Reflections On 2020: Bye, Bye Bernie

Bernie could have beaten both Biden and Trump. But Bernie wasn’t up to it. That leaves one choice: revolution.

Bernie failed the people in the end, in 2020. Some predicted that to be inevitable. I had held out a slim hope – knowing fully that no one person can bring about the needed changes single-handedly, and that the revolution is and must be much bigger than Bernie or any other individual. But Bernie failed us. He was drawn in by the deeply corrupted Democratic party, and that was his downfall. In any event, revolution remains the top priority – Gandhian, non-violent, and utterly galvanized and resolved. Still I say, it ain’t over ’till it’s over. Never surrender. Take the lessons, and move on.

Note that Bernie Sanders could have been another FDR figure, or Tommy Douglas, if you are Canadian – bringing in a more democratic as well as a more just society. He chose not to do so. That was his tragic mistake. The DNC cannot be blamed, or the mass media, or the billionaire class, corrupt as the three groups are. This was Bernie shooting himself in the foot. There is no one and nothing he can blame but bis own cowardice. We live on, however, and we learn. We will see a better future. Bernie has sadly written himself out of the picture, but that is by now utterly irrelevant, as is he.

November 11, 2020

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