Covid & the Left: An open letter

It matters not what group it was this letter was addressed to. What matters is the content. Please read:

(Note that WordPress randomly gets buggy on me and will not let me make paragraph spacing properly: hence the strange use of stars. * And WordPress strangely made my signature invisible as well. Sorry I am all thumbs with tech or I would fix it, somehow.)


With much respect, and solidarity, I urge you to check your facts.
You wrote, “On Friday, May 1, an ongoing General Strike campaign begins. This campaign could become the most powerful movement in the United States and reset the national agenda. It comes when the failures of the US political system have been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which triggered an economic collapse in a presidential election year.”
This is the beginning of a bold plan, which could be transformative – yet it is also based in delusion, due to lack of fact checking, and the succumbing to an elite-crafted propaganda narrative.
I am not going to argue my case again here. I have argued it many times already. Please see the articles on my blog: J. Todd Ring on WordPress. If that is not sufficient, please check the facts at Trends Journal.
If you base a major strategy, a key strategy, on a radically misinformed view, you will likely be discredited later for being revealed to have been terribly and dangerously  naive.
Worse yet, by supporting the standard narrative that covid-19 CAUSED an economic collapse and an  authoritarian lockdown, which is an obviously irrational and foolish view, since a virus cannot quarantine anyone, much less entire nations, then you are lending support to what is in truth a simple fascist power grab, a fascist coup, by a bipartisan neoliberal and neoconservative global power elite.
How this is not clear to the left is almost inconceivable to me. You need to rethink and do some basic fact-checking, immediately.
Under 200,000 people have died from covid-19, versus 300,000 to 700,000 ANNUAL deaths from the common flu. How is it that these numbers justify extreme authoritarian measures? Can you not see the obvious big lie in this? The covid-19 virus is not even an epidemic if the annual flu is not considered an epidemic with 2-3 times higher yearly death toll. Are these things not obvious?
Read my blog, see Trends Journal, and please, think again.

J. Todd Ring



The Herd Mentality – Trends Journal

Piers Robinson


My essays, including: Any Enemy Will Do

One Response to “Covid & the Left: An open letter”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    I have been warning people of the move towards corporate fascism for thirty years. It has been an obvious trend for 20 years, since 9/11 and the Patriot Act, when the war on democracy became obvious to anyone not steeped in wilful ignorance and denial. Yet after all this warning, even the best minds can’t see it when it slams them in the face? My good Lord, we are in great danger, if even the best are bamboozled, baffled and bewildered. Utterly terrifying. Sheep, wake the fuck up. Now.


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