Team Biden: Democrats Represent A Continuation Of Neoliberal Corporate-Fascist Elite Rule

What, in reality, would Team Biden and a Democratic White House represent? Let’s cut through the noise and fog and illusions, and deal with reality here, for a change.

Team Biden would mean, above all, a continuation of the clearly authoritarian, deeply Orwellian drive of both major US political parties, along with the broader world, to embrace the Chinese model of technocratic, totalitarian elite rule. Yes, it is that stark, and that dystopian – and yes, the people and the media pundits are in that much denial.

The Davos billionaire elite, who now effectively rule over Washington and the world, have eagerly embraced the Chinese technocratic, totalitarian model. They have been pushing an agenda for 52 years, since the Pentagon Papers were written in 1968, to roll back democracy, to contain and eliminate the outbreak of democracy, and to advance a slow motion global corporate coup. And they have succeeded, for now.

The great majority of the people have accepted the destruction of constitutional rule, democracy, civil liberties and freedom – out of fear of a virus, which in reality, could never amount to anywhere nearly as great a danger as that presented by the authoritarianism which has been instituted to fight it.

After writing this article, I should note, the announcement broke that the WHO had reversed its stance and declared its opposition to the lockdowns. The evidence from Sweden shows the lockdowns do not work to stop a pandemic, even if you believe the vastly inflated official figures. The lockdowns simply destroy lives, through economic ruin as well as isolation, and instill fear and obedience, in a clear divide and conquer strategy which is being used to deploy and institute what can only be called a new regime of global corporate fascism.

(For honest and intelligent information and commentary on the coronavirus crisis, see Canadian constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati, one of the few reliable or even sane sources on the subject.)

Is there really any other question to ask in the 2020 political theatre of the US presidential reality show? There is one over-riding question at this time, and it is this. Can one ever support fascism? I think the clear answer should be a resounding, No.

Fascism can never be supported – not even when wrapped in a flag, or wrapped in a centre-left Democratic party package, or wrapped up as the lesser evil, or presented as the necessary answer to a great danger or a great emergency.

Under no circumstances can fascism be supported – whether it be liberal, left, centre or right in its outward trappings, packaging and veneer.

But, to go further, let us look at what else Team Biden would bring, along with a continuation of the corporate fascist regime that is being paraded now as the “new normal” which must be embraced.

Team Biden would continue the lockdown/shutdown of the economy, which in reality, is a very conscious act of class warfare and economic warfare waged by the 0.01% on the 99.99%. The continuing economic warfare will destroy millions more lives and cause exponentially mounting suffering and death, despite its pretense of being driven by necessity, as an emergency measure to protect the people.

Remember what Hitler said: the big lie is easier to get away with than the small lie. It worked in the lead up to the Iraq War, and it is working again now.

The virus is real, though even the CDC figures now admit it was 96% exaggerated. But the lockdowns do, in fact, cause vastly more harm than good. And they were never intended to protect public health. They are an act of economic warfare conducted by the Davos international billionaire elite against the 99.99%. More importantly, they represent a very simple power grab, by the same global corporate elite, which should be obvious and self-evident to all.

The authoritarian measures that were implemented during what is better called covid-1984 were never about protecting human health. If the elite cared a trace about public health, they would support and fully fund universal public health care, push Big Pharma out of Washington, Ottawa, London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, and out of the FDA, the CDC and the WHO, ban pesticides, get tough on toxic pollution, and eliminate poverty – all of which would cost a sliver of the current government subsidies and direct funding going to the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial security complex, the new police state, the war machine, and the trillions of dollars in on-going welfare being doled out for the corporations and the super-rich.

Covid-1984 is about class warfare, economic warfare, and a global corporate fascist coup. It has nothing to do with protecting human health – no matter what the bewildered and unquestioning health care workers and bureaucrats may foolishly believe.

But of course, the economic warfare has to be made acceptable to the peasant majority. That is where the “stimulus” money, or hush money, comes in.

Team Biden would bring through more “economic stimulus” – meaning, trillions of dollars of money printing dumped into the economy to massively dope and drug and pacify the people into submission to the new normal of corporate authoritarianism and the new global neofeudal Orwellian fascist regime. The temporary result would be complacence and obedience and submissiveness among the people. The near term result will be economic collapse, which of course will further devastate the 99%, while further enriching and empowering the 1%, to the level of god-kings – which is exactly the game plan.

The immediately following result, after the fast-approaching economic collapse, resulting from the deliberate economic warfare, would be social chaos, social collapse, and civil war. But that works for the elite, too – that justifies a “law and order” campaign, which masks and justifies the unleashing of the hounds of the new fascist architecture – which, of course, is not meant to create peace, or “order”, or safety or security for the 99%, but only security for the 1% and their wealth and power, and more importantly, to crush dissent and destroy all that remains of democracy and constitutional republics world-wide.

What would Team Biden do? What would a Democratic White House do? The same thing a Democratic Congress and White House have done before:

1. support the on-going class war and economic warfare that is being waged by the 0.1% against the vast majority world-wide;

2. support the elite’s war on democracy and constitutional rule, and their bid to secure and consolidate their power by any and every means necessary, including a resort to fascism; and,

3. support the corporate elite in their looting, pillaging, razing and devouring of the poor, the middle class and the Earth, until our civilization (sic) collapses, and we have to rebuild again from scratch, amidst the toxic wasteland, the dust, and the ruin.

That is what the Biden Team, the Wall Street-controlled Democratic party, or the Republican party, would do. Can we honestly say that such sociopathic, life-destroying, anti-democratic, corporate fascist madness is in any way supportable, under any banner, or under any circumstances? I would say the honest answer, the sane answer, must be, No, it cannot.

Revolution now.

MLK showed the way. Now, what are we waiting for?

J. Todd Ring,
October 11, 2020

4 Responses to “Team Biden: Democrats Represent A Continuation Of Neoliberal Corporate-Fascist Elite Rule”

  1. There are two good reasons to vote Biden 2020, as Chomsky explains: lessening the risk of nuclear war, and lessening the risk of ecological armageddon.

    Defeat Trump, yes. Then, November 4, lauch the Gandhian democratic revolution.


  2. jtoddring Says:

    Re: covid:

    China responded with its habit, which is authoritarianism. We followed China. Bad idea, as time will tell, and soon.


  3. jtoddring Says:

    Sad to say, but Chomsky is no longer reliable. He was, until January 2020, and his work prior to this year is still a must-read. But his take on the coronavirus leaves the door wide open to the neoliberal corporate authoritarianism which he spent a lifetime decrying.

    Read Year 501, Class Warfare, and above all, Necessary Illusions. These are essential reading for every thinking person. But go elsewhere for analysis in 2020.

    Even the greats are not infallible.


  4. jtoddring Says:

    Vote Biden To Save The World?!

    Anyone But Trump? Fair enough….Then again….

    The Democrats are funding hyper-accelerated global deforestation through wood-to-energy (read, devouring entire forests of live trees) biomass power projects which are being masqueraded as clean, renewable energy – projects which climate scientists say are worse than coal.

    And who is more a danger of starting WWIII: the Republicans who are raising tensions with China, or the Democrats who are raising tensions with Russia?

    Guess what, both are run by the billionaire club; both are genocidal, militaristic, imperialist, corporate fascist and ecocidal; both are elite-serving sociopaths; and both are driving us toward either nuclear or ecological armaggedon.

    I say it’s time for non-violent revolution, and something much better, freer, more democratic, and more sane.


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