What Is Fascism?

Disturbingly, many people don’t know what fascism is. Many more think they know, but do not. Here is a brief definition. It is critical that we understand this, and right now.

Mussolini said fascism should properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of business and the state. Roosevelt defined fascism as the business take-over of the state. Either way you describe it, it amounts to the same thing; and that is exactly what we have now.

Why should we care?

Many people are apathetic, and most are in deep denial. It must be spelled out, why we should care that freedom is destroyed and fascism instituted. I will not do that here, in this brief essay, but I will say this.

We must not confuse outer trappings and distinctive types of fascism for fascism per se. Mussolini’s Italy and Nazi Germany are two examples of fascism, both hideous of course. But fascism requires no flags or uniforms or mass rallies. In fact, under medical martial law, rallies are now banned. The present day fascism in 2020 presents a democratic, cosmopolitan, multicultural, even humanitarian facade. But its heart is darkness.

All that is required for fascism is the merger of the business elite and the state, and the power hunger of the few. We have that now complete.

All that is required for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing. Tragically, we have that, too.



June 19, 2020

4 Responses to “What Is Fascism?”

  1. ToddFabulous CB

    Sent from Rogers Yahoo Mail for iPhone


  2. jtoddring Says:

    Ralph Nader on corporate fascism:

    “Every single agency and department in Washington is overwhelmingly controlled by corporations.

    They have 10,000 Political Action Committees. They put their high executives in high government positions. They have 35,000 full-time lobbyists. Just imagine that–even the Labor Department is not controlled by trade unions–it’s controlled by corporations.

    It isn’t just the government under the CONTROL of corporations–the government IS the Corporation now! The corporation IS the government!

    That’s the kind of thing that Franklin Roosevelt called “fascism.” In 1938 he said to Congress, “When government is controlled by private economic power, that is fascism”.”


  3. jtoddring Says:

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of the government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power.”


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