Moral bankruptcy in a time of “plague”


20,000 children die a day of hunger, and nobody notices, nobody makes a peep: outcry is basically zero. But a new strain of the flu (statistically less dangerous than the typical annual flu) scares people into thinking THEY themselves are in danger, and everyone loses their mind. Clearly, we are a morally bankrupt society.

We’ve had an international social, political, and economic order based on mass looting, conquest, rape and pillage for thousands of years – and nobody raises an eyebrow. But a germ comes along that might affect the privileged, affluent regions of the world, and everyone goes insane. 

Again, we are a morally bankrupt society, without question. All pretence of caring for the sick, and ending unnecessary suffering and death, is a joke and a deceit. If we were serious about such things we would end war and poverty. Clearly, we are not serious in the slightest.

6.5% of global GDP, according to the IMF, or five trillion dollars a year, goes to subsidizing the fossil fuel industry. Another two trillion, at least, goes to war, militarism, and the growing global police state. If we were serious about human health and well-being, we would end this mass subsidy to slaughter, planetary destruction, plunder and the police state, and end poverty and war. Clearly we are not serious.

As Chomsky has said, This is a business-run society, whose cardinal value is deceit. That is the problem. Anyone who cares about human health or well-being must first start by dealing with reality.

You who scream your venomous, hate-filled attacks on anyone who questions the new global police state, and in effect beg for your chains: your moral arguments are hollow. You surely, secretly know this, in your heart of hearts; which is why the venom and the screams are so extreme, and extremely insane.


May 8, 2020

One Response to “Moral bankruptcy in a time of “plague””

  1. jtoddring Says:

    Note also:

    As was documented, Taiwan, Sweden and other states have proven that lockdown, or mass house arrest, doesn’t work. Not only is it medieval, and fascist, but it simply doesn’t work to slow the spread of a virus. Non-lockdown states are doing better, in terms of deaths from the virus, without resorting to medieval draconian measures.

    In fact, lockdown and mass quarantine and house arrest is causing such increased stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, mental illness, economic devastation, unemployment, bankruptcy and poverty, that sickness and death will undoubtedly increase manyfold, due to the draconian response itself.

    “Social distancing” does not work to prevent the spread of a virus. 27 feet would be required, not six. Hence, it is a farce, and a fraud.

    “Social distancing” does serve, however, to divide and conquer the people. That is the sole purpose. Medically it does more harm than good, because it causes greater alienation and economic devastation, both of which cause ill health, sickness and death.

    Masks also don’t work, as even the WHO admitted recently. They do, however, reduce oxygen to the body and brain, which lowers immune response, increases susceptibility to infectious diseases, and vastly more importantly, to degenerative diseases, while causing cognitive decline and imparied mental functioning.

    That partially explains the mass insanity, at least. Of course, the elite-controlled corporate and state media are manufacturing propaganda, hysteria, hostility, division, hatred and fear, like never before.

    That might have something to do with it as well. Perhaps.


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