millions of tons of our plastic trash into 11 other nations.

One out of five American children lives in poverty.

Obama & Trump separated immigrant children from parents into concentration camps.

US now ranked 128th by UN as most peaceful country, Saudi Arabia is 129th.

US ranked #1 by UN as most dangerous threat to world peace.

US targets Muslims, a group who commits less than 1% of all terrorist acts.

Average American lifespan now declining for the first time ever.”

That was a pretty revealing snapshot, but we could add more, of course:

Hyper-inflated stock market bubble, completely disconnected from real economy, is set to burst.

Middle class already virtually destroyed, resulting in explosive tensions.

Public enraged at trillions of dollars given to business elite while people sink.

Both major parties, along with major media, business elite and political elite, all facing profound crisis of legitimacy.

$1trillion a year in military and war budgets, with economy teetering on implosion and social unrest nearing explosion, is utterly unsustainable.

An empire in decline, but desperate to maintain its global hegemony, Washington is now a wounded super-predator, and extremely dangerous and unpredictable as a result.

In 2008 I wrote an essay titled Powder Keg USA, saying the US is an empire in steep decline, facing a high risk of civil war. People scoffed and laughed. Now, the majority of people take these statements as obvious facts. The writing is on the wall, and the situation is not good.

February 12, 2021

3 Responses to “Powder Keg USA – Part II”

  1. In related events….

    China and Russia form stronger bonds of Eurasian economic partnership, while seeking a multi-polar world, in the wake of US geostrategic and economic decline:

    For more on geopolitics, go to Geopolitics & Empire – they have very diverse guests, so you get diverse perspectives, and overall, the podcast is simply excellent, and always interesting. It has become one of my top sources. See also, Global Research.ca, and Trends Journal.

    And I would not dismiss a Eurasian, Russia-China economic alliance just yet – it is already strong and well-established, and will only grow stronger in the near term. Projecting beyond 10 years in this extremely volatile world gets highly questionable, but anything is possible. Russia coming begging at the US doorstep to be let back in like a shamed dog, is not very likely, in any scenario. That tells me that this geopolitical analyst at Caspian Report may have a lot of interesting things to say, but is highly unreliable, to say the least.


  2. jtoddring Says:

    After watching the Caspian Report on the geopolitics of Canada – and I am Canadian, and have lived in Canada for most of my 54 years – I would definitively say that the Caspian Report has zero reliability: not low, but zero. The view presented of Canada sounded like it came from a high school text book of dubious quality, from 1969, made in the USA. It was so far off present realities it was shocking.

    As I always say, question everything. Think for yourself. Remember that almost everything you read, hear or watch has errors, and most commonly, giant errors. General reliability of information in books, journals, the internet, social media, the news media and other media, including “alternative”, “progressive”, “left”, and “independent” media, schools of supposedly higher or lower level, pundits, “experts”, business, government and NGOs, is generally low to abysmal. Question everything.


  3. jtoddring Says:

    Note that the US is not only facing economic collapse and geopolitical decline, but is also divided internally, along multiple lines: left vs right, Democrats hating Republicans, and Republcans hating Democrats, the rich hating the poor and the underclass, which is now 90% of the population, and everyone hating the super-rich. Considering this, and especially considering the main fault line, which is the 99% vs the ruling elite, now, after the third wave of race riots in the country in 2020 – the first being 1968, and the second in 1991 – over 70% of Americans are now expecting civil war, and over 50% are preparring for it. Gun sales went through the roof in 2020, to such a degree that in many places gun vendors were sold out. It is truly a powder keg. Peace and reconciliation are vital now, but that won’t be possible without justice, without addressing the very real problems of race, gender, and above all, class. At the very least, sensible Americans need to make a firm and public commitment to non-violence, or it will simply be a bloodbath, where nobody wins, and everyone loses, and loses profoundly.


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