Cancer Treatments and Cures – Natural and Conventional: An Overview


Here’s a thorny, delicate, controversial subject – but then again, when have I ever been known to shy away from such things? Peoples’ lives and well-being are at stake. We cannot afford to be tepid, mousey or weak-minded.

According to a study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, chemotherapy was found to be *partially* effective in less than 3% of cases. So why is it still used? A combination of ignorance and greed are the only explanations.

Chemotherapy is toxic, destroys the immune system, and is largely ineffective in treating cancer. It is used out of ignorance, on the part of doctors, and out of sociopathic greed on the part of pharmaceutical companies.

Surgery, the other standard treatment for cancer, is also fraught with risks and negative side effects – such as colostomy bags or loss of breasts – and rarely removes all of the cancer: which is why chemotherapy is always used in conjunction with surgery.

So conventional medicine takes two drastic, and dangerous methods to confront cancer, neither of which are very effective, and says that that is the best we can do. Well, it is not.

Herbal medicine, including the well-proven Essiac formula, along with dietary changes – principally, eliminating meat, dairy, processed foods and sugar – in conjunction with beta glucans (found naturally in shitake mushrooms), has been shown repeatedly to have a much higher success rate in treating cancer, and far more safely.

Read, and do your own research before you bow down to the gods in white coats, and the pig-headed, out-moded, and profit-driven medical establishment.

Generally speaking, integrative medicine is the way of the future, but in some certain areas, and at some times, the best recourse is either conventional or natural treatments on their own. If you break your leg skiing, you should go to a hospital and get the conventional treatment. If you have a car accident, and have had physical trauma, lesions, broken bones, etc, then you should go to the hospital for conventional treatment (and take arnica and healthy foods to speed healing, I would recommend.) If you have cancer, the case may not be so clear cut. The evidence is abundantly clear to me, but each person should have the freedom to decide for him or herself what course of health care they will take. All I urge, is that you research before you decide, and think for yourself. It’s your body and your health – it’s your choice. Just don’t be bullied into anything you don’t feel comfortable with – it’s your life.

January 21, 2016


Standard disclaimer:

Think for yourself. Do your own research. Oh yes, and consult a health professional (of your own careful choosing) before taking any conventional or natural medicine or course of treatment. This article is not meant to replace the advice of your health care professional, naturally.

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