Biowarfare, Power Games, Fear & Hype

Interesting how synchronicity works, as Jung referred to it. The other night I watched a Star Trek episode, and it was about a bio-engineered virus designed to kill specific genome types.
Now evidence mounts that a) the coronavirus was an engineered bioweapon, and b) it seems to have been designed for targeting ethnically Chinese, Iranian and Italians. Biowarfare against China and Iran is insane, but easily understood. Why Italy? Perhaps to punish Italy for being the first European nation to sign a BRI trade deal with China.
What should concern us far more than viruses, are power games of oligarchs. They are far more dangerous than any virus, old or new.
As Public Enemy said, “Don’t believe the hype.”
Do, however, re-read Huxley and Orwell – now.
March 13, 2020

3 Responses to “Biowarfare, Power Games, Fear & Hype”

  1. jtoddring Says:

    I want to clarify here what should have been clear already, but maybe to some people was not. I was clearly speculating here – which I generally avoid doing – about possible explanations. I was not saying that intentional use of biowarfare is what happened, but only that there is some circumstantial evidence, and it is one possibility. Another possibility is the accidental leak of a weaponized virus strain from the known bioweapons lab in Wuhan. This is highly probably, but unproven. (See biowarfare expert Francis Boyle.) The third explanation is a naturally occurring virus, which was turned into a crisis, for use by power-hungry governments both East and West. The last explanation is certain. One of the first two may also be involved – we don’t know yet. I am suggesting we keep our eyes open, and question everything.


  2. jtoddring Says:

    Use anything and anyone to gain and maintain power. That is the Machiavellian philosophy which rules the minds of the power elite, both East and West. Public health, principles, morals, freedom, democracy, other high ideals, have nothing to do with it.

    We are not preschoolers. Let us not take the attitude of preschoolers.

    Most people, the great majority, as Chomsky has said, “have basically decent impulses”. The power elite, however, have gained, and maintain their power, generally speaking, and with few exceptions, by abandoning all morals, and becoming, by and large, sociopaths. We must resist them, and dethrone them. Democracy is vastly preferable to fascism, to be sure; but fascism is what we will have if the people do not question more, and take their democracy back. And the hour is late.


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