Coronavirus & Common Sense

“We were once distressed by crimes: now, by laws”, wrote Tacitus.

How relevant is that today? Extremely so; but the sheep are trained not to think; and see, therefore, only what they are told to see – which, they obediently do.

Orwell would shudder in horror.

Still no one can think, question, or do basic math? Two million “confirmed” cases globally now of coronavirus, it is reported. No testing is required to verfiy this. Suspicion is proof, as in the dark ages.

But even if we took the figures as accurate, which is highly doubtful, they should not be alarming if the slightest thought or investigation is done.

Stanford professors of epdemiology assert that coronavirus mortality has been exaggerated by several orders of magnitude. It has been claimed to be as high as 19% or more. Professors in the field state it is more likely in the range of 0.01-0.1%. That puts it on the level of the annual common flu. That explains why it is dangerous only to the very old and the very ill.

Voluntary self-quarantine by the very old and very ill may be reasonable. Mass quarantine of the healthy is not only utterly unjustified, it is also a socio-economic and public health disaster, as well as a prelude to fascism.

(Homer Simpson would say, “Doh!” here. We should, too.)

Any death is tragic, but to accept the standard narrative, sown by the six corporations who control 80% of the major media globally, along with the governments and WHO, both of which have also been taken over by the corporate oligarchy, is to succumb to irrationality and hysteria.

This is not the Bubonic Plague – but we are reacting to it as if it is even worse. “Unprecedented!” Yes, what is unprecedented, or at least not seen since the dark ages, is the level of mass insanity, hysteria, fear and delusion.

But, despite all that, let’s imagine two million cases is not exaggerated, though that is doubtful, since, without testing, which has not been required to “confirm” cases, infections or deaths by the flu can easily be mistaken for coronavirus, and under conditions of manufactured panic and hysteria, most certainly routinely are.

Let’s imagine a 20% mortality rate, which is also certainly exaggerated, likely by a factor of 100 to 1,000, as Stanford professors assert.

Simple math: 20% of two million is 400,000. Add the previous total deaths globally of just over 100,000, and you have a total of just above 500,000. Annual death toll from the flu is 200,000-700,000. So that would put coronavirus on par with a typical year for the flu.

That explains why the mortality rate for Europe did not rise this year, but has been lower so far, compared to the three previous years: because the coronavirus shows no signs yet of being any more dangerous than the common flu.

Remember, these numbers are based on what are almost certainly exaggerated figures in terms of “confirmed cases” of infections and deaths by coronavirus, as well as mortality rates, which are likely exaggerated 100-1,000 fold.

Meanwhile, no one questions whether the WHO is credible, or perhaps corruptible? It is unthinkable.

No one checks the facts to find out that yes, indeed, the WHO, like most Western governments, has been captured by Big Pharma, along with the 2,000 or so corporate oligarchs of Davos, who now effectively rule the world.

The WHO is uncorruptible? It could never lie? We assume it is trustworthy, even when the figures don’t add up?

We assume governments never lie? They never take advantage of a crisis to advance vested interests? Does anyone remember the Gulf of Tonkin? Three million people were killed in South-East Asia, based on a lie.

Has anyone heard of Operation Northwoods? Event 201? The Rockefeller Foundation’s “Lock Step” plan?

I am not saying the virus is a bioweapon or that it is fake. I am saying that governments and elites have planned and carried out dark actions many times in the past. To assume governments are acting now solely out of deep concern for public health, does not fit the facts of the record of their actions over the past years and decades. To assume they cannot lie, and could never exploit a crisis for certain vested interests, would be even more remarkably naive.

Naiveté now would be foolish in the extreme.

The present crisis is a four-fold boon to the Western and Eastern oligarchs, and they are exloiting it for all it’s worth.

1. Distract the people from vastly bigger issues – such as, most centrally, the corruption and criminality of the oligarchs and the resulting growing popular discontent; along with war, empire, inequality, erosion of democracy, environmental emergency, poverty…. (The list is long.)

2. Divide and conquer: sow fear, division, “social distancing” and mass house arrest; and reap greater and more consolidated power.

3. Economic warfare: the Davos oligarchs vs the 99.9%. Simple rape and pillage – intensified 1,000-fold above routine levels.

4. Consolidate the power of the ruling oligarchs, both in the West and in China, by creating hysteria in order to justify a police state.

Anyone who still, 10 weeks into the “new Pearl Harbor type event”, remains unquestioningly accepting of the standard narrative, and the fascist regime it legitimizes and rationalizes, really should step back, and take a long, hard look at the facts, before crying out more for their chains to be securely fastened, and their legs, and minds, shackled in place – for our own good, of course.


April 17, 2020

One Response to “Coronavirus & Common Sense”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    ‪Remember, 25,000 people die a day of hunger globally, and even more from obesity and poor diets. We have lost all perspective. We should be ending poverty and taxing junk food, not invoking police state measures for a virus that is still less deadly than the annual common flu.‬


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