Americans Now Primed for WWIII

(Gallup: Staggering 99 Percent of Americans See Iran’s Nuclear Program as ‘Threat’
Americans See Civilian Program as a Bigger Threat Than North Korea’s Actual Nukes
by Jason Ditz, February 20, 2013)

            “A grim new poll from Gallup shows an overwhelming majority of Americans, indeed 99 percent of them, believe that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a threat “to the vital interests of the United States.”

            The poll reflects the near complete saturation of American opinion with politicians’ claims of the “threat” posed by Iran’s civilian program, in spite of repeated reports conceding that Iran isn’t presently developing nuclear weapons and that it may indeed never choose to do so.

            This disconnect from reality is underscored when compared with other questions in the same poll, with only 97 percent viewing North Korea’s actual nuclear weapons a threat, despite North Korea itself spending a large amount of time trying to convince people that it is a threat.

            This was the first time Gallup specifically asked about either nation’s nuclear program, and previously had only asked about their respective militaries. Past polls have showed Americans believing Iran to be their “greatest enemy,” though its military was not perceived as an enormous threat in and of itself.

            The poll will likely be a complicating matter for the P5+1 talks with Iran later this month, as Iran is hoping to negotiate a solution which will end international military threats against it, but the popular sentiment seems to be clearly averse to Iran keeping its civilian program.”

This is extremely dangerous. War with Iran would mean WWIII – as the world’s leading trend analyst, Gerald Celente has made clear – since China and Russia have an economic and military alliance with Iran, and both are, of course, nuclear super-powers. Russia and China have been conducting joint military defense operations with Iran for some time now. China in particular is dependent upon Iran’s oil, and is highly protective of Iran. Both Chinese and Russian top officials, including the Russian president, have said that they would not tolerate an invasion or attack on Iran: and all options are on the table – just as Obama has said – including nuclear weapons.

Following a massive build up of US naval forces in the region, Russia has now executed its largest naval deployment in decades, and has centred it in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, within striking distance of most US bases and US naval ships in the Middle East. All of this is extremely foreboding – and insanely reckless and Strangelovian on the part of the aggressors who are threatening war: the Washington and Wall Street elites, and their crony allies.

See Gerald Celente, Noam Chomsky, Max Keiser, Global Research and Michel Chossudovsky for more on the issue. Only global warming and Fukushima-type nuclear disasters present as great a danger as nuclear war – although nuclear war would be slightly quicker in making the earth uninhabitable for humans – and war with Iran presents the highest risk of starting a global nuclear holocaust. Preventing war with Iran is therefore the highest priority of any issue at present, along with the fight to halt global warming, and efforts to rapidly shift away from nuclear power. Nothing compares in magnitude to these three giant threats to human safety and survival.

War with Iran must be prevented at all costs. They have no nuclear weapons program, as intelligence sources confirm, but like the lies about weapons of mass destruction that led the American people to support war on Iraq, lies may work again. And the propaganda machine is gearing up – and more disturbingly, it is winning.

As Chomsky has said, if we want nuclear non-proliferation in the region, we should make it a nuclear weapons free zone, as most nations in the region want. The problem is, the nation in the region with nuclear weapons – Israel – doesn’t want a nuclear weapons-free zone, and neither does its close ally and dominant benefactor, the United States. Attempts to create a nuclear weapons-free zone in the region have been blocked repeatedly by Washington and Israel. This is the problem. Washington has no interest in nuclear non-proliferation. If it did, it would commence disarmament itself, and also stop blocking the establishment of nuclear weapons-free zones.

Washington wants global hegemony, as it has proven for a very long time, over and over again. Now, the Washington political elite, and the financial elite and military-industrial-security complex, which together control Washington, are risking global thermo-nuclear war, for the sake of dollar hegemony, further astronomical profits, and the propping up of the Western corporate empire. This is beyond mad.

The risk is as extreme as it gets. War with Iran risks the entire northern hemisphere of the globe becoming uninhabitable for the next 100,000 years. And war could erupt literally any day now. The forces are all in place, and the war drums are beating.

Speak up now, or prepare to move to somewhere a lot closer to the South Pole.

February 21, 2013

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