Reflections On Stillness & Action

We need stillness and action – both, and urgently so. This should be becoming perfectly clear.

I’ve travelled through 20 countries, but still I find stillness the greatest adventure, and most rewarding, enriching journey of all. Going to the mountain top is exceedingly worthwhile, but going deep within is what makes it worthwhile. Reading thousands of books and travelling the world has been extraordinarily enriching and illuminating; but simply being still, and simply being, with gratitude, simplicity, wakefulness and attention, opens doors that cannot even be found, in any other way. As a dear friend said, “Be still, and seek the light.” I heartily agree! Action is required in order to heal our world, and urgently so. But stillness is required if our actions are to be sufficiently thoughtful or clear-minded to be a positive success.

 – J. Todd Ring,

 Author of Enlightened Democracy: Visions For A New Millennium, and The People Vs The Elite

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