On Rescuing Our Language and Communication Skills From the Dustbin of History – And Our Standards of Basic Courtesy and Civility Along With Them

Texting, instant messaging, online chat, the mainstream media, and the general direction of our modern society and “culture”, are destroying the people’s capacity to communicate, to think, to feel, and hence also, to act rationally….This must be addressed. Here is one response, to one part of that picture.
If you are sending many, frequent emails with reference links, maybe you can skip the formalities and courtesies, and just send the link – maybe. But, unless you are sending a lot of such emails, I would urge that you should always include BASIC COURTESY, RESPECT AND WARMTH. That means a warm greeting, with the name of the person you are writing to; a warm goodbye, with your name – and some proper English, with full sentences, in between.
Just a reminder…. 
Our standards, in some ways, are disintegrating before our eyes. Someone, or some of us, have to speak up for them. There are bigger issues by far than these, but language and simple warmth matter a great deal.
August 17, 2020

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