The Orangutan vs The Army Of The Dead

(Written before the 2020 US election, this short piece still sums up the situation in American politics very well.)

Trump is no fairy tale prince, and nor am I a supporter of the big orange buffoon; but we need to be honest about things: he’s up against the army of the undead. He may well win. Even if he loses, the people will lose, because they’ll have Biden, or his surrogate.

Chomsky is right: it matters for urgent environmental reasons that Trump and the Republicans are defeated; but it is also true that the US is a one party system: there is one party, which is the party of the business elite, and it has two wings: the Democrats and the Republicans. The 99% are not represented by either one. We either come to terms with that reality, and address it honestly, or we’re just not dealing with the real world.

The Republicans are simply loyal to a different faction of the ruling business elite. They are neither the problem nor the solution.

Biden is simply the latest figurehead for a party run by Wall Street, the military industrial security complex and the CIA. Anyone who thinks that that army of ghouls represents positive change, is living in a dream world.

Now that the only potentially serious challengers to the establishment have been eliminated – and by that I mean Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard – what is left is a contest that represents two figureheads from corporate America, fighting over which faction of the plutocratic business elite will rule.

Some election. That’s called a banana republic – or a failed state.

Get ready for a revolution. It is both needed, and coming fast. And let us pray it succeeds in defeating both factions of sociopaths, and soon.

J. Todd Ring,
October 9, 2020

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