BBC speechless as trader tells truth: “Collapse is coming… and Goldman Sachs rules the world”

Move your money now – put it into gold, silver, and if you can, more importantly, a piece of land that can feed your family, tools for self-reliance such as solar and wind energy, seeds and garden tools, a trailer, teepee, yurt or cottage, in case you have to fall back on these.  Equally, or more important: build relationships of solidarity and mutual aid with neighbours, friends, family and community members so you can help one another through any possible hard times ahead.

Forget the U.S. dollar, by the way. It may hold up and even rally after the Euro falls, but the U.S. dollar is definitely going to collapse, for a number of major reasons, and when it does, it will take down the world’s economy, as it is the reserve currency of the world, held by all of the central banks. U.S. Treasury bonds will be worthless when the U.S. Treasury officially becomes insolvent, which it will. The only safe currencies now – or investments or savings – are gold and silver. But even gold and silver cannot feed you if the economic system truly collapses, which it almost certainly will. Real assets, hard assets, like garden space, seeds, tools, home-based renewable energy, knowledge, practical skills, and above all human solidarity, are the safest places to put your confidence and protect your future.

Don’t say you weren’t warned. Take it as you like. Remember, I warned people of a fast-approaching economic meltdown in 2007, one year before it happened, when virtually everyone was saying things are just rosy. I will not enjoy being right again. I would rather be wrong, but I don’t think that will be the case, and in any event, prudence is best.

Living hand to mouth, in debt, beyond our means, and with no real safety net, as most people are now living, is unwise to say the least, and also, in most cases, unnecessary. Do what you can, while you can. As the Italian saying goes, putting your head in the sand will not make the headache go away.

We will get through this hard time, but as ever, those who are prepared and have their eyes wide open, are likely to fare better. They will also be in a better position, due to their willingness to face both the pleasant and unpleasant truths directly, to be of help to their families, friends, communities and others. Better to follow the boy scout motto, I think: always be prepared. Or said another way, hope for the best; prepare for the worst.

Be well. This too shall pass.

November 3, 2011

BBC speechless as trader tells truth: “Collapse is coming… and Goldman Sachs rules the world”

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