Leader vs Influencers: A Case Study Of Elon Musk

Top influencers does not equate to real leaders. Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Mao were top influencers, and they were all deranged. As for content of contribution, Musk’s boaring project misses the point, as do electric cars: we need decentralization and the slashing of shipping distances as an ecologically urgent top priority – which makes Musk out to lunch ecologically. Neural implant fetish indicates he has no understanding either of consciousness, nor of history: the pathologies entailed in creating new vast powers which are manipulated by self-serving elites, resulting in fascism and totalitarianism, being the case in point – makes him dangerously naive, childish, foolish in the extreme, and a perhaps unwitting pawn of truly sociopathic plutocrats, and utterly ignorant of political-economy and history, both. I like to have heroes too. But I’d trust people like Gandhi, MLK and Thoreau, infinitely more than Elon Musk – and they are still very much alive and powerful, so long as we remember them.

Moreover, Musk’s quip on Twitter, “We’ll coup whoever we want to coup”, shows he is either a closet fascist, or so deeply politically ignorant, that he cannot be trusted for any semblance of good leadership. He is a skilled entrepreneur, yes, but wildly out of his depth.

JTR, August 20, 2021

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